Why is Blizz still ignoring the Area-52 login problem?

I just got off a chat with Blizzard Support, because 3 days into the expac and log-in queues are still 2 hours.

  1. They refuse to consider offering free Realm Transfers off A52 and other high-population servers
  2. They’re allegedly “very aware” of the issues with A52 and are “considering solutions,” though they haven’t chosen a solution in 3 days
  3. What options are there other than expand capacity, offer realm transfers, or wait on enough players to quit or pay transfer?
  4. Saying it’s just because it’s a “high-population realm on the week of launch” is a complete cop-out when almost every other server has players talking about how they’re already leveling a second character to 60.
  5. Blues in Customer Support forums keep locking posts about the issue, and referring players to General Discussion forums, because they don’t have to monitor those…

The one thing the “Support” agent actually had the power to do was authorize a refund for my $79.99 SLA expansion, so buh-bye for a while, Blizz. Another paying customer of 14 years out the door.


Dang, people STILL can’t log in?


You’re on a mega server. Illidan and stormrage and probably black rock have the same issues. Roll an alt and level it on a lower populated realm. You got yourself into this mess. Be patient.


No, I pre-ordered when they first offered it, well before any beta issues. Also, you play WoW Classic. /shakeshead


A52 is the biggest server in the game. It’s not exactly surprising.


None of those are having the issue A52 is and Stormrage is actually a larger server. There is a reason you are only seeing A52 threads and not mass threads from other servers. I have been on A52 since 2007 when it was brought online and have NEVER seen ques this large, not even for BFA. This is insane! 2+ hour login and if you gec Dced it starts over.


Stormrage is bigger than A52. Illidan is only 2k players less.

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Maybe more people from area 52 came back to play the expansion? Something like population fluctuates. Also its not like you literally cannot play. Just switch servers and play an alt. Or make a new toon.

“hey dear, i’ll be home in 2 hours, can you queue me up wow, thanks”


When MoP dropped, I had horde on A52. It was a nightmare then. 1-2 hours waiting to log in, log in and crash. Back in queue. Took me 5 hours to get my heirlooms, valuables, and gold to the one alt that was jumping ship outta there with a paid transfer.

A day later, they announced free transfers off the server :frowning:


And now, in Customer Support:
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Why would anyone want to waste time on a character that has no bearing on the main realm? I have 19 toons on A52, doing something on another realm does nothing for me what so ever. IF you are someone that actively does that its one thing but when all your time is vested on 1 server playing on a different realm until you can play the mains that you pay to play makes no sense.

Imagine if you were told you couldn’t look at your new baby at the hospital but instead they told you to go look at someone else child instead and that at some point you could see your own.


I am on A52 also, when I rolled there it was medium pop server. All my chars and friends are there. I paid to play Shadowlands, not roll another alt to level through old content on a diff server while I wait to be able to play my main.


Girl I thought this thread was just going to be some nonsense but then I actually tried getting on my alt on Area 52 and OMG why is the QUEUE SO LONG?!!?!?!?

ION??? Pick up the phone

Hello??? This is not right!!!


What I dont get is… Proudmoore has ZERO queue. I am playing on my Alliance druid right now. It is listed as a Full server just as A52. So what gives???

Clearly this is an issue Blizzard has with A52 on their end.



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So basically they’re trying to figure out if they need more hamsters per wheel or more wheels in general.



Not all servers have the same population. WrA is full for instance but not mega server full the way area 52 is.

Dumb. My chars have been there since bc. We didn’t get ourselves into anything.