Why is BfA so hated?

Eh. There’s always going to be someone who likes one expansion and hates another, I’ve never really subscribed to this whole ‘it’s hated because it’s current!’ idea.

Blizzard’s insistence on reinventing the wheel every expansion means there’s always going to be things from past expansions people miss, even if they didn’t like them in their entirety. For all its faults, BFA’s added a lot of things I’d be sad to see gone - particularly War Mode.

If Blizzard took an idea and developed it, instead of chucking the baby out with the bathwater every couple of years, you’d see a lot less of this.

that’s interesting, this is the least BY FAR that i’ve ever played any wow expansion

I’m having difficulty understanding why anyone is preferring BfA’s grindy RNG design

FYI you’re in a really really small minority as the vast majority of BfA buyers quit long ago and it had a bigger dropoff than WoD before even running out of content

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Agree with this. People always whining how blizz should should just stick to the formula of last xpacs that they liked is basically asking the game to be stagnant. Like any product, WoW has to keep improving and reinventing stuff to adapt to the evolving tastes of gamers. Not all will be successful of course but at least they are trying to evolve it to keep up with the times.

This paladin entered BFA with Aszuna quest gears on him. Really didn’t notice any 116 wall etc.

The only spike in difficulty I experienced is in lvl 120 if we do not have benthic gears ready and have to go thru nazjatar initially without it.

Because it’s basically a worse version of Legion, an expansion a lot of people liked. Legion was not without it’s problems, mind you, but people are able to look past them in hindsight. IMO, the hatred comes from people expecting better after Legion, and when Blizz didn’t deliver, it caused a lot of frustration. That said (and I’m saying this as someone who feels this expansion has been a let down), I believe that if BFA had been the follow-up to WoD, it would be regarded today as an okay expansion.

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Questionable changes and direction.

GCD change was a mistake.


Please… please no. We barely speak to them Alliance side. They have no associated reputation. I don’t care for them.

And Drustvar was just a mob dense land of alt murder and pure filler only tangentially, at best, related to anything we’re doing this expansion.

It’s the essences in particular that make it alt unfriendly. Getting gear and getting to max level is the easy part. Getting your character to perform is the more challenging part. I can get r1 essences and tackle a low level m+ no problem, but if you want to go over 10 or you want to raid above normal you have to invest in the characters beyond that point.

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I started in vanilla and quit halfway through mop and came back probably halfway into 8.1. I’ve found it enjoyable for the most part but I don’t raid mythics or do M+ over 10. I enjoy the essences and AP systems but am seeing more and more where some aren’t because they don’t want to do some of the more grindy content with alts. Doesn’t sway me from liking it any less though, however I can see that some of my characters will be forever gimped and I’m ok with that but understand that some aren’t. I’m still greatly looking forward to 8.3 and even moreso shadowlands and I haven’t looked forward to an expansion in a looooong time.

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It’s ok fam, in 5 years these boards will praise BFA in some way.

Every Expansion was always the “Worst expansion”.

I came back to WoW at the start of BfA, and have been playing rather steadily through all of it. Here’s a compilation of the best/worst parts for me personally.


  • This expansion is more Horde focused, which is natural considering last expansion was more Alliance focused, and that’s how storytelling in WoW tends to be. I don’t like this as I’d like both sides to be fleshed out, but it’s a video game whatcha gonna do?
  • The story that The Horde DOES get is us getting shoved into the one dimensional bad guy role and have our favorite champions get turned into basic one dimensional bores (I’ll give them each their own bullet because this really ticked me off)
  • Sylvanas might as well have a curly moustache and an evil laugh because she hasn’t done one thing even remotely good this whole expansion, that’s not who she was, but it’s who she is now I guess
  • Vol’jin apparently can’t brush his teeth without the loa’s approval, yet doesn’t know how to distinguish loa from nebulous dark beings
  • Baine wants all peace all the time, even when the alliance literally raided our city just the day before, and killed the king
  • Pathfinder was excruciating, but it always is
  • Overwhelming odds
  • Overwhelming odds
  • Overwhelming odds ( I can’t stress just how awful it was to play for a full month after that quest came out)
  • A turtle made it to the water
  • You have to rep grind every faction with every alt for that alt to be viable.
  • Azerite reforging costs a fortune, so you basically need a Helm/Chest/Shoulder set for every spec you want
  • Jaina Proudmoore is depicted as strong enough to take on most of the Horde, and then struggles with trash mobs the next day. Whatever her power level is, she was the final raid boss and didn’t die, which really sucked because that was supposed to be our revenge for Rastakhan. Instead we got… that one gnome?
  • Crucible of Storms has no purpose other than to clutter my quest log


  • I loved the Uldir raid, progression raiding through that was easily my favorite part of BfA so far.
  • I kind of like the flexibility of essences, although the grind to get them is super painful
  • War mode XP buff is really nice for levelling
  • I actually kinda liked Saurfang’s arc, and I think ‘Old Soldier’ is Blizzard’s best cinematic ever.
  • Zappy boi
  • Zul’dazar looks really, really cool. No denying it. Giant dino’s? Check. Aztec influenced architecture? Check. Gold? Check and Check.
  • Heritage armor looks pretty cool
  • Talanji is a certified Badass
  • Krag’wa is magnificent, never before have I wanted to pay 333,333 gold three times as much as I did for the frog mounts
  • Bwonsamdi is so much fun, even when he’s heckling you for dying
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my most hated feature of bfa has to be azurite armor .

blizzard promise this new thing would out perform the tier in term of flexibility and possibility of playstyle,WRONG

most class has been playing with the same trait stack x3 since the very begining of bfa.at least tier had the merit to be different each raid making a change in the meta of each class .

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Because it’s bad.

The biggest problem with BFA (especially in the beginning) was that the systems fought with one another and actively combated the player character. It worked against you in a manner that felt completely counter intuitive.

In BFA now, that issue is less apparent, but now the problem has become certain aspects of content just being left to die. A good example is arena, which has gone over a year without a single update to “let the meta develop organically” (that’s a load, mind you) and now no one barely arenas because the blatantly busted things are not being taken care of, and the people under performing are receiving no help.


most hated since WoD.

I consider him the WoW killer and we will soon see a zombification in the next expansions due to his bubble burst.

the intense farmed of the Azerite, hollow plot, a circus and a festival of hollow contents that would be good for a complete expansion, a cowardly war campaign that did not give an epic end to a bloody war due to the stupid controversies caused by the War of the Thorns, few dungeons, and the next patches will be very little contained to what was seen in previous WotLK and Legion patches.

in short, it was so bad that I decided to think about Blizz because they removed these contents from the classic or even the WotLK.


Facts, ever since WoD - BFA it’s been like that and worsen.

To some degree yes, but not in this toxic manner. This is more of a oppressive chore than something comfortable. Even MoP grind was healthy.


Besides a poor storyline, all they have done in BFA is remove stuff


Another distinct difference between MoP and BfA is the terrain, MoP was the last expansion we had of pleasant terrain, ever since WoD it’s been awful and clearly designed to pad the played time numbers.


I’ve never quite agreed with the whole ‘time played metric’ thing, but the zone design the past couple expansions might be the closest thing to getting me on that boat.

It just feels like I’m being stopped every few seconds - paths are convoluted, and unless you’ve been there before, not at all obvious how to simply get from point A to point B.

I’d be fine with secretive pathways hiding secrets, toys and hidden treasures, but when I’m just trying to get to a damned WQ, boy does it grate on me fast. I’ve never wanted to fly more than when I started questing in Nazjatar.


MoP visuals was totally eye candy even though the talent tree concept wasn’t my favorite.

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"No gear motivating a player to raid"Good imho raids should have never been the center in the first place from the day WoW started thank god thats over now feels good man!

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