Why is BfA so hated?

Returning player. Been back around two months now. I am having difficulty understanding why BfA is so hated? This is probably the most I’ve played WoW since MoP.



Not enough Ooks for the Dooker.


I think people have different reasons, for me personally i just feel like the neck crap makes it feel very alt unfriendly, the flying delay was too damn long and i can feel when they’ve done things just to milk extra played time out of us.


Extremely alt unfriendly systems when the game is creating tons of new playable races is not a good combo


No good systems in place for alts for the Artifact.
Bad story, such as how poorly concluded the Burning of Teldrassil / Darkshore is. You know how it is with Sylvanas.
Lack of player input being implemented. See the Worgen Heritage Armor and several other BFA things, such as Pathfinder, which is going to carry over into Shadowlands because they can.

I should say though, I enjoy the art and music of the expansion.


Bad story.
Simplistic gameplay, many of the classes feel too similar with a basic “build resources, spend resources” style of gameplay, only with different visuals.
A lot of BFA’s “features”, like allied races and heritage armour require you to play multiple characters, but the game is extremely unfriendly to alts, specifically with the Essence system.

That’s the basic gist of the complaints that are BFA specific.


It a degraded version of legion without a Mage tower. So hate is expected


Bad story, bad tacked on power progression system that will be thrown away at the end of BFA, recycled WQ system from Legion except with worse rewards, same mission table from Legion except worse rewards, Island Expeditions suck, warfronts suck, class identity stripped away to nothing, no tier sets, flying was time gated for a year.

Terrible expansion. One of if not the worst expansions yet.


legion added a lot of new stuff, bfa added nothing (you wouldn’t count afkfrotns and botlands expeditions, would you)

and an entire game feels like weekly checklist where you just forced to do stuff to keep up (that started before BFA, but doubles down here)

no pvp vendors so if you want EVEN START pvp - go grind pve

essences, ap grind and azerite talents made sure you can play only main, forget about alts

no class transmogs and sets (amazing for demon hunters with just one expansion of tmog)


And ofcourse terrible writing, like, really bad. TLJ and 8th GoT season bad.

in short http://www.poorlydrawnlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/everything-is-great.png


its mainly because…
they tried so hard…
and got so far…
but in the end…
it dosnt even matter.


I don’t hate it. Just disappointed.


Because it’s bad.


It’s garbage that’s why.


I think it’s mostly bandwagoning. BfA’s been fun. It’s not the best expansion, but it certainly hasn’t been the worst. It has some bad systems, like the Heart and the endless AP grind, and Azerite gear. I dunno. I think it’s just become the thing to do to hate BfA (while still playing and enjoying it).


There’s a whole array of reasons:

A crappy rehash of a story that we had already done (Mista of Pandaria) that also happens to completely invalidate the progression made in that story.

Absolutely terrible rng gearing system for PvP as well as a unbalanced classes.(looking at you DH’s)

Monotonous and grindy world quest system that lacks much variety aside from a select few factions.(Tortollans)

I could name more, but this is just a taste of why BfA is generally considered bad.


If that was true, then how come we’re not storming Orgrimmar and getting a Legendary cloak from Wrathion?



It’s hit and miss for me. Overall I don’t think it deserves as much hate as it gets.

I agree it is very unfriendly towards alts and the AP gear/necklace could have been handled better. And Pathfinder annoys me on any day.

But BfA introduced my now all time favourite race: the Sethrak. (In which i hope they become playable some day) :snake::heart:

I also like the lore of the leveling zones, favourite being Drustvar.

Also love me some Lovecraftian horror.


Give it time.

First, the story is a simplistic narrative that makes the Horde look like Monsters and the Alliance look like Morons. An hyperactive 14 year old with a Friedrich Nietzsche fetish could have written a better story.

Spice that with dull, repetitive game play and…

What’s not to hate?


I’ve no idea. It’s my 2nd favourite expansion after Legion.