Why is BfA so hated?

While this is true, the degree to which this happens, and how noticeable it is, is important. I feel they’ve gone a little too far and essentially broken the skinner-box with BFA: the rat knows it’s not getting food as much as it should, and it’s choosing to sit in the corner of its cage and do nothing instead.

You really need to hit a happy medium to make players wanna keep hitting that metaphorical button. BFA isn’t the worst expansion - in fact it’s introduced some of my favorite features in the game’s entire history, but it feels far too disrespectful of my time.


I like BfA.

I don’t like all the “stuff” Blizz has been doing, like removing portals, screwing up guild permissions, taking away the water strider’s unique ability, removing the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from the vendor (when Shadowlands launches), stretching Pathfinder out for nearly a year-- I can’t even keep track of it all any more.

The game’s still great, it’s just that the devs keep going out of their way to make playing it annoying.


Nope, started in MoP but had been aware of the game since Vanilla.

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For me it’s the lack of actual social interaction. Dungeon Finder and LFR made the game an over-glorified phone game. Sit in a city, wait for a queue to pop. Almost nobody says anything while running [insert dungeon or LFR here] unless someone screws up. It just feels very… single player.


There is no point. To anything.


well lets see perhaps it could be due to lack of actual new content and instead they simply reheated some old leftovers and served them to us AGAIN

I mean look at the way things in BFA are currently going the horde leadership goes batcrap crazy alienates most of its faction races the alliance loses a town then the warchief runs away and basically turns both factions against them thrall comes to help and in a big buildup the warchief is seemingly without any allies other than their closest most trusted inner circle and is supposedly in cahoots with an ancient evil that has been locked away for several millennia

does any of that sound familiar?

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even had us go to an alternate draenor again too lol. If one picked up the mag’hars anyway.

It’s hated because it’s the current expansion. When 10 is released people will be crying to give back XX from bfa. This has been the same crap since TBC was announced. You should have seen GD during Wrath!!

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It’s not really that hated. On the forums, well these guys mostly hate everything. Ingame, most people don’t read the forums so the opinions here mean little to them.

It’s also always cool to hate the current expansion no matter what it is. Infact it’s already begun with shadowlands and none of us have even tried beta yet.

Personally I’m enjoying it, like I did legion. I’m also looking forward to shadowlands.

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yeah I dont understand why bfa is hated either. Must be the people that cant dedicate their playtime to one to three toons and need to play every race/class combination.

Did you skip Legion? That could explain the disconnect. Going from Cata to MOP, we got stronger. Going to WoD, we got stronger and got perks. Going to Legion, we fot artifacts and legiondaries. Once you got your beat one, you felt like a god.

Going into BfA it felt you were getting weaker. Its an awful feeling.

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kind of like the god of war series in part 1 Kratos gained the power from Ares and took his place in the Parthenon then in part 2 Zeus removed his power and forced him to start al over without it even though he gained new weapons and allies along the way

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TL;DR: Time Gating (Allied Races + Flight), Azerite System (re-earning the same traits over and over when you get higher ilvl gear + don’t swap between specs), Alt Unfriendly (Essences have a large impact and takes weeks to get running at a decent level).

Some people will claim Class Design, but it’s so similar to Legion that I find that a really silly argument, given that was decently positively received.

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It just worse than the last expansion in almost every way. People have short memories but not that short to forget how an expansion should be. I could list 20 complaints and still have more.

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To be fair, you just came back from a long break, of course the itch for wow has creep back into your veins and welcome back. But I am not sure it is a fair to bring up being confused since the excitement you carry is due to coming back after a long break vs players who have been playing for a very long time and not taking a break. They’re able to see more issues then someone coming back.

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Because Legion was super awesome fun time, making lots of money easily as well (with collecting, as well as uber gold rewards from the Mission Board), Legendarys falling from the sky when you sneezed, an Artifact WEAPON (which is often a slot that lingers behind, so that was a great idea), no stupid essences, having to decide WHAT great thing/character you wanted to do/play during that play session (as opposed to what one you could stomach to do/play AT ALL in BFA), an archaeology ghost moose, Mounts from paragons (though WAYYYYYYY too rare), Marks of Honor from lots of stuff (even “PVP” PVE towers, initially) and cool PVP transmogs to spend them on, etc.

Then we got This.

That is why. It wasn’t that BFA is so incredibly horrible, though it kind of is, but rather that Legion was really cool then we went back to this.

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Idk. I think bfa is the bee’s knees . I enjoy everything about it. I’m not a mythic raider but I’ve done some heroics and mythic plus up to 11 and it’s all pretty fun I even got to 1500 in arenas on one character

I like bfa even more than legion and I liked legion a lot too

well you see…a reason was given for the power loss.

And the game starts off weak and you get better.

BFA you start off okay, 115/116 hits and slaps you hard with scaling.

And its not even legendary from legion turnoff. My alts run in bFA had no legendary to work with really. Shake and bake legion burn through quick levels. I started late legion (like maybe 5/6 weeks before bfa) …my each side mains didn’t even have legendary gear really.

something at 116 goes awry…even if you aren’t stacked with legendary to see it removed.

Every expansion in turn is hated.

Personally I don’t get people who rage hard about BfA. IMO if you don’t like it, just don’t play it. I think the ragers should just get on twit-er or face-bork and stay there. Or go play classic.

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