Why is BfA so hated?

I played for the start of WoD. It was so bad. How can you possibly suggest bfa is worse than WoD?

He didn’t mention anything like that.


Let’s see…

Everyone has an absorb shield, everyone has self heals, everyone has same RNG %, everyone has to grind, no one has any bag space anymore (never have anyway), music is good, the scenes are good. …but…guilds are low, use of professions is low or at least not really heard of in trade chat, blizz can’t put a hard stop to the scam carry sellers.

Our ignore list is full, and we can’t report the scammers enough.

Oh yea people will come around…just like WoD right?

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It’s not just the forums. BFA has been negatively received most everywhere.

Yes I know you think it’s the greatest thing ever and Blizzard can do no wrong but I believe you’re in the minority on this one.

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Because people are crying for WoD to come back right?

Last expac was much more alt unfriendly. I don’t like the class design.

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Doubt it…

Cuz theres just not much to it. It seems like a downgrade from before. And out gear has to be kinda leveled up again along with our necklace so for those of us who are unable to play 5+ hours a day, we end up getting really far behind. Most everyone that I know has quit.


Legion wasn’t necessarily good mechanically but had enough new stuff that people didn’t necessarilly care if it was grindy. BFA is all the grind with none of the intrigue and most of the gimmicks they throw at us aren’t really new enough to distract from the games problems.


I know you do. Because in your mind Blizzard can do no wrong.

  • Heavy instanced content that is not rewarding (Warfronts/island expeditions)
  • Forced GCD change and fisher price class design
  • Excessive gating of flying
  • Mythic + nerfed to the ground compared to legion
  • Excessive trash mobs in dungeons
  • Excessive timegates everywhere
  • Warforge/titanforge system that doesn’t make sense
  • Corruptforged gear replacing warforge/titanforge that doesn’t make sense either
  • Worst PVP gearing system in the history of the game
  • First and second patch of the expansion came way too late
  • Patch 8.3 is more grinding on top of grinding for a currency to use another currency for the opportunity to use that other currency.
  • Alts replay value down the toilet
  • Poor zone design
  • Professions neglected
  • Rep system neglected and stripped of originality as it has been homogenized.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t forget how buggy BFA still is and was at launch.


There were some stark changes.

I believe the biggest issue at least for me is gearing and class incompleteness.

Classes felt complete in legion thanks to artifacts. Artifacts were removed and they didn’t quite fill In the gaps left.

Tier is gone, crucible is gone, artifacts are gone, and legendary items are gone. We instead have a necklace with generic bonuses and three pieces of gear with a revolving door of mostly underwhelming bonuses.

Throw on top of that the coat to respect gear or the time invested into farming multiple sets for different specs and you’ll quickly lose even more bag space than you did in previous expansions.

Next tier being gone everything is generic. Nothing is individualized now and the art team shat the bed hard on 90% of the gear this expansion. There was so much room for good and everythi g just feels modge podged together from the story, sylvanis, the continents, the classes, nazjatar thrown in, mechagon, and now with the old god, it just doesn’t make sense.

TF and WF still negating any sort of progress or acquired drops. Now we have corrupted gear, make me gag. What happened to simply acquiring a drop and having that piece? Static gem slots, bonuses, tier slots? Just having a BiS item drop with no extra bull crappery. Just make the make with an ending, it’s not hard. You grind your life at in slot and then you do other stuff.


Same to you sir and for you they can never do anything right. Might as well uninstall then.

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All of this plus I think class design is awful this expansion. Also the story is a bit all over the place and probably the least interesting it’s ever been.


Because players want to complain. There are legitimate complaints, sure, but many are just fake outrage topics. Shadowlands will be the same, it doesn’t matter how good of an expansion it may be there will still be the fake outrage crowd screaming about something.

It doesn’t help when we have so many “content creators” that found out they can make more money and views from these outrage topics rather than actual content.

I think it’s because literally every thing feels like some sort of metric.

You can only get Azerite gear from WQ (up to 385) or raids. If it doesn’t drop from there, you have a chance to get it from your M+ chest. Say you have terrible luck, you get it from your M+ chest after waiting a week AND it has the wrong traits? Terrible system, should’ve never made it live.

That’s my biggest issue in the game right now. Let me farm Azerite Gear ffs.

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It goes quickly “playing for fun” to playing to keep up with an arbitrary system" grind fest. Feel free to post on your main btw so I can see how close you are to the end game grind.


I thin we were ooked in the dooker more than enough this expansion.

Because people love complaining. Doesn’t matter if it’s somethimg that actually deserves to be complained about.

I left after WoD, skipped Legion, and came back for BFA and i have thoroughly enjoyed the game since i came back.