Why is BfA so hated?

could this be why? you also came back right in the middle of the expansion when the time gates have already been gated, and it’s ketchup time. you evidently have also been playing classic. are you trolling or just a little dense?

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Where are those?

I have 11 120s right now, working on my 12th

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Hit the nail on the head. More than once!


Oh hi Virus. Small world.

I agree with that point, that BFA is not a bad expansion, but it’s just too grindy that’s all.

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same here.
BFA crafting broke my heart.

Let me make some leather/mail armour for my alts with the 120 when she dinged it and went farming .

Cool…they can’t use anything I make. Lots level locked. So there went twinking fun.

Oh look, this cool mail armour item is BOP if I make it. My leather working DH can really use that. Oh wait…

Account bound items if they werer concerned about AH going to crap would have been an acceptable compromise. I don’t even want to make 30000000 gold on AH. I like to make gear by my chars. for my chars.


Did you start in Legion? :joy:


Id rather be playing WoD at this point. No WQ chores, i got to chose what dailies i wanted. Rep could be farmed in different ways outside of just dailies. Hell WoD had pvp vendors over Legion and BFA. Also at least WoD was alt friendly.

Edit: Also no forced ap grind that was tied to character power and progression.

Edit2: Thats comming from someone who hated WoD btw, at least in WoD i didn’t unsub twice compared to BFA. I’m a Wrath/Mop fanboy so.


Are these alts at a good item level and consistently tackle end game content successfully?

The older ones have decent enough gear to tackle any end game content. Newer ones I’m still working on.

Not sure why anyone things BfA is “alt unfriendly”. If you think that, you’re not looking in the right places for your opportunities.

For me mostly is the go go go Attitude that will only get worse if they keep going that way, Isle… No timmer but kinda boring so everyone just want to finish them as soon as possible, same could be said about the warfront, Mythic + are fun but the timmer again make talking and making friend in the game almost impossible as you queue with random guys from others servers and don’t have time to talk with them =/ Some other mythic (Mode/option others than a timmer could have been fun)

Tl:DR everything feel like a chore you just want to get done fast.


i don’t find AP grind or essence system fun or alt friendly

props to you though


You feel you need to grind AP? That’s laughable. I’ve never done any “grinding” for AP.

Essences? Seriously? They aren’t really important unless you’re doing the highest end content, like high keys or Mythic raiding.

You’re doing BfA wrong.

Hey there, not around here much these days :blush:

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Or maybe too many ooks, but not the good kind

Welcome back!

Missed your presence around quite a bit

That’s every expansion in WoW’s history, where’ve you been all this time? The hamster wheel goes round and round, that’s what you do in MMORPGs, get milked like a Tauren.

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I don’t completely hate it personally, but there are some parts that I play less because of:

-I dislike the gearing system, I dislike titanforging, vendors with currencies like justice or valor points or honor points back would be nice (EDIT: seems like a lot of RNG, I find myself getting gear with better ilvl but not stats I need)
-I’m bored with most classes

I thought I had more but that’s all I can think of for now, however both are my biggest reasons why I’ve been playing a lot less.

For me it’s just a flip of what I enjoyed. It feels more single player, has tons more RNG and the newer content they introduced felt like it was still in Beta.

Thank you!

I disagree, while the hamster wheel grinds have always been there we’ve seen a sharp uptick in dodgy behavior from Blizzard ever since time played became their new metric for success.