Why is BfA so hated?

I personally loathe questing in BFA and it felt like a patch for legion. I dunno it feels boring maybe?


Some people do like it, while some people hate it. I think it’s ok just like I thought Legion was ok although I found Legion’s story better and the Class Order Halls were good.

BfA was a buggy mess when it launched so it started out badly and some players remember that. There have been players on both side who think the story sucks (not everyone ofc; personally not a fan myself). It’s probably different coming into it now vs at or close to launch. If you like it, enjoy and ignore the critics :slight_smile:

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Its kinda like asking why the sun is so bright and hot.
Its just in its nature to be.
They took the WORST parts of Legion and WoD and ran amok in the asylum with them until they had the perfect storm of crap…and thats what we got for an expansion.

I couldnt wait to toss that stupid artifact weapon in the dumpster out back.
and what did they do? give me half a dozen to replace it.
I hated the AP grind and essences crap in Legion. SOO glad to see the madness come to an end.
Annnnd we all know how that turned out.

I bought SL’s for the simple reason that I wanted to boost Shamans and the price was the same as the boost as it is to get the boost plus SL’s.
If there is a hint of AP grinds, Im just not playing it at all.
Ive still got tons of Transmogs to farm to keep me busy for another two years, so back to pandaria I go.

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You’re coming in when content is already out. It’s like the people who play through WoD in a vacuum and then ask why it was so bad.

The best way of gauging how good or bad an expansion is is while you’re playing it. Many start out rough (people forget Wrath had a bad first impression) but some get better over time. Others, like BfA, don’t improve and double down on inherently broken systems (Azerite/Essences).

When you’re playing the game while a large chunk of it is out, you skip the time gates, the balance patches, the rough roads, etc. and it’s smooth sailing for you.


Delete essences.


I wouldn’t say I hate bfa

It’s not a bad looking expansion but things going against it are:

  1. Bad class design. Most specs feel unrewarding. Some don’t even work in certain content well enough to matter.
  2. AP grind with nothing of permanence behind it. No transmogs for example.
  3. No Mage Tower equivalent.
  4. Warfronts which are an utter failure by MMORPG standards.
  5. Hard tuned M+ encounters that are a far cry from their Legion counterparts. Full of bad mechanics and trash.
  6. Even worse professions than Legion.
  7. The entire alt unfriendliness of the expansion.
  8. The continuation of the world quest + pathfinder debacle.
  9. GCD change.
  10. Story doesn’t flow well. Too much placed outside of the game which leads to lots of confusion in the game.

Bad systems and bad content labeled as major features.
And alt unfriendly. Very unfriendly.
A lot of people complains about class design but they are fine for me tbh.
Other than that not soo bad comparing to the market.

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I liked certain parts of BFA.

Spooky girl witch in drustvar. Always a fun bit there.

Dolly and Dot are my best friends…the minute or so gem to horde side.

And about it. For now. I get to roll a VE DK and a vulpera of some kind soon. So there is that.

Oh since coming back since MoP BFA gear is great for legion catch ups. You will need to do a few dungeons at mythic and some raids at normal. BFA gear class depending this goes more smoothly solo.

Professions for me easily. They deleted First Aid. And put that terrible awful Expolsum mat in the game.


It’s not hated the forums don’t count here vs in game.


Questing and story are good.

Overly generic gear with random stats. No tier sets. No gear motivating a player to raid. Too much grinding for the generic, uninteresting neck piece.

I want my Legion weapon back. I wish that I could have my Legion weapon back and have it keep pace with other gear. I don’t need it better. I want my Legions back as an option.

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A compounding number of reasons:

Everything new in BFA has failed spectacularly in one fashion or another:

  1. Island Expeditions. What were these ever supposed to be? They were never good for AP, don’t give good gear, and when they were good for leveling they got nerfed. It’s a feature that was added for absolutely no reason.

  2. Warfronts. Boring scripted content with one of the biggest middle finger timegates this game has ever seen. There was massive feedback that Arathi was awful back in beta and Blizzard’s response was to release it in the same state. When pressed by the playerbase to make it better, we got Darkshore, a laughable piece of content full of re-used assets and with even more scripted railroading.

  3. Azerite Gear. The single biggest mistake this game has ever had. There has never been a point where gearing up has been so utterly and irredeemably moronic. Everything about Azerite traits was terrible, from the eternal AP grind to get the same exact stats over and over again, to “upgrades” that are a huge net loss that you’d only know by going outside of the game and looking to 3rd party number crunches. Awful.

  4. The Azerite neckpiece. An “artifact” that was lazily throw into the game to try and capitalize on the failure of Legion’s AP grind. It took nearly a year for this thing to be more than giant gated grind that amounted to little more than a slight stat boost.

  5. Essences. The solution to Azerite’s spectacular failure and a new and “diverse” grind that generally just requires you to slam your head against arbitrary content on numerous characters to stay relevant. It exists to pump time played metrics.

  6. Allied Races. I love them, but that are lazy content that requires huge gated grinds. Races like Nightborne and HM Tauren have less customization than pre-salon classic races and have animation miss-matching that makes them look like something out of Gary’s Mod during combat. Most of their racials are complete garbage and it took nearly a year to get Zandalari, which were originally promised on release.

  7. War Mode. I don’t even need to expand on this. We all know why it’s bad.

Hilariously awful writing:

  1. Constant character assassination that borders on total retcons. Characters like Jaina will attack a foreign and largely neutral nation like Zandalar in a cheap-shot tactic to invade for no discernible reason, and then bemoan the fact that she doesn’t want to capitalize on the massive war with said nation, that she herself she just instigated, because she’d be no better than Sylvanas. Don’t even get me started on Saurfang being an angsty suicidal drama queen that can’t be bothered to kill the leader of a nation that’s been slaughtering his people for over 15 years over some trees.

  2. A plot that goes nowhere and does nothing. BFA started strong, with a faction-minded conflict that seems to up the stakes. It then ended with a room-temperature IQ “Thrilling Conclusion” where Saurfang throws himself onto Sylvanas and she farts away into the distance while every racial leader just stands slack-jawed.

  3. Everything in between. G’huun is a comedic joke that comes out of no where with no build up and then dies. Mechagon is some legendary and mythic story told to all Gnomes and is even known about by most Goblins, yet no one ever heard of it before and no one knows where it is, despite the fact that it’s right off the coast of one of the largest sea-faring nations on the planet. Najzatar is one head-scratcher after another. Apparently no one thought to go pick up the world-altering artifacts that we left in Tomb after we finished fighting the Legion, apparently all of Dalaran is just AFK on a lunch break. Azshara invites us to her domain by clearing all of the water and giving us a homefield advantage all in some bizarre effort to rehash what Arthas did, then she frees an Old God for no reason other than to kill him, even though it would’ve been infinitely easier to just leave him chained up. The entire plot is mishandled to the point of it being a blip in the entire expansion, with huge lore characters like Tyrande and Malfurion, who actually have a beef with Azshara, not even showing up at all, and characters that are there like Thalyssra, doing and saying virtually nothing of note.

  4. Kul Tirans as a whole. What even is this nation? They’re painted as some amazing sea-faring fleet, but they lost the fleet, but they didn’t because Jaina has a necklace, but they’re also not that amazing because a single person with a Kraken crippled their fleet of ships, but she didn’t because the Kul Tiran Fleet is strong enough to assault the Golden Armada which was readily established to be the greatest navy on the planet numerous times since MoP. They’re also giants now, but not all of them, only some of them, because Blizzard forgot that Jaina was from there and she’s not a giant.

Also, everything that was good in Legion is bad in BFA. World Quests are tedious and pointless. The provide almost nothing and the rep grinds they’re associated with are terrible. Nazjatar and Mechagon only exist to be rep grinds with some rewards. Without legendaries or a somewhat decent AP grind, WQ’s are awful this time around. In addition PvP is now a long linear slog towards the piece of gear you want.


technically they just shifted it to tailoring.

Which can make MoP loads of fun for one daily quest you need bandages.

Do you have a tailor in your char collection?

Yes. Lucky you…make bandages as much as you want.

No. Well then hope decent people on the AH will sell them at good price. Then go check the AH. And walk away going so…there are no decent people in the world.

Prices last time I was in MoP sucked anyway. And that server didn’t’ have a tailor char for me so those baby drakes never got bandaged up sad to say.

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I love crafting in fantasy RPG games so I will probably always advocate no deletion of professions especially to merge it with arguably the second best profession to make gold.

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Mainly, people like to complain!

There is the RNG which is annoying, and then there is the bad writing.

I want another Legion with awesome artifact weapons to level, but with less random gear and better designed class powers.

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You have to understand that the forums represents a very tiny portion of the game population. You are not alone in loving bfa. Legion and BFA really made me permanently come back to WoW after I stopped at the end of Cata.

I think a lot are also just burned out as well. Taking a break from a game is really needed from time to time just like taking a break from work haha


Because the devs hate the players.


It felt unfinished at launch and now a year after it still feels unfinished. Also I really dislike the AP grind… it has to end.