Why is BfA so hated?

Yeah, I saw that. I don’t judge until something comes out, but the essences are already a negative mark on the patch. Couple that with the removal of the Brutosaur and I’m already grumpy with Patch 8.3 decisions. But I’ll play to raid, I’ll probably unlock the legendary cloak, so a few things and then let my sub lapse until Shadowlands if I get the Brutosaur around then.

Really? making up numbers now nobody knows the sub numbers your reaching here. i keep looking at the WoW site and no mention of sub numbers anywhere to be seen sir. Still refreashing the page nope zero.

And just a fyi 500k is nothing in 2019 infact it’s a massive joke.

Originally they planned on allowing players to cleanse corrupted gear for free but the fact they are going to force people to grind a currency so they can have “normal gear” is absurd.

Basically it is the BFA launch debacle all over again but times TWO. Gear that sits in your bag because you need to grind currency to cleanse it or grind enough with your cloak to be able to off set the corruption so you can equip corrupted gear with the bonuses.

Plus the worst part is they recently increased the amount of corruption on weapons which means people are forced to grind to be able to use weapon upgrades which sits in their bags.

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Ugh…I don’t understand their decision making anymore.

As many other people have played, alt unfriendliness is the big one. It’s why Legion was hated by so many early-mid Legion too. People like to play different classes, and the legendaries/essences/AP systems have really hurt that. Even as someone who plays a TON, it’s incredibly hard to get behind playing alts because of how much work you have to actually do. I swapped to pretty much 2 main characters this expansion and have been enjoying it, but with it being so late in the patch I find myself wanting to play alts and it just feels bad knowing that I will be hampered unless I do the raid on LFR many times (just no, I would rather stab myself) or pug into a normal/heroic group (don’t get to with my group since I’m a tank) to get that DPS essence. Almost all of these issues were resolved in Legion with the Argus patch as they made AP catchup a real thing, and not just a small nudge, whether or not these big issues are fixed in 8.3 will make a lot of people remember the expansion differently, as almost everybody I know HATED legion the first 2 patches, unless they were one of the few to get their BiS legendaries first.

People also had much higher expectations for island expeditions and warfronts on the PvP side of things. PvPers are also upset cause of the balance, fire mage and healers being unkillable solo without some sort of healing reduction topping the list there. I think there’s definitely room for improvement, but in general fighting healers this expansion has been miserable, I think almost everybody agrees a healer shouldn’t be able to live forever against 2 people, and depending on the class combination that can definitely happen in today’s environment.

All I am doing is waiting to see how the live community reacts when the patch drops.

I have my popcorn ready. :woman_scientist::man_scientist:

Yeah right you can’t prove that at all your just venting by making stuff up now nobody knows the sub numbers and i highly doubt retail is getting over shadowed by Classic.That’s very unreasltic to think that.

I can’t understand how someone can’t see the issues with BFA. It’s one of if not the worst wow expansion.

Numbers are irrelevant when the announcement said classic is responsible for tripling the subs for wow. A 15 year old version brought back 3 times the amount of people playing BFA. That just screams BFA was a complete failure.

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Oh I’m sure it’ll be a shirt show.

Like I said, I’ll dabble first a bit, but then I’ll likely lapse again. Worse than I have in past expansions because too much grind is…just too much.

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More people making up numbers on the spot again :roll_eyes:.

I am not playing classic to be honest but I will probably play a bit for nostalgia and be reminded again of how all Rogue specs had poisons.

But even I can acknowledge that classic is a net positive for retail. It gives retail some much needed breathing room to operate if the right decisions are made.

I agree I love some of the quests and world quets.
two of my favorites are :
riding the flying parrot that poops on the pirates
the quest with the creepy little girl that leads you to a tea party with a demon.
actually I loved all of the drustvar quest lines.

On the flip side I hate everything about Zandalar.

Thank you dude.

Basic logic. I want retail to be successful too, but BFA just left such a sour taste in my mouth that I won’t be going back unless reviews are stellar. Which they probably won’t be.

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Except I’m not making up any numbers. I said the numbers were irrelevant. It’s a fact that classic is responsible for tripling wow subs. That means 3 times more people were playing classic than retail.

Yea same. I got to level 14 in classic and I do see the appeal but not enough to get me to invest hundreds of hours.

I think it will be worse than launch because you throw in the content drought that follows and people will remember how bad patch 8.3 will be compared to launch. Launch was very buggy and azerite armor being so restricted and punitive when you obtained higher levels of the same traits. But patch 8.3 decides to add too scoops of badness instead of one bad scoop that BFA launched with.

Do you know what an earnings call is?

Did you get your GED?


Anything? Jesus.

Billing and Codeing career and i highly doubt you even know what that is going to go now play some more Awesome WoW BFA peace!

Hmmm, it could be? It’d be impressive if this expansion actually got worse as it ended. Cataclysm kind of ended on a more neutral note, but most expansions got better over time. 8.3 doesn’t look great, so it’d be an impressive feat of ineptitude if they actually manage to end it on a lower note than it started.