Why is BfA so hated?

Raids should be the center of the game. It’s an MMORPG, not a single player game. It should take big groups to get the best content. MMORPGs grew around the raid paradigm because there is a certain segment of gamer that MMORPGs attracted looking for that team oriented amazing video game challenge requiring a great deal of dedication and coordination. Any gear obtained from raids should be meaningful and more powerful than other options.

Maybe in the past but future MMorpgs aren’t built that way there alot of endgame paths in them thats not raid focus in them but a company did release a old school MMorpg in 2019 i wonder how it’s doing.

There’s truth to this however, they really messed up some things in BfA like dragging out PF2.
There’s a few more but there’s also good things about BfA. I can’t think of them right now because it feels like I’ve been playing it for years. lol

Sylvanas being the focus of it.

I could say more, but that really is the main issue.

Read the forums big boy, many have.

Many? :rofl:

Maybe link a few if those posts are so abundant.

From the perspective of someone who hasn’t played seriously since BC, it’s Ok and I’ve had a lot of fun but I would say my problems with it are.

  • Warfronts: It’s like those story based scenarios with replayability that is so bad they put skip mechanics in for alts.
  • Azerite: In concept fine but in practice dropping for any spec when they are actually only good for one spec led to a lot of situations where you could get 30 level upgrade that is a down grade because of bad traits for your main spec. Spend 2 or 4 weeks grinding out titan and getting zip, feels bad.
  • Super linear story quest mode: Some people like this a lot but the story really has to resonate with everyone and your character needs to be behaving in a way you agree with or you’re stuck with an avatar you don’t like.
  • Extreme Catch up: This just kills average guilds. It’s nice for alts but heroic level catch up gear coming out months before the content you’re supposed to catch up to kills raiding teams. Why raid when you can just go do some world quests.
  • Pathfinder: It’s just bad. Design larger open worlds with flight in mind and don’t use the flying carrot as a re-sub event with grinds timed so 90% of the people will take just over 4 weeks to complete so they have to sub for at least a second month.
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For me personally, I’m not a fan of the story, the poor class design, and lack of class balancing in PvP.

Patch 8.3 is going to show people that BFA will go down as the worst expansion in the history of the game with all the rental abilities ramping up. New passive azerite essence slot to grind, new legendary cloak grind, new currency to grind to cleanse gear, etc. It is so bad.

A lot of players in this thread have listed the various reasons why this version of the game has been bad - and there are many reasons. I agree with them all, but the feature that exemplifies BFA the most to me is “Island Expeditions”. Hollow and meaningless, these short instanced settings give a chance to the player to receive various re-skinned armor, mounts and pets.

I personally could not bring myself to spend any time on IEs. For all the other aspects of BFA that dissappointed me this one highlights the weakness of the expansion.

Don’t like that the horde is so far removed at this point from being the tribal/savage faction. It’s basically the elven faction with some fringe minotaur/orc/troll races on the side. I’ve never been interested in Sylvanas or the undead and it’s idiotic that the rest of the faction would have gone along with her nonsense.

I like to complete content. It’s satisfying to work on something for a while then button it up. Island expeditions are an aweful loot slot machine that are basically impossible to complete. Similarly paragon caches mean that you’re never done doing stupid world quests.

  • The Story is MOP told in a bad way I have ignored the Alliance even more especially the night Elves, where is my plot of revenge?

  • It is not friendly with the ALT, ho look I have a lot of new character combinations that not only have to climb more than 100 levels but they will be lame to reach 120 thanks to the staging and the AP.Step to take out the essences again, on all of Raid’s step to be 15 weeks
    visited the LFR for the essence of Palace.With an Alt I will not go to Normal or Heroic.

  • When you get to NV 70 with your heart and you have achieved the essences for your Build make content becomes a waste of time which you can not use in ALT for the aforementioned, Some searches continue to give you AP despite not needing to do so which makes them do In a nonsense.

  • The WFs are repetitive and do not give interesting rewards outside of a static SET which you have to wait for each runda to see if you get a new piece.

  • Why don’t you give me Token and let me buy the SET more?

RNG in EVeriting RNG in everything exaggeratedly understand that it always existed but has reached frustrating fees.

Not everything in life is Luck the dedication is also a way to reach the goals the VP were a good way to compensate those who are not lucky.

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Well you kindof answered your own question. Your experience involves unlocking flying and getting rewarded for your efforts fairly quickly. Everyone else got their flying about a year after getting PF1. You missed the controversies of the warfronts, warmode, class balancing, azerite gear balancing, pre azerite vendor drama, many bugs in the dungeons that made winnable keys impossible because of bugged out mobs, pet bugs for hunters and warlocks, the lack of communication on many of the issues players have brought and the disdain Blizzard has towards their players in general. The alt unfriendliness of 8.2 is also a big point of contention.

6.2 saved WoD for me, but otherwise I consider WoD the worst expansion. I’m very curious if all of these things coming in 8.3 will finally change my mind and confirm that BfA is the worst expansion to me.

So you’re saying you enjoy grinding the same reps over and over again on multiple alts for essences? Because I sure as heck don’t. I wouldn’t mind grinding for essences if some of the better ones for certain specs weren’t locked behind rep grinds. Like the ones where you need to do PvP, M+, or Raid, yeah those are fine. But the Nazjatar and Mechagon ones? It’s tedious and repetitive and not in a way that’s actually enjoyable. Yes it’s easier with flying but that doesn’t make it “fun”.

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Patch 8.3 features more AP grinding for another passive essence slot which no one asked for. Then you have legendary cloak grind and the grind to cleanse corrupted gear.

Everything bad about BFA is all crammed into one patch. That patch is 8.3.

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Yup I was a sucker and bought a 6 month sub a while back and it runs out in February. I’ll be moving to FFXIV. Maybe I’ll get drawn into that so much that I will just stop caring about wow. I think someone not caring is one of the worst things for the devs.

If your terrible decisions pushed me away and I stop caring about your game how are you going to win me back?

Not saying for me in particular but many people are just fed up with these devs.


I already have invested in another MMORPG where I am not punished by using travel systems. In fact I have invested so much in that other MMORPG since 2014 I have seen massive improvements and QoL features to the game added while they have a staff that is 1/4 the size of the WoW staff. That staff puts out monthly upgrades to the game and new cosmetics while WoW struggles to make new class tier sets for an expansion (eg BFA).

And it is F2P and yet I have spent more money in that F2P than WoW since 2014. When I saw what was coming down the pike in WoD beta that is when I knew it was time to start my plan B exit strategy.

What I found fascinating is that most F2P now feature vendor and currencies for gear which is ironic because they are copying the model that WoW trailblazed for modern MMORPGs back in BC/WotLK/Cata/MoP.

Meanwhile WoW a supposed pay 2 play subscription game is using old school F2P tactics of RNG gambling to try to hook players. But that is what you expect from F2P/mobile game design. But the bigger problem is that a lot of the devs think that mobile game design is 'better". Reality is that mobile game design is very shallow and not conducive to the depth needed for a true MMORPG like WoW is and can be.

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You are delusional.

It’s like republicans refusing to believe Trump is getting impeached.

Like you are literally twisting reality to fit your narrative.

BFA was absolute dog crap. I would rather suffer a heart attack then to ever have to play that dumpster fire again.

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There may be 200k that still play BFA. Classic boosted subs by 500k. Like I said you are literally delusional. If it came to anything important, I would not ask your opinion.

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