Why is BfA so hated?

Look at the guys posting habits, fragmented english and logic. He dropped out of high school to play wow, and now he needs to love it to justify his reasons for lacking a real education.

Cant believe people still respond to him. Hes not even a troll, he’s just the 0.01% that loves BFA and lashes out whenever someone says something negative about it.

Honestly the only thing I hate is the timegate on pathfinder. So I simply don’t play the game till comes out.

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I just wonder what kind of mental process you have going on where you flat out refuse to acknowledge any of the many glaring issues with BFA…

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“…Going to go play some more awesome wow BFA…”

Safe to say, not much of a process?


It’s cause you just got back. BfA has some great story and raids, etc. But it’s not enough to fill the void when we have been playing the same content for the last 7 months.

Like for me I have been doing my daily/weekly chores on my main, doing mythic raid, and that’s it.

I’ve mostly been doing leveling alts in alterac since the exp gains are super fast and it’s less painful for leveling alts I don’t like to play and use for horseman and love rocket farms.

Granted work has been hectic so I haven’t had energy todo pvp like I did previously :confused:

I suppose you’ve got a point there.

You know i wasnt talking about you, right?

Check my post history. Ive played mythic content, RBGs and arena. Ive dabbled in it all and it drove me to classic - (BFA) least liked expansion, by far.

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Hey I think we might get more in Shadowlands in regards to a better conclusion to Tedressil. Blizzard has set up Tyrande to go rogue or possibly traitor to the Alliance due to her also agreeing that her vengence for the night elves has not yet been met.

I’m an idiot sorry LOL

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All good. Ill be damned if ill sit here and be called a BFA bootlicker! :stuck_out_tongue:

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