He speaks for the Horde and Thrall doesn’t want to be Warchief.
Yea, killing the previous one was fun.
Thrall doesn’t have to be warchief. He is Lord of the Clans.
Hung is something else entirely. Those balls are in Jaina’s court.
Cow tippers
Thrall can’t even be bothered to give us the heritage armor, he sends his wife !!
We don’t want him as Warchief any more
Good thing I didn’t say anything about Warchief.
agreed on that…metzen must have come back to save Thrall’s image
didn’t like him in Cata…but he has def gotten worse
Thrall was fine in Cata.
The only problem was that Aggra was there all the time ruining everything.
maybe i’m just scarred from Dragon Soul
Blizzard went to all this trouble of building an AMAZING model for Thrall in Cata, that gave him a huge variety of facial expressions and body movements.
And then in every scene, Aggra is standing motionless beside him, with an expressionless face like it was carved out of stone.
She might as well have been in a department store window, modeling the latest fashions from Draenor.
baine is close enough to warchief
Baine can’t figure out how to take a dump without the Vulpera figuring it out for him.
Don’t worry my Orcish friends, I’ll happily kill Baine for you and be your Warchief
** Sits on Orcish throne and stretches arms and sits back **
Now where’s the remote? …
Or we could head to that yet another au dreonar where he is besties with yrel and get them both back.
Light horde ftw
I mean is it an orc throne? Wasn’t there a short lived troll chief? Sylvanas?
Obviously Ebonhorn should be both the horde Warchief as wells as the Aspect of the Black Dragonflight
Well we were now we’re a monarchy under the great King Orcthur who was gifted Honourlibur by the Harpy in the middle of the lake
Take a Hippy Tree Hugging Elf over Baine at this point tbh.
Leave thrall out of this, damn kill stealer. I’m still salty.