Why is Baine sitting in the orc throne?

He isn’t the Warchief. He’s simultaneously in Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff.
Bring Thrall home.
We have a racial leader, too.



I normally support civility towards game developers regardless of the game or its content BUT THIS IS MAKING ME RETHINK MY POSITION!


Bring back the Warchief! Make him an Orc. There I fixed the Horde.


Thrall like Baine should be hung for treason.


According to the PvP achievement, Rokhan is currently the “leader” of Orgrimmar. Which seems fair, he is a lot of the reason why it’s still standing even if Rexxar took all the credit.

I thought we were all supposed to hate Thrall because he “cheated”?

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Its actually Thrall but he is disguised as Baine.

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No he’s not. I went to Orgrimmar and I just see Rokhan.

The only quest chain that I recall having Baine in Grommash Hold is the Vulpera unlock quest chain. Though I will agree that it is weird that Thrall hasn’t been included in the hold alongside Rohkan.


He didn’t.
Magic has been allowed in Mak’gora for as long as Mak’gora has existed. He used it against Garrosh in wotlk. A paladin used it against a shaman, who used it against him in comics.

It was only the movie that said magic was cheating, and it isn’t canon.

I’m not on it and I don’t see Rokhan.


Why is Baine ever sitting anywhere.

I’m on your side in this, I’m just summing up the opinion of the forums, which is that Thrall is a no-good dirty rotten peacenik who should be shunned.

we should’ve left him in the maw tbh.


Garrosh shoulda remained warchief. Its a shame his honor got stolen by magatha and it turned into a shame spiral.


Garrosh doesn’t need support from road surface.

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garrosh destroyed his oversoul, so all garrosh’s in the multiverse are dead too.
best thing he ever did.


There’s like 400 leader phases for orgrimmar thanks to blizz harvesting horde leaders every time Danuser’s brain gets too hot and sad from trying to jam his corpse waifu into every storyline.

“Wait, we forgot to write a bad guy!” Lol…

For me the current warcheif is voljin, I dunno why or how but I stopped doing org quests to keep the dead body with fun bags out of my experience.


Coupled with deciding on a Lorthemar and Thalyssra Warchiefs, it would be better decisions than Garrosh and Sylvanas.

Anyway, there is no longer a reason for the horde to necessarily revert from a puppet of something giant boss to a warchief just because Danuser wants the horde to always be the badguys.

i vote that we head-off to the shadowlands (i know, scary idea) sweep-up garrosh, and glue/tape him back together with magic so he can lead the horde again.

or, OR! if that does’nt work, head over to alternate draenor, retrieve his corpse, and attempt to resurrect him the old-fashion way: necromancy! i mean… who knows what happens when you resurrect someone when their soul’s been destroyed. maybe it’ll un-disenchant him!


Hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!


hey, he was the only warchief (that i know of) smart enough to get an actual army of npcs to defend the gates of orgrimmar.

…granted, players fly everywhere, but it was still a good idea for the most-part!

You get a mindless zombie, duh.

Which, admittedly, wouldn’t be too different from Garrosh in the first place. You just teach it to say “for the horde” and complain about non-orcs, nobody will know the difference.