Why is Baine sitting in the orc throne?

Lor’themar is the obvious choice for Warchief. Most level-headed leader in the Horde.

The “no Warchief needed, we aren’t at war?” idea is the most idiotic idea outside of dismantling the marketability of Sylvanas as a merchandised character.


If Baine leads the Horde I’m unsubbing lmao.


Facts. I hated Blizzard’s character assassination


Baine is an arms warrior? I don’t have a Tauren yet. Are Tauren warrior animations good?

You mean you hated Garrosh’s character, period.


No way! Garrosh was the best warchief the Horde has ever had.

Garrosh was a blithering moron who knew nothing of strength and nothing of honor. He let his axe do the thinking and worshipped a rage-fueled murderer who lucked out at the end by happening to murder the right thing for once and got to die a hero.

Inasmuch as that’s true of pretty much every orc who isn’t Thrall, yes, he was the perfect warchief for his people.


I thought the Horde had reorganized into an anarcho-syndicalist commune where the members take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. It must be Baine’s turn to be the executive officer.


Source: my boota.

So you’re saying he was an orc?


To be fair, Thrall was the exception to what a Warchief was. So, Garrosh’s methods were spot on considering who his own father was and the previous Warchief’s that existed. >_>; it’s implicit in the name.

Also, Garrosh vs Varian was the greatest fight most people likely never heard of. The two were their respective factions best leaders.

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Yes, exactly. I’m saying that once again, the quel’dorei were right: we should’ve wiped out the orcs instead of coddling them in camps after the Second War. We wouldn’t have all these problems if people had just listened to Anasterian.


This is true. Which brings me to my tinfoil hat theory that the Infinite Dragonflight are good guys and stopping those specific time events (heavily Orcish involved) would have saved Azeroth from many perils.

Makes sense to me. But unfortunately they aren’t offering me as much epic gear as the Aspects. :dracthyr_shrug:

Just drop Baine into the Maw… again.


Baine has already polluted one noble Horde race. Don’t let that filth stain another.

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That is very bizarre.

I’m guessing that because I didn’t unlock them, I’m screwed for life.

I like this. Like there’s a mechanical Baine-Bot and Thrall is inside with a steering wheel and levers.


horde just doesn’t seem like horde anymore. it’s just a diet version of alliance.

put a real savage orc in charge plz. :100:


To marinate.

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