Why is a bonus week wasted on pet pvp?

https://youtu.be/bMKKjtXL6j8 I hope I did this right, I’ve never tried to link a Youtube video before.

This is Hazelnutty’s interview with Ion Hazzikostas. The pet battle part starts at 21:15. It’s interesting to me that Ion compares PVP pet battles to dropping someone in the deep end of a shark-filled pool. As in, newbies have no chance at all.

Anyone trying to get all achievements will do them as well.

I agree pet pvp bonus week is a wasted bonus week as it is broken, either on purpose or by negligence.

Geez, this thread was painful to read. The amount of people who missed the key point of the OP, that the queuing system for PvP pet battles is seemingly broken, really hurts.

No, this thread is not the OP saying that pet battles in general shouldn’t have a bonus event.

This thread is about the OP pointing out that the queuing system for PvP pet battles is seemingly broken, which if true kinda makes the event quest rather unachievable. Although if a bug is suspected, it’s probably better to either put in a ticket about it or create a thread in the bug report forums. Something certainly seems to be wrong if it can be confirmed that two (and probably more) players are queueing simultaneously and yet still sitting in queues essentially indefinitely.


I think double bonus needs to become a thing.

They should open up all the bonus events every week. May as well.

The OP said their posting about players, not some , or a lot, but simply players. This alludes to everyone. Now, go make another one of you famous posts that are only meant to rile people up, since that’s what you’re good at.

“OP didn’t say this, this or this so it MUST be this!” :clown_face:

I can see it now…

Person in front of you: “A quarter pounder with cheese with extra ketchu-”


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I’ve never understood elevating the in-game Pokemon clone to the level of ordinary play. It was always a “game within the game” and not the actual game itself.

This doesn’t belong in the weekly rotation at all. The rewards aren’t general play rewards as the M+, PVP, and Timewalking rewards are.

Someone at Blizzard obviously disagrees, but as far as I’m concerned, “Rat Week” is just a week where no meaningful weekly quest exists.

because pet pvp rules

No, you’re thinking of O’Doyle.

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OMG, please give us a week with bonus Ash and Cinders.

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Great name. I assume it’s not a My Morning Jacket reference, but man you should try “Holding on to Black Metal”

If nothing else, thanks for the reminder.

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We get Torghast “events” that effectively nerf Torghast throughout the week they’re up in, so I guess that helps accelerate rewards.

Thanks. Not MMJ reference. Just Black Metal, but not the xenophobic/white nationalist stuff.


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The Beasts thing? I do Torg a lot and I don’t know what you’re referring to.

Yes, the Beasts of Prodigum and whatever the name of the darkness event is.

Especially the darkness. That just lets you delete even Adamant Vault L16 bosses within a couple GCDs. It’s great.

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I would like to pop in after getting a forum ban overturned that this evening it appeared to me that the que was working.

I mean like a battle every 3 or 4 minutes! For a couple of hours. I hope it was an unposted fix. I had much fun trying to use the newest expansion to create teams besides those stale anabushi valkarie copy-paste teams.

It was really fun.

I levelled like 11 alts in MoP standing in the major cities queuing pvp pet battles. I hit 90 on this mage and absolutely hated the questing (honestly I just absolutely hate levelling cause it’s boring and repetitive) so every other alt I had went 85-90 solely on pvp pet battle xp then got timeless boa gear to make up for no character progression.

I honestly enjoyed it (I remember chain smoking while playing for hours being super into it) but only won three thousand something out of the 5k achievement before all my alts hit max level and I got bored with it. I don’t care about the pet battle week though cause all my pets are max level and rare thanks to the abundance of stones and pet charms acquired on 12 alts over multiple expansions, but, the pvp stuff was fun while I did it.

And no, I probably will never finish that 5k pvp win achievement.

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I’ve dabbled myself, but at the end of the day if I want to play Pokémon, then I’ll just play actual Pokémon.