Why is a bonus week wasted on pet pvp?

It’s what the Pet Battle forum is assuming - there’s been no official confirmation. Just people doing tests.

I don’t care for the pet one, but I venture to quest the world quest one is.

Well, that’s just garbage. A game with no posted rules? What’s wrong with this company?

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Ah, my misunderstanding. I really need to get more sleep. >.<


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Because battle pets PVP is a feature too. Why is a bonus on PVP wasted when most of the player base is PVE? Every week should be mythic x4 and TW instead because PVP is minor.

You did the same thing I did and missed the point of the thread. lol

So PvP queuing is broken- broken, like it doesn’t work at all?

I know that it was possible to queue for them years ago, but did not know the system was broken.

Not saying you’re wrong, but perhaps it’s not popular enough among players. I did thrm a few times, but often got stomped by meta comps.

As in you get the same player, like right now, over 20 times, or you can go hours with no fight at all. Me and another player can que together and both wait an hour with neither of us getting a fight.

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It’s likely not broken. It’s that people know they don’t have good teams and don’t want to get farmed by the elite 4 in pallet town.

Then how can I and another player both que and never see a fight with anyone?\

I’ve done the thing a few times even did the timeless isle pet battle and won to get the pet. Though not done any of the pet battle dungeons as last time I tried I got super frustrated and not been back.

Wait no I did do the stratholme one got the skelly mage which I can’t find a team for him… Now the gnomeran that one is annoying to me lol

Because Michael Vick plays probably :rofl:

Cause no one queueing at that time. That’s genuinely likely the case.


  • You have the gigachad roided up pet battle monsters trolling during their play times


  • No one queueing because the reward is not worth it/they feel like they can’t measure up to others since they don’t have a good selection of pets.

How many times do folks have to mention you can que and have a friend que and neither of you gets a fight for over an hour in que?

Why would blizzard at all allow friends/social acquaintances be able to battle each other? That’s easy win trading territory.

And since you are likely not allowed to battle each other you sit there getting no battles because there is empirically no one else to battle.

So it’s anti-cheating? why then when I ask a total stranger to help me test that it still happens? I’m not guessing here. I have spent quite some effort just to discover ANY rules for it.

Cause you talked to that person. There’s likely logic going on that blizz doesn’t want people paying randoms to queue so they can have easy wins.


There is just no one doing it or you are trying to play in absolute dead times.

I’m sorry but you are wrong.

Ok then. Sit in queues for hours on end for nothing to happen.

I’d rather see it repaired and that game content not be locked in hidden ways. I would like to play the content I pay for. OR better yet post the rules and then we will all quit trying knowing that it’s been broken on purpose.