Why is a bonus week wasted on pet pvp?

Speak for yourself. Farming Nazjatar rep was a BLESSING with pet battles. And you can easily farm pets these days.

Get a LV3 garrison, buy the broom pet, get the bone pet, level them to 25 and you can level every other pet easily to max level during squirt day/pet battle week.

There are even automated 1-press button scripts out, you don’t need even pay attention to the battles.

IF :clap: YOU :clap: DONT :clap: PET :clap: BATTLE :clap: YOU :clap: AINT :clap: A :clap: REAL :clap: GAMER :clap:

jkjk all sarcasm.
it sucks but what i see it as is a " day of pet selling "
you get a free upgrade to any BoE pet to level 25 and its officially a free 3-5k. some might sell for 20k due to celestial tournament.