Why is a bonus week wasted on pet pvp?

It’s a waste of a bonus week on a game feature, pet pvp, that is broken, has no rules posted for how it works, and doesn’t even get a nod from anyone at blizz that it a known issue.

Just the typical apathetic ineptitude we’ve come to expect from these devs.

The good news is they bought another studio of 100 or so folks to work on wow may be there will be some real talent amongst the new team coming in.

You have the same color that I have when I post something, such that you have no authority over me.

Nope. There is no posted rule-set for that content if there is indeed some sort of matchmaking. The tech forums are for other issues, there are no forums to address this issue.

If there are rules blocking access then perhaps we could find those rules in say the ‘Pet Battles’ forum. I’ve asked there before and no one knows, not even the big pet sites like xu-fu know what’s what.

FWIW I actually really enjoy collecting battle pets but even I don’t bother with it. The reward is a joke anyway and there are far faster ways to get purple stones for leveling pets.

If they made the weekly pet-related event connected to clearing one of the pet battle dungeons with some sort of beefed up reward, then I’d be happy to see the event come around. As it stands though it’s just one of the many weekly quests that I just ignore.

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Says who? You?

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Don’t care. Stay mad.

I’m not mad tho.

I know some ppl hate the pvp weekly.

I do not do the pet battle one hardly at all but glad it’s there for ppl who like it

you’ll never be a pokepet master with that attitude.

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Unless you like pet pvp.

By your logic, Mythic week is a waste of time because I don’t like M+. Oh, wait. Sorry I mean to say that it was a waste of Everyones’s™ time, since that seems to be the way people complain.

Yeah I am not saying to get rid of it. It’s just that I have a nagging suspicion that it doesn’t come close to the others. And conversely I feel like the mythic week for heroic loot probably has the highest participation. In which case blizz should restructure rewards/effort to make all weeks as inviting to do as the mythic dungeon weekly.

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What makes it a waste, imo, is how it is a single account-wide quest–unlike the others. Whether pet battles are popular or not, I think this weekly could be turned into something more fun than it currently is. Something worth considering on every character, like the other ones.

I don’t PvP or do M+. I consider those weeks to be a waste. Every week should be pet week.

Just because you don’t do content doesn’t mean others don’t.

And pet PvP queues have a hidden MMR rating - it won;'t match you with people outside your MMR.

Well what about I don’t know revamping the whole weekly event system to have something for pvp, m+, pet battle…etc that could provide more options to players that are sub to the game. I’d like to see 2-3 events per week.

Let’s be real here.

Devoting a bonus one week to PvE, then another to PvP, then another to pets is dumb and archaic. Why can’t each game mode have a different bonus every week instead of this one-game-mode a week boring mess we have now?

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I’m not against fixing the weekly rotation - I’m merely pointing out complaining about a week you don’t participate in is childish and selfish. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, they do need to revamp the weekly quest for the pet battle week, it shouldn’t be PvP pet battles, barely anyone likes those, it should be like, pet battle WQs.


There’s been a weird influx of “you don’t speak for me” posts lately, as if everyone they disagree with is supposed to be speaking for them or some weird thing. It’s annoying for sure and waste of eye movement to read it.

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Timewalking should be up every week and a valid leveling path.

M+ should have an event every week.

PvP should have an event every week.

Open-world should have an event every week.

Pet battling should have an event every week.

Darkmoon Faire should be revamped and brought up to Gold Saucer standards, then be open every week.


Source? I’ve looked everywhere trying to figure it out. So all I have to do is lose a lot for awhile to get back to where it isn’t the same team over and over?

Edit because I fail today. Ignore me again. lol

I’m not advocating that I am with the OP the reason it is wasted is because the que is broken.

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