Why increase the gap between raiders and m+ers again?

there is no such thing as mythic crests

It’s not like clearing the raid guarantees you’ll have myth in every slot either.

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M+ already drops crests. It’s the physical item availability that matters.

You go from ended the season with half your gear 3-6 ilvl under max, to ending the season with half your gear 10-13 ilvl under max.

trust me you’ll have bis on your 4/5th reclear.

You’ll already get aspects crests from +9s or higher, and that’s where (without too much exaggeration) 85% of all aspects crests earned will come from.

If you’re clearing for farm you might miss a trinket. We were throwing loot away by the time we started extending for the most part.

Sounds a lot like most CE raiders. Looking at my CE Fyrrak kill from season 3, I had 3 pieces of Hero track gear and 4 pieces of crafted gear.


the only reason you had so many crafted pieces was because they had embellishments, I highly doubt mythic raiders will drop 10 ilvls to get an embellishment.

I’ve long felt through this whole discussion that the level 11 paladin was just blowing smoke about his “top 300 world raiding xp” and such, but this confirms it.

Okay, now we’ve established that he doesn’t understand how Dragonflight crafting worked, either.


I can legit give you my characters and logs if you want, I just don’t want my posts to be removed for ‘‘naming’’

If for no other reason, action in the forums over QQ posts. one way or another. Y’all saw how fun the forums were the last two days, we’re going to need something. They can’t leave the game messed up forever.

What you mean the 525 pieces that were only 3 ilvls below myth 4/4? What point are you even trying to make here?

So you want it to drop Mythic 1/6 or something at the higher keys?

And I’m guessing crafted gear caps out at Hero and not Mythic now? Cause Harbinger Crests can craft Mythic ilevel from what I’m reading up to 629 from a Mythic set.

I am waking up but it all sounds so bizzaro to me atm.

It caps at 629 I believe and myth 6/6 is 639

So, I’m raiding in Cata Classic right now, which (on 25 player) drops more items per person than retail raids do. Max ilvl is 372, with some slots 379.

The average ilvl of my guild is about 366.

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Well I’m not talking about raiders that strictly raid, I mean people who do both, which is the majority of mythic raiders.

Not necessarily. I thought the 6 ilvl gap was fine.

However I think if they want to increase it to a 13 ilvl gap, they should look into ways in which m+ only players can earn higher ilvl gear from harder content. BUT not at the start of a tier, so the influx of extra ilvl options don’t skew mythic raid tuning further or push those who would otherwise be pushed to engage in it to keep up.

Yes, because the game forces M raiders into M+. M+ just drops an order of magnitude or 2 more items than raid does. It is also the only realistic way to keep up on crests, unless you’re full 8/8M clearing every week from the start of the season (so unless you’re in Liquid or Echo, you’re in M+ to crest farm).


Yeah I don’t like that either, I hate being forced into content I don’t want to do. Whether it’s being forced into dungeons as a raider or being forced into pvp as a pve’er or being forced into raiding as a M+er.

I remember having to mindlessly grind BG’s to get blood of the enemy in bfa.

Well, until they do something about no lockout gearing in M+, you’re stuck with the vault system we have now.