Why increase the gap between raiders and m+ers again?

The best change coming from DF was being able to do m+ only and be on par with mythic raiders a few months into a patch. Not to be competing in the group finder with people that outgear you 2 weeks into the season. To me the first few weeks are the most fun and I can guarantee you mythic raiders will have a significant gear advantage early on. For alot of high m+ers mythic raiding isn’t too challenging, it’s logistically not feasible anymore. Being 13 ilvl behind honestly makes me question if I even want to play the expansion anymore.


Delusional af


Can somebody explain to me what this means?

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If you’re not pushing title or even remotely close to title, why does it matter?


presumably the elusive ‘highest ilvl achievable based on one slot i checked from each piece of content’

That’s the thing, though… didn’t they increase the maximum UPGRADE ilvl for Mythic-track gear? Which includes Mythic-track gear from M+.

It’s not exclusive to raid drops; M+ gear is upgradeable to higher than before, too.

That’s why this bellyaching makes no sense.


I haven’t checked since last I played which was S2 DF anyway, so I’ll just defer to you, knowing you do play consistently. I don’t really get the complaint anyway, on a personal level. It’s still weird to me that people would like M+ but not raiding.

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i bet that you are neither of those. either way you get gear that help complete each task , there is no competition

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Dont remember the exact numbers but:
If you raid, the vault will give you a 600 ilevel piece of gear but if you do m+ you get a 613.
In df the difference was 4? It wasnt so big.

The amount of real Mythic raiders who actually get something done in the first two months and get a good amount of gear is probably very, very small and won’t affect M+ at all. Most of them also probably have premade guild groups for M+.
Before DF the biggest main source of equipment for mythic raiders also wasn’t the raid itself, but M+ because it was so slow, so I don’t get the point of complaints.


Raided top 500~ in legion and bfa and I’ve been pretty high rated mythic plus ending last season at 3500+.

My account is on the EU server so that’s why I’m posting on a level 11, but that’s besides the point.

I actually have experience clearing mythic raids and I have experience doing high M+, at a certain level M+ actually becomes way harder than raiding mythic. Mythic raiding is usually contingent on 20 people syncing up and doing the fight correctly, most of the challenge lies in logistics. In M+ you have way more personal responsibility. I remember when I raided mythic I was way ahead of all the pure M+ it wasn’t even close. I would have better weapons/better trinkets and better secondary stats on my gear because I had more options.

To all of you saying it doesn’t matter, when 2 people queue up and both have around the same score, but one has 4 extra ilvls, guess who gets chosen.


Mythic track gear comes from mythic+ as well?

The harder content should give better gear.


The 2 extra upgrade tracks won’t matter until people have sufficient aspect crests to fill them out, which means they won’t even affect people’s average ilvl until roughly 6-7 weeks into the season, by which point you’ll have had 6-7 mythic vaults.

It makes grinding avoidance gear a lot worse, and it means push comes to shove you might be 1-2 ilvl points behind until you fully catch up later on in the season, but vault is still going to give X/6 myth.

Make your own group

This is a non issue

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That didn’t change; you can still get Myth track gear from Mythic Keystone dungeons and in the same way as before.

Yes, but the difference between hero gear and fully upgraded myth gear is larger, are you guys intentionally being dishonest here? In DF you can upgrade your M+ gear to 522 with the max being 528, a difference of 6 ilvls. In TWW that difference is 13, which is huge. If you think 13ilvls isn’t a big deal then you haven’t played content where such an ilvl disparity would matter.

Oh and not to mention, they nerfed crafted gear as well. Which is effectively another nerf to M+ gearing.

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How many slots do still have at 522 3 months into a patch? Not counting trinkets which you would have needed to raid for most of the time anyway.

Crafted is the same relative ilvl it was, and everyone’s still going to wear 2 pieces with current tuning.

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well I usually have a couple of crafted pieces in a regular season. I think in most seasons I had 4 crafted pieces and then if I didn’t get too lucky in my great vault I’d still have 1 or 2 hero track pieces by the end of the season.

Isn’t it 10 ilvls behind fully upgraded Myth gear?

Ok, so?

No, but I can see you are.

So it doesn’t matter in Mythic raids and Mythic Keystone level 10? So this is a non-issue you’re complaining about?

I’ll skip the part where I make you look the fool you already displayed you are: it’s not a big deal. Cheers.