Why increase the gap between raiders and m+ers again?

Is there any actual data to support that claim? M+ will have the same access to max myth track gear as you did in DF, assuming you’re clearing +10s.

If that’s what they were trying to address, this change misses that completely.

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I don’t want 3 sets of gear in my bags, or for people who actually just enjoy playing their characters / the game to have yet more gear to grind / hurdles to jump through to keep enjoying the game as they are.

Bro are you reading my posts? The difference between DF hero gear and myth gear is 6 and in TWW that will be 13, that’s what I’m complaining about.

I want the 15 friends who quit the game because now they had to do M+ to come back.

And I really don’t give a damn about “muh bag space”.

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Even if that’s half your slots affected by this change, you’re missing ~1/3 of a key level in stats.

What does that even mean?

1 character ilvl = 1% character stats.
1 key level = 10% mob stats.
7 ilvls on 8 out of 16 slots is ~3.5% character stats.

So at worst, this change will result in you doing a 21 instead of a 22.

Honestly this entire debate is pointless. M+ players are scum who should be happy with what they get and raiders are elitists who only enjoy the game when they’re lording it over others.

I’m both and I’m proud. Toodles.


Just let loot drop at vault ilvl direct from dungeons at +12, but add a lockout so you can only loot each key once per week on a given upgrade track. Problem solved.

It’s not pointless because this change will affect the large majority of M+ players in a negative way and we should have as many of these topics as we possibly can to shed light on it.

+12 might be too low we’ll have to actually see. And maybe this would need to happen at the 0.5 patch to avoid mass ilvl inflation skewing current raid difficulty even harder than it already does. But I do think this is the actual best solution.

I’m wary of throwing more potential ilvl at the first 5-6 weeks of the tier.

No, this will maybe slightly do something to people who are on the edge of getting the title. That’s it.

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I feel this is the same argument people use against casuals getting gear, saying they don’t need it. Well guess what, everybody wants gear and nobody likes being behind other players.

Isn’t “who gets the title and who doesn’t” decided in the last few weeks, where everyone’s already maxxed on gear?

So that’s why you pay for a second account to post?

Make your own group?

I’m from the EU, and it’s the same account…

Pretty much. Even more so now with the affix changes, it will be basically fully decided last week of the season.

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M+ only players never max out on gear. They always end with more than the optimal number of crafted items and a few 6/6 hero pieces.

Title range keys start happening around the 0.5 patch or slightly later, the push is usually 7~ weeks.

Mythic+ Item Level Loot Table For War Within

Keystone Level End of Dungeon Initial Upgrade Level Great Vault Initial Upgrade Level
2 597 Champion 1/8 606 Champion 4/8
3 597 Champion 1/8 610 Hero 1/6
4 600 Champion 2/8 610 Hero 1/6
5 603 Champion 3/8 613 Hero 2/6
6 606 Champion 4/8 613 Hero 2/6
7 610 Hero 1/6 616 Hero 3/6
8 610 Hero 1/6 619 Hero 4/6
9 613 Hero 2/6 619 Hero 4/6
10 613 Hero 2/6 623 Myth 1/6

Source: https://www.wowhead.com/guide/war-within/season-1-overview

Are you trying to prove a point with this or something?