Why increase the gap between raiders and m+ers again?


I’m not talking about weekly vault, it’s rng and slow. I’m talking about the gear that drops from M+ itself and to a lesser extend crafted gear.

mythic raiding will ALWAYS have an advantage in m+, because if you do both you have a better selection of trinkets and effect weapons/items

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The part you’re choosing to ignore is most m+ players are still in roughly half hero track / crafted 12 weeks into the season.

That’s fine if the gap isn’t this large, I find 13ilvls between fully upgraded myth gear and fully upgraded hero gear too big.

And 12 weeks into the season, most raiders aren’t getting gear at all unless they do M+.

Probably should go track down the source on this, but did they just increase the iLvl or move the goal posts to increase the level, for example, now the best drop and vault come from 15’s?

They’re going to kill end game trying to find parity with the problem that it’s easier to get 4 competent people for 30 minutes then 20 competent people for 4 hours.

They increased the amount you can upgrade your gear, using crests & flightstones that largely come from M+.

Is it a theoretical advantage: yes.
Is it actually as big a deal as people make it out to be: data says no.

The BiS set of gear will almost always contain a mix of M+ and raid gear, and that’s good.
Is that gap between raid only bis, dungeon only bis, and absolute bis as big as people make it out to be: no.

M track just went from X/4 to X/6. All m track items had their potential maximum increased. It’s still from vault rewards for +10s.

Hero track and crest acquisition from m+ I think moved up a tiny bit but it’s still from sub 10 keys.

Blizzard: Everyone can upgrade their gear higher.

People in this thread: This is an outrage!

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I’m talking about the difference between a player that does mythic raiding and M+ vs a player that only does M+ or heroic raiding and M+.

currently in DF you can get pretty far as a heroic raiding M+'er, but I’m afraid with these changes that will be harder in TWW.

It’s funny that people talk about M+ like getting into a group is harder than the content, but considering how much Blizzard has gutted M+'s difficulty over the years, I guess it’s not surprising.

Is this a poem?

I don’t think this change was about hierarchies but based more on feedback
complaints about less people raiding due to M+ rewards being too high. That the higher rewards remove incentive to do mythic raiding since you can get those easier than with raiding.

I am just repeating what I have read while lurking on those threads.

How do people like you not realize that having more ilvl is huge in mythic plus as it allows you to survive more damage and do more damage.

Or maybe Blizzard just realized that suddenly having the final level of gear upgrades be half as large as all the others was

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Given nobody here thinks m+ at reward cap has ever been difficult I think this is somewhat of a moot point, no?

Nobody’s acting like 10s are hard.

Best solution to me remains put m track in higher m+ at some point in the season, likely around the point the major 0.5 nerfs happen, or potentially 0.75 if those are going to be standard.

I highly doubt the majority of the people that reply here even do M+ or mythic raids.

The best solution is an iron curtain between M+ and raid gear.

No, because being forced to have 2 sets of gear for M+ and raiding would suck. Just make M+ gear cater slightly more towards AoE and raid gear slightly more towards ST.