Why increase the gap between raiders and m+ers again?

How many pieces do YOU normally get a week from drops during Mythic prog?

Especially when extending! :rofl:


It’s significantly more time consuming to gear.

Mythic Raiders - Hush M+ scum, we get the best gear!

Also Mythic Raiders - where did our pool of geared applicants go to? Guys … guys … WRU? How come nobody wants to raid?

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From raiding? No question about it. M+ is the biggest loot gravy train in the game.

You’ve got it kinda backwards. Raiding will have the opportunity to pull ahead once farm starts, before that they’ll either be a smidge ahead or equal.

Nobody will have the crests to realise the difference between 4/6 and 6/6 mythic for the first month and a half as well.


I think it depends, you probably raid in a pretty high rated guild where you have less ilvl and the strats are less ironed out. But for the majority of mythic raiders, like I said, highest I’ve been was in a top 300 guild back in bfa mythic raiding is pretty easy. I feel downing bosses in a top 700 guild isn’t that impressive, I certainly think doing all 18’s is a bigger achievement than getting cutting edge later on in the expansion.

This right here.

And remember, where does everybodys’ crests mostly come from?



The grind just got WAY longer. Congrats.

Come on now, we both know loot drops in mythic. You can’t possibly be claiming that you see no loot for months at a time, that’s what it would take for mythic raiders to not wind up with more loot. Especially when mythic raid drops aren’t personal and can be traded between the people who need that slot.

As far as extending, that is just a dumb move that guilds sometimes make. Foregoing more loot to try and complete a boss, because you barely completed the previous one, was one of many reasons I hated mythic raiding. That and the herding 20 cats mini game, the drama that comes with that many people, and schedules. I don’t miss raiding, but will feel obligated to pug the early ones this time around.

4 pieces per boss, spread out among 20 players

It’s a pittance.

Okay, we’ve established you know nothing about raiding, at least. Moving on…


but the base ilvl that drops from raid is higher so they can spend the crests it would take an M+ only player to get to that level on something else.

So a mythic raider might not have many 6/6 pieces the first few weeks, but on average will have more 2/6, 3/6 pieces. Also, if you have myth track pieces early you can upgrade them without wasting crests down the line.

That’s considerably less people than are doing a 10 though.

Like… mythic raiding community is tiny, it’s hard to get into, a +10 is easy

It’s rare that a company will cannibalize their core product, like say desk top computers, for a new product, like say an iPad. Usually they’ll pull a Kodak and be one of the the first companies to have a digital camera and stick their head in the sand because it competes with their core product.

But if this means that M+ can get toned down some and that extra 13 iLvl from mythic raiding is just rarefied air that most will never touch, oh well. At least they’re not actively trying to make M+ as bad as raiding to get some sort of parity with it.

Not really, you end up bumping every slot to 6/6 hero as a priority for progress so getting a myth track item isn’t exactly a head start, you’re still spending. Where it might make a small difference is later bosses dropping at 3/6 myth but even still that’s low odds you even reach those bosses or have items you can use drop and win them before aspect crests start becoming surplus.

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There is no “extra 13 ilvl from mythic raiding” - M+ gear was also increased.


you’ll still be getting that extra 13 ilvl in m+, they just extended the myth track, which you still get, albeit it from +10 now


They’ll lower down again once the M+ waterworks starts in, you’ll see.

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but a 6/6 hero is equivalent to a 2/6 myth item, which you can just loot from the boss without costing crests, so you end up with a crest advantage, or is there something I’m not seeing?

So assuming modest progression where you farm boss 1 and 2 the first week, and prog one boss per week after.

Week 1: 8 pieces
Week 2: 12 pieces.
Week 3: 16 pieces.
Week 4: 20 pieces

56 pieces spread between 20 people. So the raiders will have 2.8 from drops, and 4 from the vault.

Almost 7 pieces average vs 4 for mplus.

That disparity is even more extreme as time goes on, if the guild is able to make any sort of progression.

That extra 13 ilvl in a M+ doesn’t mean nearly as much as your ability to play your class.

Not to mention, you still get Mythic gear from Vault.

However, at the beginning of the season, the gear isn’t even the bottle neck. If a Mythic Raider only raids, you’ll outgear them on Week 2 because your getting consistent crests for upgrades and they aren’t.

You’re wrong, 13 ilvls is alot and it matters. More hp, more damage. etc.

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