Why increase the gap between raiders and m+ers again?

Do you play on EU as well, or are you talking about things you know absolutely nothing about?

Mythic raids should give the best ilvl gear. Period. Coming from someone that has never stepped foot in a mythic raid too. M+ isn’t hard


Yes but it’s still equivalent to myth track 3, which it is now. I just took issue with the choice of word nerfed.

There’s no doubt m+ only progression is now a bit slower to max out. I’m not sure it’s something anyone except those trying to push high keys as m+ only players are going to feel.

I think the best compromise would be adding myth track to m+ 14 onwards (With the new scaling affix that’s like a current 18 btw) in the 0.5 of every patch cycle.

I tried pushing in shadowlands and trust me I felt it, I felt the difference when I stopped mythic raiding. You just have way less access to good gear and people do outgear you pretty quickly.

I wouldn’t be opposed to this, I’ve thought about this too and I think M+ should drop gear/trinkets that is/are more focused towards AoE damage and raid should drop more ST focused gear. That way a raider could still have an edge in certain situations, but an M+ player wouldn’t be forced to mythic raid or fall behind.

There’s always going to be some degree of this, due to the sheer volume of items, but I think it’s acceptable to some degree. Also historically AoE trinkets have sucked even in m+ because overall damage is a largely irrelevant metric when it comes to timing keys, especially the ones you’re doing / pushing towards where such a disparity between ilvls / content types begins to matter.

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What? 5 levels above KSH? Top 1%?

Of course people are going to take Mythic geared folks over M+ geared folks. If you want that 1%, go bust your cheeks in Mythic.

Or troll better. 1% will clearly do what it takes to get 1% regardless of the costs.

Eh, it’s been pretty notable in DF how far you could get in m+ without raiding. Even up to title range. You routinely saw people sign up with little to no mythic raid experience on that character.


YES, and DF was great for it, I could make an alt midway into the patch and get to a decent ilvl where I didn’t feel like I was severly behind other players.

Good lord, all they did was extend the myth track, which you can get from M+.

They moved where you get it, but a +10 is still a pushover compared to mythic raiding.

There should be a benefit to mythic raiding over mythic plus. The non-playing effort that goes into it is ridiculous. They had to do something cause weekly vault meant very little anymore and there was hardly any reward to mythic raid.

M+ still has access to myth track, but raid will get myth track faster, depending on the guild.

To me it’s better parity between the two. They still need to do something about the crests for raid next.

The only thing that seems bad to me is it puts a knife into crafting. It also kind of seems like the desire for reforging may become a thing again since crafted gear won’t fix stats for you anymore.

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do you think I’m capping out at doing 10’s? Please think a little.

I think this is the part that’s going to be most affected. Even if you mythic raid the odds you do it on the character you actually want to push keys on are pretty low.

that’s your choice

anything above +10 is a flexing contest and very few people participate

and even then, mythic raiding is still considerably harder until the point where you’re hitting just 1 shot dmg caps

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Since you can’t queue for M+ nor Normal/Heroic/Mythic raiding, well…

I really wish you all would stop trying to “gotcha” with semantics in a non-issue.

Sure yeah, really good players who work together can hit 1% in hero alone. That’s not the point here.

Yup, and that’s how it’s going to feel for players joining later into the patch as well. I just don’t get it man and I seem to be the only one feeling this way judging by the responses in these forums.

People aren’t going to care. You’re either an elitist minor percentage who the game shouldn’t cater to, already getting too much gear according to brewa and others who are sick of doing m+ to sustain raid progress, or the fact you’re doing m+ at all makes you a target of ire by association due to “eSports bad”.

Those are your three options.

I think it’ll be worse, I don’t know how much worse, I don’t know how many people will realistically feel it in a meaningful capacity but given previous season’s m+ title cut-off I’d guess the number is in the hundreds to low thousands total per region. Which is un arguably tiny, even if you’re part of it.

However I think the vast majority of people who engage with m+ aren’t going to feel a difference, and that for the first 6-7 weeks there won’t be a difference at all.

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Well these changes kinda push me towards trying out for a mythic raiding guild again, something I absolutely do not enjoy because of being tied to a schedule.

Being able to play around high damage is a large component of higher M+… I feel this is such a non-statement, avoiding one shots is a component of skill in M+ at pretty early levels actually. I certainly think doing 17/18’s is equivalent to higher mythic plus bosses, especially if you’re not in a top<50 guild.

Seriously unless you’re raiding in a top guild, it’s just a matter of following the guide and listening to calls, if you can play your character properly it’s just a matter of having it click for 20 players and meeting dps checks.

And M+ requires more personal responsibilty.

Mythic raiders will get whatever they got from drops each week. But will also get a guaranteed vault piece.

Mplus will get the vault piece, and only the vault piece.

It’s still theoretically possible for mplus to get equivalent ilvl, but it’s disingenuous to suggest there won’t be a very obvious ilvl disparity for at least the 15 or whatever weeks it will take for parity to happen.

As someone who got title S1, 2, and 4 and raids around HoF level. Title S1 and S2 were easier than mythic prog, and title S4 was about equal to S3 Prog. However, S4 title was a notable outlier and there were a significant number of dungeons / encounters that could be comfortably done at that level without player communication at all.

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