I do think there’s a correlation between good parsers and good players, when searching for guilds having fully orange parses will help tremendously.
Funny you come here to complain on a low level alt about something you can’t even do.
First of all, getting 20 people that can comprehend how to do a Mythic raid is much harder than slamming 5 normal burger flippers into a dungeon and timing it.
I don’t Mythic raid and don’t want to so if they get better gear than me THEY EARNED it… good on em. Just put the fries in the darn bag okay…
I’m not wrong though.
Is parsing the only metric? Of course not. There’s also factors like if you get mechanics and such.
My 99 on Tindral was with a few carry players in it.
To think you can’t parse well unless the entire group is stacked is a bad argument.
Yes, and no. Like I said its a tool that is only good for at a glance looks. It isn’t something you should ever rely on over reading logs.
Just because you think I cannot do it, makes the whole post invalid?
I’m going to bump this thread once the season is live and people are mass complaining about this.
But those early crests are generally going to a massive item usually helm/chest/legs/weapon. Early m+ also tends to be your typical snowballing affair where players expectations ramp up fairly quickly week by week so having an edge like that allows a player to stay in the higher end good pugging zone easier.
Its not because its how parsing well works barring rare exceptions where classes are heavily advantaged by a long execute phase.
Your parse is roughly 30% reliant on your group. Its not the only factor but its bizzare to see how uncommon the knowledge seems to be even in the higher end.
Not a good argument because tbh people complain about everything.
Doesn’t mean it’s valid.
I already said parsing well requires multiple factors and that it’s not the end all.
However a 20% difference is still a 20% difference.
I don’t see how my argument is invalid, there is a bigger gap between hero and myth gear and this is beneficial to mythic raiders over m+ only players. Maybe look up the word validity.
you’re wanting a participation trophy for a level of content you can’t do clearly. Try looking up the word “entitled” because I believe you suffer from the “I got a trophy as a kid setting on the bench and now I want one in the real world”
I would argue that the cause of this is specifically that you can infinitely farm hero items, so that by week 2 or 3 you’re just expected to be in full hero gear from M+.
Right, but when applying to groups, people don’t generally look at ilvl distribution. They just look at ilvl and score. so those 30 wyrms crests turn into 0.44 ilvl.
I view it as ilvl gets you in the door, actual damage gets you into the network, skilled pug players are always adding friends after good keys.
Why does this matter? Am I wrong?
But when you’re talking about a ilvl difference that small, player skill is more than enough to make up for it.
Fair enough, but depending on season I do think it will matter, especially in a season like this one where stamina comes into play for one shot mechanics. But I will agree gear isn’t everything on that approach, but it isn’t nothing either.
There should be a bigger gap. The difficulty difference is night and day.
God forbid mythic raiders gain an advantage over mplus players that have had the actual advantage over the last three expansions.
PS myth track gear from the vault for
Mplus rewards also go up not just mythic raid gear.
The irony.
I’m pretty sure you’re just trolling for the sake of trolling, but how? In what world is this true, I really want to hear your reasoning. Yes, M+ loot is infinite, but time is finite and the ilvl of the loot is capped.
Even then, you just adjust by 1 key level, or adjust your defensive usage.
Or just bring an Aug.
Because you can’t refute points?
There’s a reason mythic guilds require mplus
The real one?
Because getting full hero track first two weeks of the season isn’t a massive advantage?
Youre acting like gear is the only thing from mplus.
Clearly forgetting crests and flights tones.