Why I'm quitting

Here’s my summertime for grins.

  1. Summertime. Keeping out of the sun to preserve my skin and health.
  2. Hibernating inside away from the sun eating pizza and jamming to rock.
  3. Fixing my busted-up car to get it ready for the winter.
  4. Watching more horror movies and catching up on some zzz’s while the heat bakes people alive.
  5. WoW everyday like a serious addiction.
  6. Spending gold on tmogs 10x a day to keep interested.

if we only cared

You’re not the first person to say that…also not the first person to care enough to come in to post as well :wink:

1.) you’re not quitting, you’re taking a break
2.) this isn’t feedback, it’s a list of things you plan to do
3.) no one cares

Same thing

It is feedback. The game isn’t entertaining enough to hold me over in comparison to the things i’ve listed.

You’re here though?

why are u quittin:
“bc i wanna drink beer n touch grass now” well thx grizzle have a good one

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But the forums are.

Indeed. Family is still asleep, ive been up for about 5 hours now (got a brisket smoking for the holidays).

Checking in on the forums keeps me from doing chores currently lol.

And its raining pretty good here so not like i can go out and enjoy holiday weather :frowning:

Looks like everything you listed thats keeping you from playing isnt a factor.

Just saying


(also WoW is great for keeping one from doing chores around the house. trust me. dont look in my closet)

it’s my Sunday entertainment part of the $15

Oh I have every intention of playing my regular amounts (which isn’t much), until my sub runs out :slight_smile:

Softball starts next weekend
Camping trip this weekend
Been rainy for the last few days (and few weeks) - had wicked tornados in the area just a few days ago as well

Aside from having to get a few things done in order to host about 25 people later tonight, outside isn’t very nice at the moment, so WoW / D4 / Forumcraft for a couple hours

That sounds absolutely horrible.

I do everything I can to avoid gatherings of more than 4-5 people. People who can enjoy that, though? More power to em.

So its not that i enjoy it…i just sent out a family group chat, and it didnt go through so i didn’t think anyone was gonna show up so the wife started inviting more people. Next thing you know, everyone says yes.

Parents and 2 youngest brothers (4 count)
Sister and her family (4 count)
2 sisters and their respective halves (4 count)
A few friends from work (3 count)
Friend and kids (4 count)
Wifes friend and family +1 (7 count)
Me and mine (4.5 count)

Good lord, first time i counted it out. Ugh. Weve got the room and a large enough yard in both front and back. Oh, and our 4 dogs

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It’s in Wyoming

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Really, though, most of those things would keep me from playing most of the time if the summer wasn’t so brutally hot and rainy here.


Enjoy your summer, Grizzle!

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If you’re keeping your gold, can I have your stuff then?

Hope you ride a real one at least.

What’s a “real” motorcycle?

One that doesn’t sound like a weed wacker when accelerating.