Why I'm quitting

As per Blizzards request…

  1. summer time. Means outside time
  2. camping and fishing trips for most of July planned
  3. motorcycle season will be in full swing if it ever decides to stop raining
  4. Beer League softball season for the next 8 weeks
  5. Game is still fun. I’ll be back in probably about 6ish months.
  6. keeping my gold, but thanks for asking!

Blizzard doesn’t ask folks to sing a swan song on GD. Enjoy your summer.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They do ask for feedback as to why youre quitting though :slight_smile:

And thanks!


At one point people were saying that they were told on unsubbing to post in the forum. I know when I unsubbed recently I saw no such suggestion coming from Blizzard. I think it’s apocryphal at this point.

As far as “feedback” was concerned, there was a short survey.


Yeah i really didnt see anything. I think im just so used to all the “i quit” threads telling their life stories that i just took it all at face value




Oh but i do! Its like a right of passage! Especially for those who dont/cant actually quit


Ok bye cya on a Tuesday


Yup. Got a couple more before time runs out. Then probably regularly again around November

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If people didn’t post quitting threads, the forums would be twice as dead as they already are.

Also, you’d have to pay more attention to trolls, so there’s that.

At least the quitting posts have some substance in them usually, like folks pointing out there’s a lot of other stuff to do right now (IRL stuff and gaming-wise), game itself might not be in the best state, and other stuff readers can generally agree with.

They have their purpose, unlike the posts asking for gold (do people actually get said gold?) and saying ‘they’ll be back’, which if is actually true, WoW would be popping off right now. It’s obviously not, lol.


No, they insist on Haikus. Strictly Haikus…this is why blues don’t read threads

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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None of those posts asking for gold are by characters on the same server as the player who is leaving.

Relative to the game, not your outdoor hobbies :joy:


It’s not unknown for forum trolls to loudly announce they are leaving and then immediately start posting on a new forum alt.

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Perhaps they should specify lol its 2023 where anything can be twisted and taken offensively

What do you ride? I miss mine :sob:

Ive got a 2019 Indian Scout Bobber and a 2023 Kawasaki ZX6R

Nice man. I got to ride my buddies zx6r a couple times but Kawi is the one brand I haven’t owned lol.

Started on a GSXR then bought and wrecked a cbr rr, then rode a R6 for a while before I got married. Bike life is something most people will never understand.

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Good reasons to quit. :+1:

I won’t be quitting because it’s the middle of winter over here and I don’t want to leave my warm house.

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As did i. Then i did the Yamaha scene for the longest time. This is the first 636 ive had and while it was weird dropping a size, im overall happier with it. Honda is about the only thing i havent owned.

And the Bobber is the first non sports bike. I like speed lol. We bought the wife an R3 and taught her to ride and she likes riding with me. But some times she wants to just sit back and relax and take in scenery. And i love the stripped down naked look to the Indian. So win win

I’ll be back when the seasons flip again lol

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