Why I'm quitting WoW over Final Fantasy 14

You can only report people for RMT in FFXIV.
edit: Nvm u can report for other stuff but it’s in a different menu.

The reason that’s bannable is because how do you know what their dps is if you aren’t using an addon that breaks tos? They let people use the tools for their intended purpose, but they don’t let people use them as a means to harass other players. I don’t see why it’s bad.

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Take a look at https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216:

“Harassment” means speech and/or behaviour that inflicts deep emotional distress on another person. It is an extremely serious violation. Where Square Enix determines that harassment has occurred, a penalty equal to or higher than “Temporary Service Account Suspension” may be imposed.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of behaviour that could constitute harassment in Final Fantasy XIV:

・Discriminatory expressions based on race/nationality/thinking/gender/sexual orientation/gender identity
・Discriminatory expressions about a state/religion/occupation/organisation, etc.
・Obscene/indecent expressions
・Actions that inflict emotional distress using content related to historical events or crimes
・Disclosing or indicating personal information such as contact details with the aim of meeting up in the real world
・Disclosing or indicating another person’s real world personal information without permission
・Other actions that are generally regarded as actions that inflict deep emotional distress on another person

These are prohibited in all places where expressions can be made, including chat (including Quick Chat and Emote), markers, comments and names. With regard to character names, if a phrase equating to harassment is formed within the full name, this is also regarded as harassment. In the case of a group action, all of the members involved will be subject to penalties.

There may be other types of harassment that do not fit into any of the categories described above. Square Enix may determine that conduct constitutes harassment, even if such conduct is not expressly prohibited herein.

■Nuisance behaviour
“Nuisance behaviour” means speech or behaviour that hurts others or obstructs game play, but which is not classified as harassment. Even if it was not the intention, a penalty may be imposed if the end result was that another person was hurt or obstructed.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of nuisance behaviour:

◆Offensive expression
“Offensive expression” means an expression in general that inflicts emotional distress by being offensive to another person. Offensive expression may include:

・Aggressive expressions such as violent language/slander/insult/threat.
・Expressions that provoke or belittle another person, such as excessive criticism, negation/ridicule
・Expressions that significantly lack consideration for another person
・Expressions that unilaterally reject another person’s opinion
・Expressions that any reasonable person would find offensive
・Expressions that compel a playing style
・Expressions that attempt to unilaterally exclude someone from the game or content/community, etc.
(Except when in accordance with rules set by an administrator such as a Free Company Master)
・Expressions that contravene public order and morals
・Other expressions that are offensive to another person

Offensive expressions are prohibited in all places where expressions can be made in Final Fantasy XIV, including chat (including Quick Chat and Emote), markers, comments and names. Use of an offensive expression in the form of a character name is also regarded as nuisance behaviour.

It breaks TOS because it falls under “nuisance behavior.” They’ve stated in the past that they’re aware of DPS parsers, and they’re willing to look the other way on them, as long as you’re not using them to criticize random strangers.

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Yeah I think everything you quoted is healthy and part of what makes the FFXIV community feel good. In WoW you can get away with too much and the toxicity of the playerbase reflects this.


After getting to around 60 on my ninja and being absolutely blown away by the engagement of the rotation and satisfaction I get in a dungeon or raid on bosses, thats all I needed to get hooked.

The game is absolutely atrocious though before you are high lvl , I wish they redesigned it because it took me like 4 years to finally hit a decent lvl and continue playing without uninstalling out of boredom.

It lacks open world compared to GW2 and ESO which have amazing open worlds, but WoW sucks hard in that regard as well so coming from this its just pure improvement.

FF14 respects your time and doesn’t ask you to sacrifice your soul to keep up, it feels dated but loved by the devs. Its got pluses and negatives but by far positive outweighs negative. Its strongest point is easily instances, such a strong cinematic feel.

I didn’t want to believe they made such a huge oversight at first.

I flew out to K3 and threw out the Anti-Doom Broom on one… negitive!

I am just shaking atm.

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This is by design. People keep saying this is a player issue, but I completely disagree. The developers engineered the game to be this way since Legion.

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Best post I’ve read to date on these forums!!! Thank you!!! I wish I could give you more hearts!!!


This is probably the single biggest issue in WoW. I am actually less interested in the game if I don’t have an achievable, measurable goal. Valor gear was an important part of that during Cata for me. I’ve heard Wrath had a similar system (badges). I liked how there were a couple slots were BoE items that I could sell for a couple thousand gold once I got all the valor gear I needed on my main for each role that I played (dps and tank on both warrior and DK for me).

When there was a BiS list I could get (MoP might’ve been the last one of those), then I’d gear my main and get started on an alt. The change of pace between toons was nice. I’d gear up that alt then start working on another one. I’d also feel like I had time to do other things I might enjoy such as pet battles, achievement hunting, mount farming, etc. I was having fun.

Content now is geared towards making sure that you always have something to do on your main, leaving too little time for a change of pace by playing an alt. I do far less achievement hunting, pet battles, etc. since Legion added AP grinding because I feel like I don’t have time because there’s still too much to do on my main. The end result for me is frequent burnout and having no desire to log in for half the xpac.

Blizzard needs to understand that achieveable goals, including gearing, are extremely important. That would make the game a lot more enjoyable overall.


Esports, ilvl and raid io garbage ruined it

I agree with you OP. I quit WoW early on in TBC and just came back for SL to play with some IRL friends. The game feels like Diablo to me (minus the loot and fast pace). My character basically sits in Oribos or Heart of the Forest and just goes out for instanced runs.

It feels like Blizzard built this massive world but there’s really no reason to go out and explore any of it. I guess most other players have explored everything throughout the various expansions though.

I was loving SL for the first few weeks but something changed really quickly for me and now I just feel burnt out. Idk as a casual player I just don’t feel any inclination to log on and make “progress”. A lot of the tasks/quests are ridiculously inane, repetitive, and mind-numbingly boring. I can’t stand to look at the mission table or run around doing the same dailies over and over for anima I don’t even care about. I’d literally rather watch Netflix or play a FPS game like Valorant or COD… Barely logged on the last 2 weeks and cancelled my sub (runs out tomorrow). Might come back for a month or something in the future to do CN with my buddies but I can’t really see myself ever subbing for an extended period of time again.


I’ve been playing FFXIV since launch in 2013 bought every expansion and have six maxed jobs. This is false you don’t see the same players very often. In addition, you can quickly teleport to any other server in your data center so you see people from other realms just like WoW.

I fully agree with this. Would give you an award if there was such a thing here.


You’re friends list, or more importantly your guild, IS your realm.

I see the same people all the time. Might be because we all hang out in Ul’dah lol.

I don’t go to Limsa, that place is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Lima is my GC I like it better since it’s outdoors.

Well, you certainly don’t see the same people in the zones because they are completely empty 3 weeks into a new expansion. There is almost no reason to go back even on alt jobs. You sit in town and queue all day.

I’m just not having fun in WoW much anymore. When I log in I am asking “what do I need to do” instead of “what would be fun to do”. Most of the stuff is a matter of “I’d rather not” but if I want to progress I have to. You might think that every game is that way and to a degree they are, but because the stuff you need to do to progress in the other games is actually fun it ends up falling into the “fun to do” category. Can’t say that about WoW now.


I recommend leveling 4 characters to max and joining all four covenants. You can just do the minimum to get through the stories on alts.

Yeah I think people get that. It’s just pretty offputting for that to be the case though. Again feels more like Diablo rather than an MMO.

The phasing in WoW along with not being able to trade with people in your groups is a pathetic way to structure an RPG.


To clarify for anyone reading this, the way the cross-realm system works in FF14 is different from WoW. The game doesn’t cram everyone from multiple realms together in the same zone like in WoW. Instead, you have to specifically and deliberately choose to visit another realm. To do this, you have to go to the Aetheryte hub in one of the three starting cities (Gridania, Ul’dah, or Limsa Lominsa), click the Aetheryte hub, and choose the option to visit another realm.

While visiting another realm, you can go on adventures with your friends in the world and in dungeons and whatnot, and you can buy from the Market Board, but you are restricted from certain other activities (Buying a player house, selling on the Market Board, leaderboards, harvesting resources from rare nodes, etc.).