Why I'm quitting WoW over Final Fantasy 14

After playing wow and FF14 extensively, and really trying to choose one, I figured since I decided to go with FF14 I’d share why … because overal I do prefer wow but this was a gamebreaker for me.

Realms / World immersion.
Meeting people along my adventures in wow doesn’t feel genuine. Let me quickly explain, we are all on a “realm” but also at the same time all seperated and mashed together to improve server performance. . If I meet someone chill in a capital city, or on an epic adventure in Shadowlands, chances are if I dont’ add them as a friend I’ll NEVER see them again.

In FF14 you choose a realm, and the people you meet on your journey, you WILL cross paths many times, you get to know the community around you, without having to add everyone, phase, War Zone on OFF etcetera.

Everyone in wow is in hyper GO go gotta go fast mode, rarely do people chill out to take part in what could be a Community aspect of the game.

Anyway, maybe something will change in the future, for now, Farewell!


Have fun!

I haven’t played FF for several years but I did like it. Minus the constant loading screens :smiley:


I do miss single servers stuff we had in vanilla.


Best of wishes and Have fun!
That is what it’s all about. :smiley:

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A persistent, immutable world is the entire point of a MMO for me. This has definitely been the root of my largest problems with WoW for a long time now.


There are a lot of issues in WoW for me now but one of the biggest, believe it or not, is only being able to do TWO lousy professions on a toon instead of being able to do them all.

Why? Because I am sick of doing the same stuff over and over and over, the quests, farming rep to buy patterns/recipes, etc. The game has become way less alt friendly.

I like professions, I like to make things, even though professions in this game really are sorely lacking. But I’m tired of having to get six+ toons up to speed, of doing the same crap on all of them again and again.

Ironically I’d play my one chosen toon more than all the others combined if I could do every profession on him. I’d want every recipe/pattern, I’d farm all reps to get them, if I see something I didn’t have I’d be looking to see what I had to do to get it. But as it is now, across six+ toons? I’m not feeling this anymore.

This brings me to FFXIV, and ESO, which I play. Play a lot more than I do WoW. Why? ^See above, I can do all professions on ONE toon, and one toon is all I have, it’s all I want. I can focus on that one toon and get everything on him. I never have to do the same stuff repeatedly.


Yeh, I’m a bit sad because I’ve enjoyed Shadowlands SO much, it’s been just such a great experience… but I just find myself not even paying attention to people around me, for the most part. . because what’s REALLY the point? And times I do try to interract most people ignore me for a few different reasons…

  1. they are too busy, or don’t care

  2. they don’t see my messages (whispers in seperate window) or default chat they just don’t see it.

  3. . GOTTA GO FAST! hah…

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Alternately, you can play on an RP realm, where realms are kept more or less separate, and you will mainly just run into other players from your same realm.


Play on an RP realm, we have to good of cross realm without the drawback. I constantly run into the same players and it helps strengthen the RP community. It’s great!

Edit I want to add a lot of community issues I see about WoW I don’t see on WRA, so it’s a bit hard to relate to a lot of ‘toxic’ community posts.


Take care Azmi!

I enjoy both games. :slight_smile: I would say I lean towards WoW but I enjoy playing on JP-Typhon in FFXIV.
Maybe I’ll catch you sometime on my dancer in FF.

If I wasn’t so invested in WoW, I would be playing ff14 for sure. I gave it a go, and really enjoyed myself, but I have so much time invested in WoW, and I do enjoy SL for the most part, it would be too much for me to change.

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Enjoy friend! I wasn’t too big on FF14, but that’s because I couldn’t get into the server my friends were on. I heard great things about their raiding scene though!

Fair winds and following seas!

this has many aspects to it.

blizzard have only created vertical character progression in this game. there is no horizontal progression. and wows is based solely around gear. and because of the lack of player agency and control over there gearing path and how everything is tied to RNG, it results in the playerbase having the gogogo mentality because they dont know when there next gear upgrade is coming to come or where from. there is no goalpost to hit in this game because of all of the RNG. in FF:ARR you know when and where your goals are. and not just in gearing. the gogogo mentality is brought on because of the need to hard farm as many bosses and as many M+ as possible to try to hope the RNG gods bless you. if there was a currency vendor that players could use there badluck tokens to eventually build towards the gear that they want, they could slow down and appreciate the journey a lot more.

blizz also seem TERRIFIED of players ever hitting an end goal. they seem to think that if players get exactly what they are trying to earn that there fingers are hovering over the unsub button the second that they attain it. when in reality, its a load off, and then you can go and dip your toes into pvp. into pokemon. into achievement hunting. pushing harder in torghast. playing that alt that they wanted to play. get through that other covenant campaign they wanted to work through. etcs. so blizz keep slapping systems and layers and more crap in the way of you ever achieving a gearing goal in this game.

this is blizzards design and not understanding there playerbase. there " cyclical " players that they think the game is filled with arnt as transient as they think they are. they are more likely to leave if they cannot get to a goal because they cant even see the yard posts.

TLDR: this is blizzards designers faults for annoying there playerbase to death with dumb decisions to try to keep there spreadsheet metrics up, and not actually making a fun and enjoyable experience where players can actually achieve what they want to achieve. also there failure in developing more evergreen content or horizontal progression.


I have characters on WRA, I’ll come stir things up for you :+1:

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“Why I’m Quitting” threads should be a bannable offense.


:rofl: the humor

Also FF14 doesn’t suffer from “Devs think they know whats best” syndrome.


I’m on an RP realm (RIP RP-PVP) and yes, it’s better but honestly it’s not the same. I would pay extra for a servermode without sharding, xrealm LFD or xrealm LFR. I feel you, OP.

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I’ll be summoning the ToP rare in a couple of hours, feel free to pop in c:

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Have fun. I have my beef with XIV, but I can put my preferences aside and admit it’s a pretty darn good MMORPG, better than this one in many aspects.