I have no idea what they’re talking about to be honest.
When I played it for a few months I never ran into the same people over and over. The game is also just as much a lobby game, if not more than WoW.
I have no idea what they’re talking about to be honest.
When I played it for a few months I never ran into the same people over and over. The game is also just as much a lobby game, if not more than WoW.
I’m just saying from personal experience, it was something really neat meeting someone at lower level zones, and crossing pathes with that person as I was leveling, also in our realm there’s a dude that everyone knows because he literally just dances outside a specific pub day in and day out, he likes to dance… haha! hmm. Both games have Positives and negatives, I’m glad I made this post, some folks have suggested RP realms which i’ve never considered, the only issue is occasionally I do like to pvp. hm
You can’t leave a 15 years old account that easily, I suppose they don’t have other choice than lie themselves…
I know some people would like this expansion, but for us, the tempo through the expansions was ruined, this is not World of Warcraft, this is some asian mobile game with time gating mechanic instead of energy points.
Im played almost all online games, I know this kind of time gating very well… and I know how this will end…
I only have to say, you bring this upon you Blizz.
Or whatever you are… I can’t tell anymore…
For me, this is the most annoying aspect of modern WoW. I remember the go go go kids back from WotLK, and we used to laugh at how they often made runs take even longer by causing unnecessary wipes. Then the game changed to actively require you to not only tolerate, but fully embrace this toxic method of play. It’s absolutely miserable. You can’t even feel good about completing a run. Either it ended before you knew it, or you failed the timer and missed out on bonus loot. It’s never satisfying.
Thanks guys for not roasting me , really means a lot. and I’m definitely gonna try RP realms
I don’t really need to see the same people again nor do I care to do so. This seems like the most minor reason to leave for a subpar mmo but, bye.
Nah they added plenty of cross realm stuff now, its very easy to visit other realms as long as they are in the data cluster or whatever.
The communities are still smaller but it’s not as “pristine” as you would be lead to believe
I’m all for playing other MMOs, I’ve played a bunch!
I don’t mind people bringing up XiV but they are always so… sneaky about it? Never admit to any of its flaws and get super defensive about even the slightest comments. I will talk about the good parts, there is stuff XiV does better for sure but also a bunch it gets wrong.
Every game has pros and cons and you do no new players favours by painting them an unrealistic picture.
(Not you you, just speaking in general now)
When I first started playing WoW about 4 months ago on my trial account, I was totally immersed in the Gilneas area and I met another Worgen who was very experienced. They were chill and we talked for an over an hour about random things, not even the game. I hadn’t been more immersed in a video game since I was a little kid.
We had fun messing around with emotes and just… sitting in the middle of the empty Gilneas city. Talking about random things. It was easily one of the best introductory experiences to a game I’ve had in a long time.
If you think you see a new player, just walk up to them and talk to them about anything. Trust me, most will enjoy it.
FF14 may have its issues, but I’ve seldom seen Community listed as one of them. If anything, they actually LIKE their Devs. Because their Devs DO try and listen to them.
That’s something Blizzard relies upon. For some of us, we’ve got over a DECADE invested into WoW. Leaving it behind would be a nightmare. It’d be painful. Blizzard trusts on that keeping people from going where they’re actually wanted.
Considering Blizzard straight up Encourages people to post such threads, there’s nothing wrong with him saying he’s leaving.
Yeah, I think the way things are now, Blizzard is in a spot where they may soon start losing players. Twisting Corridors launched in a BAD state. The Maw still sucks. The Anima grind is getting to people. The story is lackluster.
One thing keeping me from going back to FF14 is I’d have to go through I think 3 expansions of content. I played back when 50 was the max. That’s be brutal.
Another thing where it feels like FF14 listens to its community is when it lists groups being banned for activities, it gives NUMBERS.
“12,000 banned for X activity.”
“7,000 given suspensions for Y activity.”
That gives the feeling they’re doing things. When Blizzard? Very seldom do they give numbers. Just “we did a ban wave. Yup. We’re listening.”
What kind of offenses do they get banned for in FF?
Pretty much the same things that every mmorpg bans for. Cheating, botting, exploiting, you know the drill. In short, if it will get you a suspension or a ban in WoW, it’ll probably get the same result in FF14.
I was just a soloer to lvl 40, I was just standing there , when I was approached by a guild leader and he gave me tour of places I had never been in Wow. I had long before ignored guild request pop ups. He explained to me why I needed a guild. I joined. He was a great tank, so I became a great Warlock. He taught me the basics of dungeons and raids. That guild was just a great group of people but the members were too causal to do Molten Core when that opened, so we had to merge with a more hardcore group. The new leaders were in the military and they were drill sergeants and we were idiot scrubs
I can’t be bothered leveling in FF14 if someone isn’t carrying me through the content tbh
Daily reminder:
Flagging is not a dislike and people who do so in attempts to get people removed for disagreeing with them should, in turn, be banned themselves.
Classic is waiting for you, there’s no lies in Classic… unless you want to play a balance druid with hand of Ragnaros… then you will be lying to yourself.
I still remember one of my first dungeons. As a Thaumaturge. I was doing it all wrong. Not alternating between Fire and Ice properly. The group was nice, gave me a few pointers. I wasn’t wiping anything, I just wasn’t exactly being helpful.
I listened, finally understood what the buffs meant, and at the end, they gave me a commendation. Because I listened to their advice. WoW? Do it wrong and get ridiculed and/or kicked.
Yeah WoW is an archaic game at this point I’m glad I am not prejudice against different cultures like so many people who avoid FFXIV for the stupidest reasons.
You’re right, people will never get old to engage with. That doesn’t really say anything about world of warcraft though.
Not sure what was so confusing about what I said. FF has loading screens every time you change zones and many quest lines have you going back and forth between zones constantly. It was the thing I disliked about the game the most. I wasn’t comparing the 2 games just stating something I didn’t like about FF.
I agree that WoW has added more loading screens (which I don’t like) - it is especially bad this expansion due to how the zones are set up but at least in WoW thru BfA you could still move from zone to zone on the main continents seamlessly. Legion had Argus and BfA had the 2 separate continents plus Naz being accessed only thru a portal.
I do hope WoW goes back to less loading screens, but unless FF has changed how it’s set up (it has been years since I last played), WoW still has far less than it does.
I don’t blame you. I probably came to play WoW myself for the wrong reasons. I was never a fan of D&D. I only tried it because it was a free trial and other games had gotten too fast for me (or my computer) i.e. Tribes: Vengeance. I’d actually prefer a more “Guardians of the Galaxy” type scenario where I could play a human with extraordinary weird powers. Maybe that’s Overwatch, but I feel too old to learn a new game with even more new systems.