I’m confused by this statement. Ever since mop/wod? Wow has long since lost the advantage of being mostly loading screen-less. I really don’t see much difference to wow nowadays and other instanced MMOs.
It’s kind of sad. A seamless world was one of wow’s main trump cards over other MMOs but that’s gone now.
This is a valid reason to leave. If WoW suddenly went away, I’d consider FF for such a reason.
Then again, in such situations, if you make an enemy of one person, you can find the entire world standing against you. That’s less likely to happen in WoW.
The heavy restrictions to free players turned me off of FF14 (my brother and I couldn’t even invite eachother to a group??) but WoW is also starting to feel like it’s not my game.
Sub still has 2.5 or so months left though, so maybe my mindset will change! Maybe not…given their stance on mid-expansion balancing, probably not.
Buuut I’m not gonna turn this into a whining thread for me.
Can others affirm this? Cities seemed too populated in my brief playing to believe it’s all one server, but maybe I’m misremembering. If this is the case, I may need to give it another try…
Evidently some do. I love it when arrogant people try speaking for everyone else.
The amount of “I’m quitting WoW for Final Fantasy” threads on GD I’ve been seeing for the past week has been absolutely infuriating.
If you hate the game so much, just leave instead of making yet another topic about the exact same thing well over a hundred other posts have made a topic about.
I liked that Heavensward expansion. I don’t even think I finished the next one.
FF14 is okay, good single player story (after the atrocious level 1-50), it’s just… basic.
Last time I played there, the raids were bland, they had these primal fights on like 87 different difficulty modes, the dungeons were a snore, the GCD must have joined a union or something to get such a long break in between everything, there were loading screens everywhere you went, and the community was super weird.
Even worse, they seemed to homogenize all the classes with a set of “borrowed powers” or something. And it’s not like the classes had all that much going on to begin with.
Basically, I wouldn’t want to play that game as an MMO.
Sometimes i wonder if they do. Dunno why they dont say about the super timegated gear progression for the single role you can choose to get gear for in a game that wants you t be everything everytime.
Storyline reminds me of torghast if you like it, great if you don’t, its even worse suffering because they are mandatory and take a really long time.
PvP is non-existent.
PvE is okish but honest its soo basic that it becomes boring, raids are boring and dungeons are too ez
Combat GCD is just too, too big. Feel like playing with 500ms sometimes.
And its community is aversed to any kind of criticism, they can be more toxic to criticism than the tryhard 1500 stuck dude in wow. Not refering to personal criticism(which is bannable if you show their dps lmao)
The game doens’t even have an open world.
But i can see several systems that are better than other mmorpgs in the market, just not by a large margin. The housing system is good for instance.
True, i hate when companies go this way. Homogenization is something i become completely aversed.
A lot of us have had periods where we really get into FFXIV.
It’s a great game, but I can’t see it being my “primary” MMO. I tried raiding there and it lost its appeal REALLY quickly. The story through Shadowbringers was insanely good, the environments in Stormblood were among the most immersive I’ve ever been in (Kugane is jaw-dropping).
It’s a fantastic game to pick up and play through during WoW’s dead time.
Thankfully, the lead developer realizes that. He actively encourages people to take breaks and come back when there is more content that they’re interested in.
Instead of, you know, doling out one quest a week for a quest chain that could probably be completed in two hours to make it last months.
It’s not so much the actual content of FFXIV that has drawn me in lately - it’s the design principles. I don’t feel like I’m constantly manipulated to play more and because of that, I actually wind up playing it more. I don’t feel like I’m getting punished if I miss a week, or that I’m falling behind in any way.