Why I'm quitting BGs as an Alliance player

She does play at all times I have jugg on bnet .

Being a Mythic raider doesn’t necessarily make someone bad at PvP. In fact, the only real incentive a Mythic raider would have to queue random BG’s right now would be if they actually enjoy PvP.

Don’t fool yourself, if horde were where Alliance are now, Blizzard would do whatever had to be done to ‘even’ things out for their little buddies.


But thats you think keyword “think” you have no way of knowing how blizz does it .

While you’re generally right in identifying the problem, merc mode doesn’t help, because Horde who merc frequently are often just “looking for some PVP” and don’t care about objectives. Gear does matter, but not at the cost of failing to play for battleground objectives. And as your own data show, having mercs didn’t even noticeably close the gear gap - perhaps mercs tend to be the Horde’s failures.

In epics especially, where the battleground layouts are asymmetric, mercs are a real drag on Alliance because they are used to playing Horde strategies that work poorly when mirrored to the Alliance side.

What would help would be:

  1. Adding deserter if you refuse a queue so the lack of depth of the Alliance queue will be less likely to result in our starting battlegrounds undermanned

  2. Fixing the racials so there isn’t so much of an incentive to play Horde if you’re interested in other ways to get good gear, like mythic raiding

  3. Getting rid of merc mode entirely, and instead relying on queue time differences to incentivize people rerolling to Alliance and staying there.


Not really its the same and i play 24/7

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Its not about numbers matching . Its so easy to pad meters in big team fights. What matters is how well your team works together.

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You just solved the problem. It’s not gear or healers. Alliance just have worse average players than horde yet you bring up ilvl in the OP


Nah I’m out of tinfoil.


Only if you define “skill” as synonymous with “gear”.

What ? Merc mode is fine ? I have yet to run into the problems you do ? I was in an av you were in on my warrior and you agreed with people to just stop trying, and all that jumbo you had 1kb barley 1 mil dmg and 5 deaths .

What exactly where you doing but talking in chat ? If thats how you play then i can see why you would blame it on " mercs"


My argument is that it’s both that has led to the current situation in BfA. Bad Alliance players don’t get conquest and therefore don’t get the better gear whereas the Horde playerbase gets it faster extending the gear lead on the Alliance. It’s a cycle that continues to widen the gap in both ilvl and skill level. It’s too much ease for the Horde.


Wow, now you’re stooping to flat out lies. Very convenient that you were “on your warrior” so there’s no way to verify this.

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I disagree. Having played both factions, it’s much much slower getting conquest points as horde. Plus you have all week and many ways besides random Bgs to get gear.


I wouldn’t know Jugaa, after losing 6 Epic BGs yesterday I threw my hands up and said screw the 65 conquest points, I give up.

Queuing at 1 am as a last ditch effort and getting 3 healers vs 9 in a 40 man bg- I’m taking the hint from Blizzard.


You know you can just do a yolo rbg and get 150 for a win, right? Gearing through randoms is slow

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Oh stop it . :roll_eyes:

We have the following :

  • Random bgs that drop gear at a decent rate

  • LFR

  • Warfronts free 1 ilvl 370 and spammable 340 gear and its up rn !

  • Joining yolo rated bgs and /or creating your own . Even if you lose its still conquest and a few wins will instant cap you vs randoms all day.

  • Heroic bfa dungeons -they are extremly ez to do and give 310+ if you have a fresh alt .

Personally if your toon is struggling with conquest /gear go spam warfronts rn they are up rn !!! youll be full 340 .Then youll have nothing to worry about . Heck i join bgs at 68k hp idk why its such an issue with you people . :roll_eyes:

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I don’t queue the epics. Could win 8 randoms in the time of those 6 epics and have 64 pts

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I recently got my MW to 120, and was 340 like a day and a half later. It’s not hard.


My ilvl is 364, 340 gear clearly is useless while two 370 items from capping conquest are not.