Why I'm quitting BGs as an Alliance player

I have a fresh 120 Demon Hunter on horde side I made about 3 weeks after BFA just because I was so fed up with alliance. I am not very good at playing it. It’s the first DH I ever made. I have a 61% overall win percentage as horde. 218 games played, 133 wins.

I have two other 120 alliance chars a priest and druid both classes I have years of experience playing and feel much more comfortable playing. Both are in the low 40% win% range for bfa overall.

This is as a solo player not queing with premades.

I plan to faction transfer the druid to a horde for a Zandalari druid, was hoping to do that at 8.1, but they’re not having the new races added

so the low ilvl does similar damage as high ilvl to someone in high ilvl.

So you just pointed out that scaling works while trying to say it doesn’t??

Unfortunately, queue times are horrible Horde side. Personally, since I have so little time to play this game, I prefer to play Alliance and lose the majority of times, than wait in a 20 minutes queue and still face the possibility of losing.
It is what it is, Blizzard won’t address this anytime soon.

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How should Blizzard address this?

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I have no idea, I don’t know if it is that unbalanced and if they really see it. I am very casual these days, so I can’t speak about the unbalance. All I do is PvP on my 301 Alli toon.
L.E. Been playing since early MoP, and I always saw some degree of faction imbalance in PvP.

Weird, I was just tipped off by this part of your post thinking they should and could do something…

I’m having a hard time believing that people are arguing that Alliance isn’t getting regularly trashed in BGs - particularly rated BGs.


I merely stated that they won’t address it. As to why, how, and if they should, it’s not my area of expertise.

factionless battlegrounds as the default setting with an option to que for faction-specific for different rewards/prestige/whatever.


i’m only on board with this if they don’t change our toons, thats the number 1 reason i don’t merc.

I typically don’t merc because getting to the recruiter is annoying. I think I read they’re putting a flight path to the place he lives, so maybe I’ll think differently tomorrow.

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I am all for factionless Bgs. A lot of others are not.


Tired of the crying about how bad the Alliance is in BGs. Don’t let my avatar fool you, I’m 90% alliance and I merc when I’m on my Horde. Its fun being an underdog, makes the wins that much more satisfying.

By all means, reroll Horde. I don’t mind if the battle hardened Alliance stick around while the weak jump ship.


I just merc’ed to get faster queue times (working on IoC achieves) and it was actually pretty funny. Not all the faction armor changed, I was a night elf with red and black thorny armor and a big horde logo belt buckle.



I’m finding myself in much the same situation as the OP. There may be naysayers out there but there is at least one other who is seeing the same things you are. I haven’t put in the level of effort compiling data that you have, but in my experience alliance wins less than 10% of the time in the smaller battlegrounds. Epics are a bit more, around 25%. I admit those are guesses, the OP can probably provide more accurate numbers with the spreadsheet data.

I believe this is a problem, healthy battleground competition should result in an expected win rate somewhere in the vicinity of 50%. Most of my pvp experience was during the wolk and cata expansions, and I was always VERY impressed with the level of competitiveness in my battlegroup. If you check my stats they are probably still somewhere around 50% for most battlegrounds, largely driven by those numbers from years ago.

I don’t believe that the current situation is actually any better for horde than alliance. The losses are probably more frustrating when you’re expecting to win, and the wins less satisfying. Sure, advancing and getting gear is easier, but the experience isn’t as rewarding. If the situation could be evened out a bit, it seems like it would be better for all of us.

So what could be done? Well, I agree with an earlier poster who was against the idea of conquest points for losses. It sets a dangerous precedent. We’re trying to make things more competitive, not less. Off the top of my head I had a couple quick ideas.

Maybe increase conquest points from wins by a factor equal to the ‘win ratio imbalance’ from the week before. So let’s say that this week horde win twice as many battlegrounds as alliance. The following week alliance will receive double conquest points for their wins. If alliance only win 25%, next week the rewards will be multiplied times four. I don’t know if this would actually accomplish the goal of making battlegrounds more competitive, but it should help to alleviate the gear discrepancies documented by the OP.

Or how about making merc mode available to both the horde and alliance? I think the merc thing is a pretty cool idea, but it’s horrible to limit it to one faction. More choice is always better, and currently one faction has a choice but the other does not. If alliance could queue as horde, some would do it and others would not. This would likely increase horde queue times, which might result in more horde trying out merc mode also. Would it make things more competitive? I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot. Because the current situation isn’t much fun, and I also am trying to figure out if it’s even worth it to queue up these days.

Thanks for the effort you put in, OP. Cheers.


Is this per individual? Per faction? I’m not liking the idea of rewarding bad play like that.

Per faction. And I’m not entirely sure I like the idea either, I only throw it out there as a possible way to mitigate differences in gear levels. The most important thing to me is creating a healthy level of competition in battlegrounds, where win rates will naturally even out a bit. I’m not even certain how much changes in gear levels would affect that goal.

What do you think of making merc mode available to both factions?

I used to be against it, considering merc mode is actually made just to lower queue times. But I’m not really sure, my mind is slowly changing. It would raise queue times though so I don’t see them implementing it.

At this point I’m okay with them allowing it.

If no other reason than for all of these Alliance playing Ancient Aliens enthusiasts to get a taste of what the grass tastes like on the other side of the fence.

And then the rest of us can sit on the forums and wait for them to reveal what new conspiracy they concoct for why they’re STILL losing BGs.


Well that’s easy! Obviously Blizz would be secretly putting all alliance mercs together onto the same teams so those poor, put upon really good players are still being stuck with all those bad alliance players.
