Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

One word: Hubris.


I’m trying to imagine the Developer Hell that would eventuate if they had to create a game designed to appeal to the way every single player wanted to play the game.

I don’t like Pathfinder, and that’s a fact. However, of all the things that frustrate me at the moment, PF is not at the top and its certainly not going to stop me playing. Would I prefer it if they used any of a number of excellent alternatives offered over the years by players and writers - yes. But in the absence of that I will mutter, curse, and just keep living in hope, and playing.


Well that should be a wake up call then its clear thay pathfinder is driving customers away yet watchers ego is so big hes willfully ignoring it and because the concept of being wrong doesnt even register to him

Its all about his vision his designs and what HE wants WoW to be

Nevermind the fact that without players his vision is nothing

If any other business managed to drive so many customers away as Blizzard had done him and other executives would’ve been canned months ago


I have seen your other posts. All you do is make one line posts trolling people who have any concerns with current or future state of WOW. Want me to copy paste your comments here? yes you are a troll.

Something tells me you’re too overly sensitive to distinguish between someone being funny and someone being serious. By the way, I’m flattered you choose to spend your time stalking me.


No need to stalk you. Your comments are pretty much everywhere.

There’s no need to exaggerate to cover up your obsession with me. If you want an autograph, all you have to do is ask.

Thanks for making my point. Have fun trolling as usual.

Aw. No need to cry. Here, this should make it all better: :baby_bottle:

I like the idea of spec locking. Why should someone who changes their spec more than they change their underwear be able to perform as well as me, off the bat?

How is it impossible? The achievement needs to be finished on a single toon, right?

Revered. You don’t need Exalted for Pathfinder.

Turn off warmode.

I don’t really get this complaint honestly. I’d recommend an addon like Altoholic which might help… I guess.

Quel’Danas didn’t come out for over a year after launch. Before that you were limited to a total of 70 gold a day from dailies.

I didn’t start BC at launch. I started toward its end, a little past midway (I leveled very slow and spent enough time at 60 to get a full pvp set), so I’m speaking of my own experiences. I never had to struggle to earn gold to afford flying. After Quel’danas, the only players I imagine struggled to purchase flying were most likely new or pvp-only; I know after a few months I was already starting to fund my brother, who was broke from enchants and never farming…and he stayed broke till he quit in WoD. PvP might be the least profitable activity in this game.

Casuals everywhere

Can I have your stuff pls?

Enjoy classic with no flying mount then?
Or burn pathfinder content with your azerite empowered lvl 120 main.

Easy solution blizzard. MAKE REP ACCOUNT WIDE FFS.

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What you don’t like when the sky rains a group of horde to insta-kill you?

Sylvanas is technically in Classic too so you better stop playing that.

Not being able to switch over to playing an alt is also one of the reasons I hate Pathfinder as well.

Some other reasons:

  • I have to rush through the story and not pay attention because I’m just trying to get flight done
  • I don’t go out into the world and experience any of the extra content that isn’t the stuff needed to unlock Pathfinder until flight is finally in the game
  • I stop playing the game for almost an entire year until fight is finally available
  • I absolutely hate time gated rep grinds

It completely ruins my enjoyment of the game in many different ways. I really wish they’d just at least unlock flying in expansion release zones with Pathfinder part 1. I can deal with the rushing through content and awful time gated rep grinds if I know I can at least unlock flying and be flying around doing stuff out in the world on alts and stuff until the next patch and new zones are released. I can AT LEAST keep playing the game instead of not playing it for almost an entire year because it’s not enjoyable until flight is available.

Please Blizzard! This is just ridiculous.