Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

if blizzards reasoning is actually pure to delay flight - that they really want you to see their precious time spent on art.

keep the 100% explored, 100% quest completion but make it per zone. i.e. first zone focus for 100% completion bang you can fly there now, next zone have to walk still…

this allows people to knock out and get flying done quickly easily and still get to “experience everything” - of course this idea is BS because they just want to delay the daily chores as much as possible so you think you have more content.

there’s a lot of good reasoning against purchasing shadowlands, yours isn’t one of them.

But because of it I am, at least for the first year. And whether I come back isn’t up to Blizz, they’ll have to hope whatever game(s) I replace it with is permanent or just filler.

are you always trolling on the forums?

Ah yes, what a dastardly “troll” I am for not caring about some Classic player feeling the need to whine to us about an expansion they’re allegedly not going to buy.


You can’t keep track of pathfinder?

I don’t like it and I can - easily.

Good god you are dim.

None of my old friends Play this game anymore!!!

"I understand the company had their worst year ever. "

I think because there are only a few of you who Yell “I Love Pathfinder”. While the rest of us quit the game.

Have fun with your Dying game. Enjoy your pathfinder with fewer people on to play with because those of us that quit “Hate Pathfinder”!

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See you in 9.0.

They kill me with this joke.
Whining about flying in PvP.
Its like theyve never heard of a bomber or a jet fighter in a war or something.
Of course flight is an advantage in war. THATS THE POINT.

People like the OP don’t want solutions. If he did he could have googled that very page. Thanks for being helpful and linking it tho, just in case someone does actually need it.


It is impossible to keep track of a small list of things you have to do? Man you must go completely crazy insane if you have to follow a grocery list.

ya i agree, people should just leave and unsub from this game.
we already went from 12 mill subs to 2 mill, an all time low.
once it gets to 1 mill subs blizzard will do what they did with HOTS.
move all devs away from WOW and have less content.
then skilless nubs like you have to move to other games lol.

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It’s funny you say that because there’s nothing skilled about what I’m looking at.

Where did you get the gold?

Coz i remember getting epic flying in BC. And it was about a solid month of dailies to get the gold required.

Only reason i was able to grt it straight away in the next 3 expansions was that i had a lpt of gold left over from doing dailies at cap.

Flying always took a lot of work to get.

Not past BC, and as a new player in BC I was able to unlock both flight forms, plus purchase both ground mounts and speeds and a flying mount with about a month of Quel’danas dailies (still a lot shorter than a year).

In Wotlk and MoP, you could buy flying with the gold you made questing, which is nothing to an AH tycoon. In Cata, old world flying was 250g before you even started to level.


People who complain that they can’t get it because they play multiple characters haven’t even bothered to look at the requirements.

I’m holding off buying until we have a more firm answer on how Pathfinder will work. If it’s business as usual then no I’m not buying, the fact that I physically feel myself ugh thinking about it is a bad thing. I wanna play the game MY way not the way they want me to play.

My way of thinking is I “paid” for flying by running through/around those mobs many times already. I ground my reps, I found all the nooks and cranies and I’m ready to fly. The first 1-2 characters (while i figure which alt I wanna main) is one thing. After that though I’m ready to play MY way and sitting around for several months waiting on part 2 is just going to have me unsubbed anyways.


This is exactly what’s hideously wrong with Pathfinder. Once we do the work, we should be flying. There is NO excuse to keep us grounded after we’ve done part 1.

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I hope pathfinder doesn’t return in Shadowlands. The endless rep grind is making me want to unsub tbh. I wouldn’t even mind that if it wasn’t timegated, I work 5 days a week… it’ll take me MONTHS before I can get pathfinder because of that.

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So basically you refuse to buy it because you don’t want to put in the effort other players do? That’s what I’m getting from your post.

Since you don’t want to do Pathfinder noone else should have access to it? That makes total sense…