Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

The last expansion I purchased is WOD … because of Pathfinder.
/wipes tears from eyes

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There is a few addons that track account wide rep…

The best kinds of people.


Pathfinding is 100% horse crap. It’s a lazy, unfun way to keep players subbed. Its artificially time gated and offers zero enjoyment. They could spend the time creating a huge storyline quest that delivered a good challenge to complete and that fed people a solid chunk of lore so people actually new what was going on. The devs don’t do this though cause it’s too much work. I’ve unlocked pathfinding with every expansion and its horse crap everytime. Rep grinds in general suck, they are an un fun feature that should be replaced by some challenging. Something you might have to get good gear to complete and or have the skills to accomplish. This needless grinding is stupid and its the main reason I get max level, get pathfinding and quit the game, everytime. The old system where you needed gold was even better than pathfinding. Why? Because are were multiple ways to make gold. Gold nor the game economy even make a difference anymore. Chat is just spammed with people selling raid runs. Different topic for a later timebut ya, the pathfinding grind is a lazy, piece of crap way to keep players subbed longer than they should be because the content is boring as hell. 100% Truth.


Totally agree Grom.

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Due to Pathfinder I have not/will not purchase expansions …
/wipes tears from eyes

Rep grinding makes the game boring and time gating artificially boosts time online. Both are actually counterintuitive to what Blizzard should be doing, which is making us look forward to being online, not dreading it until we’re through a section.

When I do world quests, I want an actual reward for them - not a small rep boost. Armor and weapons are generally what I’m looking for. I’ll also take pets or toys. I don’t care about resources, artifact/azerite power or gold. At all. Those rewards can all just be dropped as far as I’m concerned. We shouldn’t require resources to send out followers on a mission table. Power ups for necklaces or whatever are BORING. I have enough gold, and if I don’t, I’ll buy a token.

When I got to the highest level of armor/weapons I could get from world quests, I stopped doing them (I don’t care about titanforging, either - I’m doing LFR and some casual PvP, but I haven’t raided since WoD). Flying in the expac came too late for me to bother with a second rep grind - I was burned out from the first one. Had I been able to get flying when I got Pathfinder 1, I would have spent more time online to level my clothies while flying. But since it’s so late in the expac, I just don’t care to rep grind a second time in order to just level a few additional alts. They can just be relegated to sitting forever now at 110, and since I’m not doing anything else with them, that decreases my time online from what it would have been if I would have bothered to level 3 priests, a mage and a lock, and gear them with armor and weapons from world quests, raids, etc. Good thinking, Blizz.

As far as time gating, all it does is stretch out your played time online across a longer span of days or weeks. It’s the same amount of time played, but now you have to log on today to do the first part of something, then next week to do the second part instead of being able to jump right into it. There isn’t much actual extension here, and in truth, time gating is probably cutting down time played, because once I get 1 or 2 characters to max, that’s all I’m running through time gated quests. I have 1 healer and 1 dps run through the time gating quests, and the thought of having to do time gating with my others is enough of a turn off that I’m just not going to bother. Good thinking again, Blizz.

I did buy Shadowlands, but I’m only going to level and gear 2 toons so I can avoid the parts of the game I hate as much as possible. No repeat time gating. I’m not going to bother with Pathfinder so I don’t have to worry about rep grind. I’ll go play ESO or some Steam games for the rest of my online time, just like most WoW players nowadays.


Empathy, perhaps look into it…I hear it’s actually a thing…

I had not bought it either and glad i didnt

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You’re probably gone by now since this was posted literally a year and a day ago, but I like your mog lol.

First of all, you type like you’ve been up for 72 hours and have no idea where you are. Secondly, who cares?

bye Felicia

Complains about retail.
Says that they’ve quit playing retail.
Is playing retail.


Oh, you think you’re being FUNNY…okay, that totally excuses you being a jerk then…nevermind.

see you monday!

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