Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

I level 5 - 6 characters at a time. It is impossible to keep track of Stupid Pathfinder progression. Others with lots of time to do every single quest and who get Exalted with every possible faction get flying in that expansion. They land and kill me and fly away. If I can’t fly but they can then I’m not buying Retail WoW Shadowlands.

I don’t have the time to figure out which toon is farthest along in Pathfinder and not taking the time to finish it.

I quit Retail WoW because I HATE Pathrinder. Not going back to Retail.


Pathfinder is a joke for Warmode.

Either enable flying for PvP or disable it, don’t keep the same PvE mentality of “it doesn’t harm anyone else”.

I’d root for disable, but either way, make it consistent for PvP


I’m fine with Pathfinder but NOT if World Quests are the sole way of getting rep. I’m not grinding stupid puzzle games for months again. I’d rather just play another game.


Am I supposed to care?


Time-gating is the real issue with Pathfinder.


It’s fine for warmode. We have our net-o-matics anyhow.


Definitely not.

I loathed the Tortollian world quests. So did many others. It’s the fact we actually have to do that stuff on a daily or weekly basis that turns us off to getting pathfinder done.


Wat? Just do Pathfinder on one character then.

And whatever you do, don’t try to get progression towards it with War Mode on.


You should write your next post on why nobody cares.

You may struggle to reach the 10 character minimum however.


I level at least 4 separate classes every expac. It’s entirely easy to keep track of Pathfinder because I start with my DK, move to my rogue, mage, hunter, warlock, etc…

I go as far as I can on the DK 1st because we only have to get everything on one toon for it to be account wide.


It definitely is.

It’s why you have to, “do that stuff on a daily or weekly basis.”

If you could just do all the regular Tortollan quests, it would be fine. If you could just grind this out over a weekend, it would be worse, but still doable.

Instead, due to time gating, you have to “Make Loh Go” x number of times over x number of days.


Thank you for going out of your way to let us know. I’m sure we’ll still see you in 2020. :+1:t2:


I’m not buying Shadowlands because Sylvanas is in it.

I’ll try retail again only if/after she’s dead and gone out of the story.


Only if you are playing Classic wow will you see me.

The Story line and the Pathfinder grind is Not Fun. As others say it is boring and we hate it but are forced to do it over and over and …

NO! I’m not going to grind what I hate. I’m going to be playing another game.


At its current state I have no intention of buying it either. I haven’t heard any of the major things that would entice me to play again being…

  • The Return of PvP Vendors
  • The Return of ML or a new loot system for organized teams
  • The Removal of Pathfinder or removing the gating mentality behind it
  • The Removal of Titanforging or turning down its RNG

They can tell me that they’re unpruning classes and have finally learned their lessons but in a thread I made long ago I said…

I hope they have better things to announce. As it stands I’m not interested.


While I agree that it can be annoying figuring out who is furthest along, there are tools to help.

Wowhead has one called the Flying Tool. If you go here:

and go down to the first line and click on the “Flying Tool” link it can check a character and tell you how far along you are in the Pathfinder progression. (Yes, it talks about Legion, but it works generally to track the current expansion’s Pathfinder).

All you need to do is make a note of which of your toons is furtherest along and then work on that to complete what needs to be done.

But - if you have quit or are quitting retail WoW its all moot anyhow I guess.



That is the worst reason to not buy an expansion.

Even if she does get written out of the story in this expansion, you’re still going to need to buy it (or you’ll be given it for free) when the next expansion launches, and on top of that, you’ll still have to progress through that content anyway, meaning you’ll still have to ‘deal with her’ up until you progress out of the Shadowlands expansion, assuming her story is wrapped up in this one.


See you in 2 years when the next expansion is released to post the exact same whine.

Pathfinder isnt going away. Get over it.


You what now?

It’s hard to keep track of “explore all the areas, get rep, do quests”?