Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

Yea Time gating is the biggest issue with Pathfinder. IF they would just let you do Pathfinder and fly it would be a healthy compromise.

I am debating if I want to bother with Shadowlands. Nothing looks all that new about it and after 3 expansions of pathfinder I am tired of it. I guess I might let Blizzard win this round and not fly (or buy or sub for that matter).

Definitely no reason to preorder. Could care less about new races for one whole class especially since you have to spend $60 to get a boost now.

IF they would announce there was only one pathfinder and it unlocked flight no later than X.1 patch Id probably go ahead and buy it though. I don’t know why Ion and co are so hung up on flight. I mean it worked just fine for so many years and they have done nothing but lose subs over something that costs them nothing to keep in game.

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I can see flying being restricted in the shadowlands due to the area being undead, we need a safe way to fly to avoid the big bad. It honestly should have a lore reason for why we can’t fly (BFA could been swarms of these bloodbats or whatever they are called making flying unsafe)

I would like to see pathfinding be changed, make it a quest chain we unlock if we cleared the main quests for the zones, then we find a way to fly around safely, remove the rep grind, make it part of the story

Well, it’s pretty awesome that we both have an option we like. And your sub money keeps things chugging along just the same as mine. Thanks!

Hey there Chum. If you are going to complain about flying in Warmode, when on pvp servers it has been a thing since BC, you are late to the party and it is just a fact of life in PVP, get over it or don’t opt into war mode.

Hey there Chum. You keep wanting my attention. You got it.

Stop acting like it’s the same thing as BC. You were able to buy it at max level for money. Not grind out rep. Maybe we should implement rep grinds to make it so that’s the only way you can mount in battlegrounds or arenas. Don’t like it? Hey there chum. Mounts have been in BGs and Arenas since they first came out. It’s false logic. I said either way, it should be consistent. Either allow people to fly, or don’t. But don’t lock it behind a quest/rep grind then say that’s the way it’s always been, while simultaneously using the pro-flyer excuse of “you can choose to walk. Flying doesn’t hurt anybody else.” In PvP, that is certainly not the case.

I don’t care if they allow everyone to fly or if they take it away, frankly, just make it a fair footing. Chum.

What does alts have to do with it? Once you get it all the alt have flying.

grinding rep isn’t fair?? boo hoo

Sweet, let’s lock flying behind 2k arena next expansion.

You’ll come crying then.

Boo hoo.

I’m cautiously optimistic.

Still, they’ll have to earn my dollar.

Yes, pretty much the same for me. I have 2 accounts, and only resubbed both of them for Classic (since I didn’t really want to play BfA for Pathfinder and other reasons), but only got BfA on one of them. Both are cancelled now (with game time until the end of Nov.)

At this point, while some of the things in Shadowlands looks intriguing, I’m not going to get it with Pathfinder if it still has the reputation grinding requirements.

I had that dilemma - which toon was best to start working towards pathfinder; for me it was the toon with the highest reps. Grinding rep is so annoying and fills me with hatred.

Then I had to look up which quests I have done on a specific quest chain and try to figure out where/how to pick it up. I have flying unlocked in Legion and BFA. I’m not even going to try going for WoD.

I hate pathfinder and I wish it was removed or, at least, make the rep grind easier for previous content. I really liked being able to wear a Tabard and gain rep for that faction during dungeons. That was so much more fun that world/daily quests (At least to me).

But now that I have them unlocked, the levelling process of my alts is going a lot faster; and I just skip WoD content.

However, I am really looking forward to Shadowlands as an altoholic. I have 7 120s and 5 others between 20 - 100 and not having to slog through all of the levels again in mismatched zones is a great bonus.

The idea of only going through 60 levels and being able to work through each expansion as a single story sounds incredible. Now that I’ve unlocked flying, it’s going to make Alt Levelling so much faster.

I am so excited for Shadowlands.

*Edit - Forgot to mention the new Tower makes alting exciting at end game levels too.

I hate Pathfinder too…but obviously you getting ganked from the air doesn’t bother you as much as you say.

If it did you’d work on Pathfinder or accept your fate as being an easy kill.
PvP isn’t for the faint of heart :open_mouth:

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^^^^ This,you just have to do it once and all your toons get flight and you never have to do it again. Good gods man who told you you had to do it more than once?! :0 Plus to my understanding,grinds for SL are being reduced slightly.

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I’m not buying it because I already got scammed out of my 60 bucks with BFA


A: Pathfinder may have a stupid 1 year time gate, but it is otherwise very easy to do.

B: You only need Revered with factions, look at the requirements before complaining about them.

C: Turn off warmode if you don’t want to engage in PVP.


PvP vendors should be in the game.

Ahh, you accidentally posted from your main above. Wolftrakker, got it. Nice, I like the whole wolf theme :+1::joy:

Here are my thoughts …

  • Make all allied races in previous expansions available for new and returning players. Keep any current allied races behind achievements so that everyone is one the same page. This would go along with Blizzard’s new approach with alt-leveling as well as getting old and new players back on. And allow people to work towards current content rather than old.
  • Open all Pathfinders from previous expansions to everyone. Those of us who worked for them have the achievements to go with them. Make it a Book of Flying for gold, a new quest line for each zone, etc. This would make coming back to play for those who logged off years ago enticing to come back on. Just don’t see the logic in locking flying for old content. Keep the Pathfinder requirements for current content.

Sounds like a you problem. Try leveling 1 or 2 characters at a time. Then later in the expansion, when things get slow, go back to the other toons.

And I bought flight in Wotlk, Cata, and MoP at max level with zero world quests or mindless dailies required, back when flying was treated by the devs as a baseline max level mechanic rather than a reward that hasn’t evolved or improved since it was released in BC.

You guys are defending repeatedly earning a 13 year old reward that hasn’t truly been a feature in 6 expansions.