Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

Why I’m buying Shadowlands: Since you aren’t, I’ll buy an extra copy and give it to a friend of mine.

Thanks for the heads up.

So you’re not getting Shadowlands because you cant seem to focus on a main character to play in order to obtain flying? By the time flying is even added into the game, if you really play that many characters you could probably have pathfinder achieved on at least 2/5 of them.

Just honestly, pick one to hard focus on and then do casual stuff with your others.

Seems silly to not buy an expansion over such a trivial and minimal problem which, seems to be a self made problem VS a mechanical problem

If it’s too hard to track what zones you’ve explored or haven’t explored, I daresay it wouldn’t be surprising to know that you need a map to find your way to your bathroom.

If they’d keep Pathfinder but drop the reputation requirements, I’d be OK with it. The rep grind is the only part of Pathfinder I truly despise.

Exploration, quest completion… They make perfect sense. Not so much with the reputation. The only goal for that is to keep you logging in to do your daily chores.

"Dear Blizzard and community - I play the game as I want to play and I fully expect everyone to make room for me. Just because I spend over a year leveling, don’t want to make the effort to know which toon will actually get my Pathfinder first, and don’t want to turn off WM… no, no, no. The rest of the playerbase, nay, the entire game, needs to cater to my playstyle.


I tend to level over 20 at a time and still manage to get pathfinder. If you can’t manage it with 5-6 at a time then it sounds like a “you” problem.

Ok, bye I guess.

Highly doubt that.

Cool story man.

Classing forums this way

You quit retail 'cause you have no self control. If you want to level alts constantly. I’m sure many others hate pathfinder too… cya then.

Yeah i seen dhs just wreck everything with there godly aoe crit dam its insane lol i might even level one at one point.

I bought BFA in mid October.

I’m just a few days away from being able to fly with minimal daily time. You just need to prioritize the quests that give double rep. The Halloween Buff was awesome for getting an extra 10% on emmissary turn ins.

The biggest problem with pathfinder is that it takes half an expansion before they implement it - that’s the compromise with no more flying ever.

I’m on the fence about buying Shadowlands. It’s over $100 in my currency (for the complete edition with mount and pet) and this time running around BFA and the fact that it takes more time to get to places then it does to do quests and that not being particularly engaging makes the pre pathfinder portion of Shadowlands somewhat unappealing.

Please make that a promise.

Guess we won’t be seeing you for an expansion or two… maybe more.

not to be an a$$ but this sounds like more of a “you” problem than a “general player” issue. You say you level 5 - 6 at a time? Why? Why not just level one all the way - get everything you need (including PF) and then level 4-5 at a time WITH PF? Sounds like you are just making this way more difficult for yourself than you need to. Things like that take TIME and while we are all at the behest of our own schedules I know there were folks who tortoise’d their way to still getting PF. Don’t make excuses, it’s really NOT that hard.

So… don’t go into War Mode. You won’t get killed.

Yup. Eight months watching people run around with a pack of 15 mobs chasing them and then watching the mobs run back to their spawn is really immersive.

Actually lets call it what it is.

Benny Hill finder.


Yea, you will. And you’ll complain the whole time again, but once you unlock it you’ll be content and forget about it until the next expac when they announce they aren’t getting rid of it. Then back to the forums.

We’ll see!

Pretty much this. It’s like they give you busy crap just for the sake of doing it.

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