Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

Yikes. /10char

You know I am probably right. Lol

I am like 25 but okay. xD

Boomer is a state of mind. Shut up boomer.

He says shovelling tide pods into his maw.

Pathfinder is sucky but fineā€¦The person(s) that decided to intentionally timegate it are masochistic A holes to put it lightly

I suggest you make a human or race change one and make that your ā€œpathfinderā€ toon for all time.

Simple reason for me right now is the Covenant system just screams spec locked mess for a minimum 6 months until they realize how bad it is then put some system in place to fix an obviously broken system.

We LITERALLY just had Legion where you were spec locked and the first half of BFA where you were spec locked if the Azerite gear that you wanted did not drop so some genius decided that spec LOCKING you again but even worse this time was a good idea?

If I had to guess I will start playing again around 9.2 after this train wreck hits the wall and Blizzard is forced to fix it. Also the same company that thinks Corrupted gear is better then Titanforging is making this expansion so excuse me while I sit back on my faith in Blizzard.

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Just turn off Warmode while you work on it. I agree, itā€™s annoying as hell and having to grind rep to fly is goofy. Iā€™d be fine with it if it was explore zones, finish story line but I have 2 hours max a day to play and Iā€™ve spent all my game time over the last two weeks just doing chores, I mean dailies/wq. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever turned off Warmode.

Since we are going to be stuck with pathfinder why donā€™t they expand out what you need to get it. Now to finish part one we have to do 5 things but what if they made it a list of 8 but you only pick 5 things finish. The newly added three things could have something to do with mythic+, raiding, and pvp. This would cover more parts of the game and allow for players to skip something like rep grinds in order to do something they enjoy like raiding, pvp or mythic+.

While this is not going to make everyone happy it make help people get flying while still doing some of the things they enjoy.

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I did as well. Now I just do the Shell game its the only one I can stomach of their WQ.

You could just pick one guy to focus on for pathfinder.

I too level a small horde at the same time, but I designate one guy for rep or quests, etc.

Makes life a lot easier for the altaholic.

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Gated flying hurts PvE too.

In Nazjatar when the Elite Commanders event happens, by the time a non-flying person gets close to reaching a location, all the people who can fly have already wiped that commander out.

That feels like a punishment for not unlocking flying. In my opinion it is time to put an end to gated flying in the next expansion. Either disable flying in Shadowlands completely, or everyone unlocks it at max level for gold.


So another topic of ā€œI want flying and I am going throw a temper tantrum until I get what I wantā€

turn off Warmode?
Before WM I actually felt sorry for victims and ridiculed pathetic gankers who are too afraid to go do real pvp against players who WANT to fight and could whip them.
Now its ALL on the victim.
Blizzard gave YOU the tool YOU needed to avoid being ganked 100% of the time.
YOU chose to enable warmode. When you do that you are telling the world that you WANT to be ganked and PvP.
Of course theyre going to do it when you put up a ā€˜gank meā€™ sign on your own back by choice.
Turn WM off. The fix is easy.

Havenā€™t bought yet. Waiting to see what happens between now and its release.

Wowhead keeps track of it for you.

They gave us back auras, so I have developed sociopathic traits that help me ignore your feedback, OP.

This expacā€™s gonna be great.

I think you fundamentally misunderstand what Iā€™m saying so Iā€™ll be clearer.

I donā€™t care that flight is time gated. At all.

What I care about is the activity I have to do during that time gated period. Basically if you donā€™t make loh go you donā€™t get flying which is absurd. WQs are not why I play this game.

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Donā€™t PvP because of flying? Nice. I love the pro flying crowd.

Yup itā€™s pay to win mechanic. Someone can either pay the time to grind it or use the services for someone else to which is wrong fyi but people do it. Just like gold farming people now pay others to get them dam pathfinding and its a joke.