Why I'm not buying Shadowlands

or it gets added to the 11-50 when next expansion comes out so you can skip it?

I hate playing this game so I am going to make a thread about hating this game then announce to everyone I’m not going to play this game or buy the expansion.

Just leave your abusive relationship with WoW so you can show up to work on Monday morning without all the questions about the self inflicted bruises from the weekend. Cancel that subscription.


If Pathfinder is the thing that made you quit out of all the other issues with the game then frankly your not worth pleasing. Pathfinder is fine hell its to easy and came in to early in BFA imo.

Leveling 5-6 toons at a time you should be able to get Pathfinder done even faster, since everything doesn’t need to be done on a single toon. Just assign one to each zone to get that loremaster, rep, and exploration done.

Unless you don’t level via questing.

Just knock out PF with a DH, and then enjoy your alts. This works for me at least.

It really sounds like a personal problem and not WoW’s fault.


You can’t just choose 1 character to get Pathfinder on? Seriously?

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Agreed. Pathfinder part one is fine, but waiting six months for them to release a new faction to get exalted with to fly feels bad.


Yes, because eventually you will have nobody to play with but the NPC’s


Doubtful that they’d do that. They’ll likely add on another 10 levels and resume the leveling cycle again. I can’t imagine them launching another expansion and keeping the level cap at 60.

Pathfinder doesn’t require exalted. That said, anyone who focuses one character is going to be in a better position than someone trying to focus 5 or 6 characters at once.

Probably because you’re trying to work on 5-6 characters at the same time. I wouldn’t have any time either if that was the case.


or maybe don’t go into warmode if flying is an issue for you.

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It’s easier to do when playing WoW is all you do.

why are you complaining about ganking when all you have to do is turn off warmode?

40 minutes of world quests per day, just the azerite ones. again, easy

OP, i hate pathfinder too. i think it’s one of the most stupid ideas they’ve put-in the game (and not cause i’m lazy, but cause it has a lot of requirements and i get burnt out).

BUT when it comes down to it, i think shadowlands will make pathfinder a ‘tiny’ bit easier since you can do any content you want (except the new stuff) right off the bat, and everything scales so you can do an entire expansion without outleveling it. not saying it will be a lot easier, but i think tracking would be a bit better.

I think pathfinder should be the standard of unlocking it, with a big gold sink to skip the requirement

you either farm out the gold or work through pf

I think that keeps the best of both worlds, people like me who hate what the option does to the world will get to crawl in the mud with the rest of the poor people, and people who want the convenience have a way out via grinding gold

edit: and you could have a system of price decay, so around the time we would normally get pf2 it’s like 10-50k if you still don’t have it done

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I’m looking forward to it.

Why we care

SpoilerWe don't.

Bold of you to assume they have a job. Probably just using my tax dollars to abuse welfare.

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