Why I want Wrath Era

Why continue to play a game that’s going to be gone? Because… you said so?

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, dude.

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I will be honest zaalg. No one is getting emotional here. I am just tired of arguing with some of you folks, who clearly have no objective things to say about anything.

I have presented a ton of evidence as to why I think a permanent wrath classic option should exist. And nothing anyone has said is convincing me otherwise. That isn’t me or anyone else getting emotional. We are just disagreeing with what you have to say.

One of the main points I have brought up is protecting of blizzard’s IP, in this case wrath of the lich king classic. Because if they don’t provide this service. Someone else will provide it in an illegal way. And, I could be wrong, but I don’t think blizzard wants that. Right now, there are probably folks playing bc classic private servers atm.

And I mean, wrath classic isn’t like that 3DO game jumpgate, that has legit zero players playing it. It’s unfortunate, but it is the one piece of entertainment I can think of that doesn’t have an active community playing it anymore. Or any way to really play it either. 3DO went out of business decades ago, and no one took the liberty of creating private servers of that game. Man and no city of villains or city of heroes private servers either. That was a decent game.

In my op, if you have a version of a game with a private server thing going for it, in this case, the warmane private server for wrath. I think that is very telling just how popular wrath of the lich king really is. And that will only get larger if blizzard decides to not do permanent wrath classic server options.

Now, let’s say they decide not to provide permanent wrath classic server options. Are they going to send a cease and desist notice to the warmane server staff. People will be pretty mad if they do. I mean, we all told them we wanted a permanent version of wrath classic. They shut down nostalrius when it got to big as a vanilla server. So I can’t help but feel the same thing would happen with the warmane server to.

My point and perspective is that I would rather support the actual blizzard entertainment company, than the private server company. Specially because of the issues I listed, such as getting a cease and desist notice.

I mean, I guess you think anyone who disagrees with you is being an emotional prick. But whatever. We just straight up don’t agree with you lol.


We’ve looked at what you claim is a ton of evidence and found it lacking. Nothing you have said has convinced anyone. This isn’t me or anyone else getting emotional. We’re just disagreeing with what you have to say.

I’m sure blizzard doesn’t want people to steal their intellectual property. They’re just looking at the costs to maintain barely used servers for a small number of people and weighing that against the loss in subs if they don’t provide them. Blizzard isn’t a non profit performing a service for the public at a loss or even to break even. They’re a business to make a profit for the owners of the business, the shareholders.

You’d have a different view if you were creative and had any intellectual property to protect. You’d have a different view if you had to choose between doing something to protect your property at a loss or allowing people to steal it.


My problem isn’t people wanting Wrath Era. I did, myself, before Blizz butchered it.

My issue is people just making bad arguments. All about ‘I’m wasting my time’ and ‘It’s all for nothing.’ Making a hundred posts about sub numbers in Cata. Saying no one wants Cata. Quitting Wrath Classic over it. Etc, etc. None of that means anything, and is simply illogical.

You want a compelling argument, keep it simple: “I want Wrath Era because it’s my favorite version of the game. From the class design to the content. Yet it still preserves the old world.”

That’s about it.


TBC Era server because TBC Resto-Druid PVP > WoTLK Resto-Druid PVP. :expressionless:

old world persist on era and sod

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Yeah its odd that idiots get emotional and argue with people being nostalgic about a now ~15y old game. I mean a well written rebuttal to them in that while I will stick to sod I can see people who only want wrath either twinking or going to a private server would be a good measure of demand for it despite the risks in doing so. As for arguements against giving the benefit of the doubt to the wrath haters there is the idea that the sub loss would be low for that expansion, but only an idiot would use the subs as a counterargument when the real money is in the tokens and unlike subs can be unlimited, while its easy to cite profit motive really companies make mistakes all the time. Its why we don’t see ‘blockbuster originals’. While on the subject of private servers; Only an idiot would claim that blizzard would do stupid things like blindly shut down servers who do proof of concepts that might otherwise cost them money.

As for the lack of players there was a leap in vanilla era after people did once tbc was not confirmed go to there. These games run on nostalgia and thus the demand for individual expansions is unpredictable but no doubt we have seen a demand for sod after the questionable future of wrath era.


I also want a wrath era server so when i go off to work 12 hour shifts for a month. I can come back and my characters are still there where i left them. :heart:


yes full send

Welp. Here’s the moment of truth.

Prepatch is scheduled for late Spring so that gives them about 4 to 5 months to change their minds on this.

But internally, the choice would have to have been made either this month or next month since you know, that’s how game dev works. Let’s hope…


Already been decided…
If a company says in their own convention that there are no plans (not even maybe or not decided) then it means its pretty much decided.
That said, they never said era will never come, just not for Cata release.


I’m loving SOD. Had my original toons had this sort of power it would have been a blast. Even though the mobs are tougher it’s still fun fun fun.

BUT I continue to hope for wrath era. Cata was such a radical change to the game I would love to have the Wrath era world preserved, like they did for Classic.

Bring back the cloning service! I will keep my toons in Wrath, but I would pay to clone one or two of them.


I think wrath was a radical change to tbc. Cata just followed Wrath ideas/philosophies.

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I honestly would pay to keep copies of both also. I just couldn’t get into SOD or classic plus. I just want the OG game.

Cataclysm had alot of good moments to. But it also deleted alot of the moments and fun I had previously in the first few expansions.


Thank you for the link.

I am not sure there has been talk of wrath being fresh if they do not take snapshots. The problem is that we do need to remember. Only an idiot would confuse no plans at the time for no plans total as we saw what happened with rdf which is good for leveling not so good for late game dungeons and same faction bg, which did lead to win trading as many predicted early on until the bg bots arrived and used av/isle to level.

Though I can expect sod to really take off in the same way that vanilla did take off after tbc was not confirmed. Though the fate of a weak expansion like cata given it inherited a strong lead from wrath and dropped the ball like how bfa inherited much from legion before failing I would think that either legion or pandaland would both be strong contenders for the end of the line for classic. While cata being end of classic I can only see as if they did keep wrath and made the loot economics more like tbc/sod/vanilla with less scourgestones buy everything.

So while they sometimes cave to public demand there are too many idiots assuming cata will succeed because wrath has done so twice. As for design I am not sure it might be set in stone the hardcore addon becoming a game mode, som1, and players creating alternate ways to play the game might be normalized when an expansion as tedious as cata drops, I would not be surprised if even in such a low tier expansion people found something actually fun to do there since they will not find it in the default content. People have been calling it ‘the expansion which makes you old’.


I wonder I think we might see alot more of people signing that once we see what the gold sellers have their way with cata and the bootlicks who shrieked that no one wanted tbc when wrath dropped and who also screamed that no one wanted wrath when cata drops will whine when cata rots without a stronger expansion to serve as the mainstay.


Dang. Y’all really flagged this post until it was taken down. Thankfully it was restored.

I want to thank everyone who reported this post because now Blizzard was forced to look at it.


No one shrieked when there was no tbc era when wrath dropped. The few who asked for it didn’t spend most of their time hating on wrath so those who wanted to move on didn’t get provoked by them. But those who want wrath era spend most of their time hating on Cata so they provoke those who want Cata to respond. We really don’t care if blizzard gives you few crybabies their era game. But you just start fights over cata instead of just defending wrath. That’s what it’s all about for you.


Me when I lie