Why I want Wrath Era

What if you weren’t a fan of vanilla classic. I myself, liked wrath of the lich king more than any other version of the game. And I don’t want vanilla classic. I want wrath classic.


Man I want it to. I loved wrath more than any other version of wow. Feels bad to be in the minority though.


I honestly wasn’t a huge fan of SOD or classic plus. LIke I just want the same wrath of the lich king experience I had back in 2008 to 2009. And I want to be able to experience it forever.


And you got it.

And you’re already quitting it because you can’t play it forever. Not a good message to send.

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Of course he’s quitting.

They’re taking away the thing he wants.

Not sure what your point is…


No, he’s quitting the thing he supposedly wants.

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Because they announced they’ll be taking it away?

Come on, man. At least try a little


It’s a ridiculous reaction that sends the message the game isn’t even worth playing now, let alone for the foreseeable future. You don’t show support by abandoning the game.

When Blizz looks at Wrath servers emptying out they’re even more convinced it doesn’t warrant Era realms.


I want a permanent Wrath era server, just like classic era gets to keep 3 different server flavors with classic era, HC and SoD (or whatever seasonal they have at the time). Let’s not forget classic era was literally dead for the entirety of classic TBC and half of classic Wrath, and then people went back to play it again. Just like classic era, I want a Wrath server I can keep playing on and come back to if I decide to take a break from it.

I won’t be touching classic Cataclysm with a 10 foot pole for what it is worth.


Because we can’t think for 5 seconds about something, right?

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Apparently not.

Ever love a t.v. show that had lackluster ratings? And there were constant rumors about it being cancelled. So what do you do? Decide to just stop watching entirely? And tell everyone else to do the same? Yeah, that’ll convince the network to renew the show for another season!

This is common sense stuff.


But death knights wont.

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He didn’t say anything about death knights. He talked about the original Azeroth. Which exists in Classic Era.

And death knights will exist in Cata Classic.

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And this is why I never believed in ratings. Or yelp reviews lol. It’s all bullcorn. So many people make stuff up to.

Just a large majority thinks a show is bad. Why do they have to try and get it cancelled for the rest of us who do enjoy it. Kind of stupid and selfish if you ask me.

Some stuff goes forward even though it had extreme negative opinions. Everyone hated the prequel star wars trilogy. I think that yelp and the ratings system used for tv, and all that other stuff. It never seems to account for objective thinkers. Some people just like to hate.

I think it is just a lesson to stay away from digital and large open ended universe games like this. And digital media in general. They always take stuff away. Or alter it. And then I am like, Can I get an unrated edition. The version that, doesn’t care about everyone’s feelings and offendedness.

You cannot always trust the statistics. People are saying that taylor swift is the most popular artist in the world right now and has the most album records sold or whatever. And I am not buying it. So many different ways of buying products now and showcasing all that bullcorn. Youtube views. Tik tok views. Like there are so many.

And I don’t really watch alot of TV luckily. I remember my mom would stop watching a show once they took a hot guy off. Like apparently she only watched the show to see her hot celebrity boyfriend lol. But in general, I have been lucky to avoid watching shows that just stopped existing. Any given show I watch still has re runs of some kind somewhere. I have to have the DVD for spongebob season 3. Because they took off the midlife crustacean episode. For a pretty bullcorn reason to. Like we live in a super soft era nowadays.

At the same time, the show cancelling analogy. They just cancelled work on any future seasons. I can still watch the original seasons on any sort of format, such as DVD or VHS. Anyone remember VHS or CRT television. Funny how all modern tech breaks constantly. But I never, ever had to run back to the store to replace a VHS tape or a gamepak. That stuff always worked for life. But a DVD, oh gawd. I got some scratches on me. Im out of commision boyz. As well as all this tech we are forced to have now. To even be able to perform at our jobs. It drives me nuts. ANd then you always have those jerks who do understand it. But yet, when It breaks, I am supposed to just, magically understand it and fix it myself. Like no. It’s your job to fix all this bullcorn that you understand and that alot of other people don’t understand.

When I was younger, not a single form of media, even if it performed badly. There was some way I could still experience it, even though the majority hated it. The super mario bros movie from 1993 is a perfect example. Everyone hated it. I thought it was cool. I have the DVD that I can watch whenever I want to.

Of course with wrath classic, if blizzard refuses to make permanent options for it. There is the warmane private server. Which is less than legal. But at the same time. Who cares. Blizzard doesn’t really seem to care about protecting the wrath of the lich king classic IP, or providing a way to play it legally currently. So who cares if anyone does it illegally. On the same token, they did shut down nostalrius. So they could end up shutting down warmane to in the future, if it gets popular enough.

And now, we have digital stuff. And I think I am losing the battle. I don’t think physical media will be around for much longer. Thanks to the lazy people. Who felt that, taking a drive for like 15 minutes and getting it that day. Was super inconvenient to typing in some buttons onto an app and getting it a day later. Yah. Still takes to long.
Losing physical media will be a big one for me. Because if a show is bad on average by fans. Or a movie. Or a game. They will probably pull it. As well as the numerous shows and games they pull from digital storefronts all the time. I HATE it. So much. And then you cannot even watch the original season or seasons that it had.




But cata doesnt have the original world…

We can go in circles here bud.

It might be time to let blizzard go and find some new direction to channel your energy. I really hope you find some peace and work through whatever it is you got going on.

This is just a game, if it is no longer fun stop playing and find better things to do with your time. I promise after a while you won’t even miss it.


That’s a super case of apples to oranges, my guy.

A tv show will always be available to watch via reruns, DVDs, streaming etc.

Once we lose Wrath, we lose Wrath. Its gone.


No, it’s legit comparison. You don’t show support for something by abandoning it. But this is the WoW forums. People are emotional rather than logical.

Personally it seems to me players were just looking for an excuse to quit Wrath.


I feel the same.