Why I want Wrath Era

That’s what happens when people have so little faith in their opinions. They have to make it about something else.

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Seriously this is all I want. A place where my wrath classic toons can be wrath classic toons. And a place for cataclysm toons also. I just want both.


Wait when did you lie.

Nah, I was commenting on how they said no one wanted TBC era

ABSOLUTELY people wanted TBC era. There’s tons of people who wanted TBC era. But of course, we love to push this agenda that no one wants to stay in a certain era of the game. We always have to keep moving forward, can’t ever just stay in our favorite game.

I mean, really, if you’ve got that mindset, don’t even play Classic. Obviously you want Retail.


People are just stupid bro lol. I do remember forum threads asking blizzard for tbc era. Anyone who thinks otherwise. I mean I don’t know what to tell them.


And how did that work out for them? :thinking:

The game moves on and the players move with it. Blizz knows this. The only Era they ever guaranteed was Vanilla. And it was a ghost town until Hardcore came along.


It didn’t work out for them. Because we have a player base and executives who believe that options aren’t important and that we should all be shoehorned into everything being 1 way and only having a few options. It’s my job to disagree with that and to convince blizzard otherwise. That permanent wrath classic server options should exist.


Options aren’t important?
You have Retail.
You have Wrath/Cata progression server.
You have Vanilla Era.
You have Hardcore servers.
You have SoD.

Seems like there’s quite a few options. But you only care about your preference.

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No zaalg. I am arguing stating that there should be more options than the ones you currently stated. Not everyone likes those options.

I mean, If I and the other people who give me likes on my posts want wrath classic as a permament option. We should be allowed to have that. Same thing with cataclysm or pandaria. Right now, in my op, there aren’t enough options. And I think there should be more.

People who enjoyed bc classic. They should have a permanent option for that to.


Players have the option to play Wrath at this very moment and apparently the servers are dead. But a Wrath Era will thrive? Come on. Blizz is a business. They know players aren’t going to quit over this. At least one of these versions appeal to players.


Well, It isn’t going to appeal to everybody. And the op post is living proof of it. Explaining exactly why they want permanent wrath classic servers.

And I don’t think wrath classic servers are dead. PLayed with a friend in the dungeon finder yesterday. So people are playing.

And no, not enough people will quit. And I don’t encourage that either. I said I was going to out of frustration. But I probably won’t quit. But I will be annoyed and frustrated.

I still think big blizz should consider permanent wrath classic server option though. Whether they do or not is up in the air for now. I guess I will keep responding and requesting until they get done. No use in giving up.


That’s not what the executives believe. They believe that the products they sell should earn profits for the owners of the company, the shareholders. Not lose money, not just break even, but earn a sufficiently large profit. What you need to do is give convincing evidence that the options you suggest to be added will make blizzard that sufficiently large profit because they’ve looked at the data they have and don’t think they will.


There are opinions that should and shouldn’t be taken seriously, Classic Era was dead as soon as TBC released. Blizzard saw that and decided that Era servers largely aren’t what people want, or at least that most people just won’t play them. Being on the endless treadmill of Classic, TBC or WotLK just isn’t that appealing to the majority and the only way Blizzard can get people to play era at all is if they put a spin on it.

Hardcore made Classic Era flourish, and in turn, lead to the other modes SoM/D and offical Hardcore servers all of which had varying degree of participation. SoM imo came too soon and even though it had good numbers initially, after a month or so it was heavily bleeding players because people realised it was just Classic Era without anything new (SoI buff can hardly count as something new).

SoD is so popular because even though it’s Classic, it also has something new with that being the runes and the new dungeon turned raids among other things. It’s likely that the other Era servers will behave the same way, good initally then, a ghost town.

I’m sorry but the fact that you found 3 other people in all of the NA servers says very little. Yes people are playing but compared to last phase the difference is very noticable.

Personally I don’t care whether or not WotLK Era servers get put in, but as it stands I don’t see us getting one. Maybe they’ll add them later on in 5 or so years who knows but currently I think Era servers aren’t even being considered because Classic Era set a president that they didn’t like.


How do those boots taste? You seem to love licking them

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nice this post is good and has some good opinions


I think OPs point here is that Blizzard permanently froze Vanilla in time for people to experience again and again - but left TBC and now WOTLK as rolling releases with no intent of doing the same.


we are well aware what OP means

Well, I will be honest then. Blizzard better not come crying to private servers then when alot of those players who want permanent wrath classic servers from blizzard, come crawling over there instead. All I gotta say.

Also, it was more than 3 people. And the que time was really quick. At the same time, I personally cannot help but feel like this issue will get larger once cata classic actually gets closer to releasing. Currently, retail has no new real content atm. Love is in the air is the closest currently. And I think most people are waiting to resub once the new expansion comes out, as well as cata classic. And I think once alot of those players come back, they will discover that they didn’t do a cloning service for permanent wrath classic.

I mean, the ruby sanctum patch was pretty meh even when wrath was current content. At the same time, maybe I am wrong. Blizzcon was a huge announcement, but how many actually went. I have no clue. Hype levels seemed high at blizzcon, but at the same time, saying wrath classic has zero interest, or not enough interest as a permanent option. I don’t fully believe that is true. I do feel like alot of classic players are on hiatus atm. But I could be wrong. I mean, ruby sanctum isn’t worth anything now or ever, but the rest of the content in wrath was good except for oculus.

I think even during blizzcon alot of classic players had finished up ICC. And unsubbed for a bit. So who even knows. No one really knows what blizzard’s ultimate decision will be. Or how many people are playing wrath classic currently. I know I am not as much because I have no motivation to. The announcement of no wrath classic not having a permanent option in the works currently. It kind of shot me in the foot. It’s all about fear that they won’t do it.


They probably won’t, they know that Warmane exists and they most likely either don’t see it as that much of a threat (to their own numbers) or that they’re servers aren’t actionable (as in they’re in Russia or something). I also don’t think that a lot players who want WotLK Era servers will move onto private servers because they either don’t last long (taken down) or they have a annual reset cycle which goes against why they want Era in the first place which is to have a surefire way to access their characters whenever they want.

I’m sure that there’d be people that wouldn’t mind their progress being wiped every year but I think they’re in the minority when compared to the people that’d want a WotLK forever server on offical Blizzard servers. There’s also the problem of actual P2W features in those private servers that will drive away even more people but I think that’s an obvious point so I won’t go further into it.

Even if it were 300 different people it wouldn’t say much, NA is a big region with a lot of players, the experience in OCE is a lot different mainly because of region size. Granted the server is majority Horde and I’m Alliance but still I noticed a massive drop in RDF participation a few weeks into ICC.

The next thing to release as far as I’m aware is SoD phase 2 and Gnomeregan’s conversion from a dungeon into a raid. People will resub for that, people are buying tokens in preparation for something, that might either be SoD, Retail or Cataclysm but after the announcement for ICC the cost of tokens has slowly risen, currently sitting on ~12k gold.

I honestly thought that no WotLK era servers was an obvious outcome simply because of how Classic Era failed for the most part and how TBC didn’t get any Era servers. Now I understand why people would assume that WotLK would get Era servers with it being the last “classic” iteration of WoW but even then I thought it was a no brainer that they wouldn’t invest resources into more Era servers. At least for the moment.

It seems that more people watched the event than actually attended so there was quite an interest in it but for how many went just like you I can’t say, I don’t recall any empty seats though.

I believe that they’re simply thinking about player retention, how long will those players actually play WotLK Era servers before they log off for weeks/monthsat a time. How much it costs to maintain the servers and would there enough players for a healthy server.

Occulus is fine, I do understand the hate it gets but most of the groups that I’ve been in when doing that dungeon I’ve had no issues what so ever.

There’s little to no reason to log in for me too, I’ve done everything I’ve wanted and atm the only things I do is raid ICC once a week and play the AH… While also occasionally leveling an alt.

If they’ve stated that they won’t do it then there’s a 99% chance that they’re not doing it. They might open up a WotLK Era server down the line but atm I don’t see them adding them any time soon.

A rant

I understand why Classic got Era servers, it’s the original, where it all started, but when pretty much everyone just abandoned it to either quit Classic entirely or moved onto TBC. Blizzard saw that and assumed that any future Era servers most likely won’t work out, that players didn’t want to continue their Classic journey in Era servers, that they’d much rather continue it in TBC and beyond and now we’re here in WotLK and it’s playing out the same way.

People are asking for Era servers, claiming that they and their friends will always play WotLK Classic, that even though they’ve done all of the content they’re willing and wanting to do it all again only for when there are Era servers they’re no longer there to play it. They just wanted a place their character(s) to be static, like a trophy on a wall while they play another game, WoW or not. I saw it happen in Classic, people stating that they just want a place where they can go back and look at their characters as they were in Classic not intending to play, that they wanted it as a time capsule to look back on and reminisce their time spent in Classic.

How can Blizzard make a server for those people, increase their server costs because some people want to look at their fully BiS character that they’ll never play again because it’s done everything and they’ve lost interest. Now I know that no all people were like that, that they most likely stopped playing because the numbers weren’t there for a healthy server, that there wasn’t anyone doing raids but still, they stopped playing…

I’ve ranted enough so I’ll stop here.

Sorry for the long post.

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I don’t think they have stated that they won’t do it. But rather, there are no plans for permanent wrath classic servers currently.

I mean, vanilla wow as a permanent options just wasn’t my flavor. That’s why I didn’t clone characters to vanilla wow. Because, I liked permanent wrath servers the best. And I really didn’t give a rip about burning crusade. Like at all.

Kind of makes me wish that the cloning service was tried on wrath classic first. It will be interesting to see how this develops going further down the road in classic. Because I guarantee there will be a bunch of folks who want to stay in cata classic forever to.
I just find it strange that blizzard doesn’t want to protect their IP rights. And then go after private servers. Makes zero sense to me. Private servers wouldn’t of even reached the climax for vanilla and nostalrius if they had just added classic servers to begin with. In like 2014.

The only reason why I am not logging into wrath classic currently, is because they aren’t providing permanent wrath classic options. So what is the point in logging in. I was having a blast in wrath classic until they decided not to add permanent options for wrath classic. I truly do feel like the last 4 years of my life that I played classic wow, were just a complete waste of time.

I mean, mmo’s in general are a waste of time anyways. But at least I was wasting my time towards something I liked doing. Now, I have wasted all of that time, just for wow to turn into something I didn’t like as much all over again. It is very frustrating. I mean, I truly do feel bad for the people who signed on to classic wow originally. The classic community we are arguing with now are not the same community as the ones who bought into classic in the first place.

I mean, they broke every other promise they made about keeping the classic experience. At the very least, give us permanent versions of wrath classic. Wrath being the last version to actually be even remotely considered a classic wow experience. Cataclysm is legit why classic wow even exists.

Heck, even if wrath classic as a permanent option makes 20 k in pure profits for blizzard, it still wouldn’t be enough for them. Which is downright annoying. No it’s gotta make 1 billion in profits. Any less than that, it isn’t worth it.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if classic wow came out, again, in 2034. Nostalgia lasts pretty short now. So guaranteed we would see vanilla wow servers, in their original state, all over again in 2034.

I just wish I had seen this coming. Cataclysm is a cash grab. Nothing more. It definitely isn’t classic in any shape or form of the word in my op. I just don’t have any nostalgia for cataclysm because, you can pretty much do any of that stuff in the retail game anyways.

I also don’t understand why there are like 4 different versions of the vanilla wow experience. But wrath and bc. Who cares. Who needs a bc classic som or classic plus. Who needs a wrath classic SOM or wrath classic plus. Hopefully we can get some sort of compromise down the road. If there is anything that annoys me more than anything, it is the fact that vanilla classic at least has options for it that are doing pretty well. But wrath and bc are forgotten for whatever reason.