Why I want Wrath Era

Now, now. Let’s not point fingers. We have no reason to believe Asterion was the flag guy


I mean, he has a point though. You’re already getting Cata. You won.

You gain nothing by trying to shut down Wrath threads, it just makes you look petty


This is also true.

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I loved TBC but got booted from that into “show me your gearscore” Wrath :frowning:


The only way Wrath era servers happen is if you stop playing. If Blizz sees enough money lost then they may cave


Good thing I won’t be playing anymore

If Blizzard is happy with losing subscriptions and customers, the private servers will always be happy to pirate and copyright infringe as usual. Serves Blizzard right if they can’t see that legacy products are the most profitable products in the gaming industry.

GTA Online, Starcraft, Warcraft, FFXI → FFXIV, and Ragnarok Online are all good examples.


Man, after that last Q&A, they’re REALLY doubling down on having no Wrath era.

I guess they don’t want our subs.


i like both and wish they did era servers for both. i would never leave classic/tbc/wrath if they did that.



No, they just know people will end up playing Cata. And buying Deluxe Editions.


At least one era server for every expansion they rerelease :slight_smile:


I want to know who was responsible for the vanilla era server.

Whoever that was understood why people wanted Classic in the first place. Whoever calls the shots now is so out of touch with what Classic is supposed to be, its not funny.


they decided that likely for the exact same reason they decided to have classic to begin with, to be able to sue and shutdown private servers. it turned into a profit thing when they saw the amount of players but the goal was always to wreck private vanilla servers so they kept classic era up for that reason. not for us O.o that’s just a positive side effect.


I’m all for Wrath Era and BC era.

But personally excited for Classic Cata. I hope the other side gets what they want as well. Or they will just go to private servers, which is a loss for Blizz.


That roadmap has me sweating.

It feels like that’s the nail in the coffin for Wrath era.

All the work I spent on my character. Gone. Just like that.

There’s still 6 months left until there’s no going back but I’m sweating pretty hard right now.


I think there should be a server for every expansion.

I mean, why not? We’ve got 3 versions of vanilla. Blizz CLEARLY has the resources


Yeah, that’s really suspect.

They’re all like, “we don’t want to fragment the players” and then immediately give us two gimmick versions of vanilla that no one asked for


I suspect part of the issue is that blizzard messed up badly when they were handling how to do TBC and then Wrath.

If you look at HC, SoM and SoD they’re just different options within the vanilla install. But for some reason, possibly just lack of competence, TBC and Wrath were separate installs with their own patches etc… so to maintain them they have to maintain a completely separate client/server infrastructure.

Probably why Seasonal servers will be reserved for Vanilla servers. As you say, doubt they’d make yet another install, directory, client just for that.

Also, the Vanilla world is self-contained. Would be a little strange to do a Seasonal Wrath server where the first 70 levels aren’t in Wrath content.