Why I want Wrath Era

i mean i get that but there are two problems:

  1. the plots of WC3 and TFT are fairly linear without enough spun off side stories to make wow entertaining.

  2. Blizz needed to keep the RTS for later. Sure it was a little disappointing that we didn’t kill arthas in vanilla, but i think the overall story benefitted from giving illidan, kael’thas, and arthas room to breathe in later expansions after the world building had largely been done.

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Oh I agree with you. Illidan being paranoid The Legion and Arthas were coming for him because he failed to kill Arthas, and fulfill his promise to the Legion Arthas was good as dead was a solid plot device to drive the reason he’d gone mad and started to raise a Fel army. Served as a valid reason he’d fight us after all he wanted was freedom and peace after Malfurion let him go.

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And Azeroth was saved… UNTIL

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Lots of people quit during Cata for many different reasons. Much of that could just be normal attrition that happened through out the game without new players coming to play such an old game. According to the subs a substantial majority played all of Cata into MoP. 80% of the players stayed with the game. I think 10 million people paying $15 every month for 2 years is a pretty good endorsement of Cata despite the small minority who didn’t like it and unsubbed.


This is interesting. Just got off work and saw I had a response flagged for trolling and skimmed several of my most recent responses, unsure of what I had said which would’ve been trolling … only to find it was this thread.

Kind of funny when I see Drain’s response is unflagged and Yehmi and I got one … I think there is something more at work here.

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IIRC the highest point in WoW sub history was Wrath and has been a downward arrow ever since


Just anti-Cata alts spam reporting. But doesn’t matter in the end, as it gets restored by Blizzard and they get silenced for doing that


Sure, That’s in part what I said. While there was a minority of players who quit the vast majority seemed to like it. The other gaming companies didn’t see Cata as a failure. They wished their games would do as well a Cata did.

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maybe because you keep spamming for folks to stop making threads for Wrath Era realms (even doe Blizzard asked for folks opinion about it) and folks are getting annoyed about it, food for thought

Same thing with Yehmi, what is it with Anti Wrath folks coming into Wrath Era Support post and trying to push their own propaganda of why it shouldn’t happen. We get it, you don’t like Wrath, you love Cata, move on. It’s fine but let people voice their opinions and their support for Wrath Era realms, and stop spamming on people post, it’s so cringe.


Just anti Wrath spamming in a pro Wrath Era post :man_facepalming:t2:

Self awareness in the negative I see


I’m not anti-wrath man. How is this so hard. I like Wrath but I’m not in love with it.
The issue is that most of pro-wrath players have a deep hate towards Cata and spit lies about it or are just generally clueless about what the current players want. You don’t even know why you hate Cata in the first place. Most of you don’t even know what changes came in Cata.

And yes I’m mostly in “pro-wrath” threads because thats the threads you keep creating lately. I’m not just going to stay here and let people say stuff like “Talent trees are gone! NOOOOO” (they are not), “World is gone NOOOOOOO” (while that same person spammed for rdf and JJ) or “The MAJORITY hates Cata and it will DOA!!!” (proceeds about a graph that shows that 20% left without context)


I wonder who you are hiding behind your sock puppet there. Clearly you seem to think you know how I respond to threads, which implies you’re not “new” to the forums.

I’m willing to bet you abused the flagging system by rotating alts and flagging.


Take a good long look in the mirror every time you switch to another toon. You’ll see what’s really “cringe”.

This being said … you mention:

Show me where I’m against WotLK servers being a thing?

I’ve been very consistent in stating I’m 100% for them; however, I’m also 100% against people doing exactly what you’re doing and hiding behind multiple toons to make it appear as though there are more people actually asking for them then what’s real with multiple threads. That’s called spam, which is also against the ToS, FYI.

You keep on doing you though. I’m not concerned about your abusing the system with the flagging of my response. I didn’t say anything out of turn. :man_shrugging:t2:

I truly hope Blizz implements battle tags on these forums, just like they do on every other forum they have.

Still a decline. I mean numbers tell a bigger story losing subs just saying minority gives a strange picture of a niche hobby. How many subs did cata originally lose 5, 10, ~2.9million?


Literally the same thing your doing with Wrath

This could be said about Cata players as well

I’m Pretty sure I know why I don’t like Cata, the end of Hybrid spec, and the death of the old world, the end of certain specs uniqueness (Unholy Tank, Frost Tank) which I’m pretty sure in another post you said you don’t care about either of those point.

Literally the first time here, but keep schizo posting I guess

Yes they are, can you go into other tree specs without spending 31 points in cata? ( you can’t) seem to me you didn’t play Cata.

This could literally be said about Cata too since people just spam RDF to level in Cata

There’s plenty of context as to why, you can go read old forum post or even check old youtubers like Preach and another’s too. They go into a wild amount of details as to why Cata wasn’t liked and why it had a massive drop off, People have also expressed and explain to you in almost every post you comment on why, and you just simply respond with “not true” as if you were them or as if your the ONLY one that can know.

also the sheer irony of you trying to tell people own personal reasons/experience why they didn’t like cata being wrong, is beyond condescending. I have seen post over post of you just trying to gaslight folks (unsuccessfully). Legit it’s beyond my understanding as to what level of delusional you’ve reached.

You can like Cata that’s perfectly fine ( and mind you we can have both Cata and Wrath, Blizzard isn’t some small indie company) but to just keep trying to push anti Wrath propaganda because others like it and want it, is beyond unreasonable.


This is beyond hilarious. :joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

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Who would have thought my wholesome post about why Wrath is my favorite version of the game would get people so angry at each other


Congratulations you achieved something nobody else did before: This is so out of touch with everything I don’t even want to waste my breath to answer this. This means a lot considering I have responded to Abomb the leader of the trolls that got more silenced than some of you have posts in the forums.

Just referring to this (think about it first, you haven’t done it yet):

But you’re undead, you don’t breathe


You got me

The dude abused the flagging system something fierce by rotating their alts and even went so far as to like their own posts with all those alts. It’s really hilarious.

No sense in even trying to respond to their nonsense. Wasted effort at this point.

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