Why I want Wrath Era

There is nothing wrong with Blizzard repeating their mistakes again.

There is nothing wrong with Blizzard going against Classic’s mission statement.

There is nothing wrong with WoW dying again.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

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Its game over. I was hoping for wrath servers but its not happening so play a different game. I sure as hell not leveling on any future wrath servers if they release them i leveled a bunch on this one. Its just time to find another game. Blizzards wrecking theirs. Destiny 2 has been working for me.

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I feel there is still hope. But it does seem slim.


There IS still hope since Op. Gnomer and Zalazane are technically not part of the prepatch


I do not see a world where these events are permanent content and that’s the state Wrath era would have to be in at this point. We may as well be in Cata territory already.

So yeah. We lost our game again. This time permanently. WoW is dead.


Blizzard aren’t making WotLK Era servers, if they were we’d of heard about it by now. They could release them later down the line but it’d be strange to make WotLK Era servers and not TBC Era servers.

Maybe one day when Blizzard doesn’t care about the loss it’ll be by having so many versions of the game (as in each version needing its own install) and having to maintain them etc. we’ll get more Era servers.

Are you a gnome so you can be closer to daddy Blizzard’s boots?

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Sounds like you might as well quit then. Womp womp.

Already did. gnome alt. The second they said they had no plans for a wrath era, I was out.


No I’m a Gnome because of their intellect and engineering racials…

If you’re suggesting that Apathy is my alt then I laugh at you, he’s on Mankrik and I’m on Arugal, not to mention alt swapping and having 2,000+ posts on both is psychotic

wrath is coming back in a sod like way, watch in abt 20 yrs lol

I mean if the shoe fits and it most certainly does

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Think what you want.

I do think the truth. yes

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They wont do this because there is more money in rolling out classic era and progressing thru expansions again.

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Well, we will keep bugging them until they do make permanent wrath classic servers lol.


Your reply has nothing to do with what I’ve said and all it does is bring more attention to this thread by bumping it. If you want to keep this thread alive make a response that makes sense.

edit: a letter.

I want Both TBC and Wrath to come back as Eras. Classic WoW Experience was way too rushed specially with this year with Catacylsm rushing ahead into Pandaria next.


Yes, because reading is hard. That intellect racial is really doing wonders for you.

Who are you talking to? I assume me but you didn’t reply to me…

Please, please, please… keep Wrath.