Why I want Wrath Era

Don’t get me wrong Cata is cool and all but is is the most massive-change expansion of all time. Nothing about the ‘classic’ experience is preserved once they re-vamp everything.

There are a lot of people who would prefer tbc or wrath to start over.


Well the thing is though is that they don’t need to preserve the world on progression servers because it’s already preserved in Classic Era. Cataclysm Classic is Classic, Blizzard names it such which makes it so.

Now I do understand, I’m being very literal with what I’ve said and them adding a WotLK Era server while honestly not making sense with the precedence of TBC would be welcome by most. Not all of those people would play but I and I assume a majority of the people who won’t even play WotLK Era don’t really care if they were added or not.

But currently with Blizzard stating that they currently have no plans for WotLK Era kinda cements the fact that there’s not going to be any WotLK for quite some time if ever as unfortunate as that may sound.


Besides the fact that Cata is 14 years old, the same age Vanilla Classic got released. Defining “Classic” is just a idiotic take and it makes me cringe every time I read it. Same with saying “the trilogy”. Nothing about Wrath has to do with Vanilla lol

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It’s as arbitrary as anything else people come up with on the forums. Saying Wrath has more in common with Vanilla than Cata is laughable when you really think about the overall design of the game.

Even the Azeroth questing experience is quite different in Wrath. People don’t realize how much it was nerfed. More experience. MUCH less elite mobs and quests.

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So was it warlock or DK

Also what do you miss about the old talent trees, you simply had to reach 31 points into a spec before it let you drop points into another tree.

Furthermore assuming you where a warlock, cataclysm brought in one of the best specs in the game for warlocks, demonology, which over the following 3 expansions was improved and made even more amazing until it’s demise for the demon hunter class.

The raids where quite nice and only the content drought killed the game, cata is simply a WotLK 2.0, I feel like you didn’t really give it an actual go.

And my last question please don’t take it the wrong way as I am not judging but simply wanting to know, what did you actually do in WotLK and Cata, you say that character you’re posting on is your original WotLK one, I see nothing in dungeon achievements or raids in WotLK and not even a handful in cata, what is your goal in playing the game, rather how do you play.

Fun fact: You can have more than one character and raiding isn’t the whole game.

I was 14, I didn’t understand what raiding was. I mainly did quests and pvp. What I missed about the old talent trees were the removed abilities. I thought “I missed Corpse Explosion” got that sentiment across pretty well considering it was an ability only available through talents that was removed from the game. I also didn’t like how you got your big talent at level 10. Unlocking Felguard felt like you finally reached the pinnacle of your class but getting it at level 10 did not feel earned at all.

And no, like I said, I was there when Cata launched and I was really excited for it. Believe me, I gave it “a go”. Its cool that you liked it but it took away everything I liked about the game

This wasn’t the “gotcha” you thought it would be


You got there around level 70 I think. So for 70 of 85 levels you’re locked to a single tree. Then you get 10 more talent points from then on to spread around. All hybrid specs die. You’re forced into a single tree for almost the entire leveling experience. You only get a point ever couple levels, instead of every level.

You can say ‘spending a point to gain 1% crit is boring’, but you know what’s even more boring? NOT spending a talent point to gain 1% crit. At least you’re doing something, making a choice. So you get a little sense of progression every level.

In Cata you’re just handed these powerful, iconic abilities as soon as you pick a spec. Gameplaywise maybe it’s more interesting than using a smaller array of abilities for a longer period of time, but again it deflates that sense of unlocking cool new abilities.

I remember vividly detesting the gutting of the talent trees in Cata. It’s not anything Blizz can change in Classic though, because it goes deeper than just the talents. When you choose your spec you get active abilities, you get passives, there’s the mastery. So it pretty much has to all be tied together and lock you into a tree. It’s dummy proofing the game by eliminating freedom and choice. You may say that the choice was an illusion to begin with but shockingly not everyone chose the meta talents back in the day. A lot of people just played what they found fun. That all came to an end in Cata. “Play the way you’re supposed to play!” became the Blizzard mantra.

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I was asking because achievements are account wide and you have none for any dungeons in WOTLK and Some in cata during MOP, so it was a question on what you do in the game? do you farm, do you quest, do you pvp, which you had answered now, which is fair enough.

Cata had amazing revamped quests and I am honestly suspicious that getting a spell at level 10 vs at level 60, which isn’t even the max for WotLK or Cata is what ruined the game for you, I think you’re setting unrealistic standards at this point; looking at your quests and pvp activity doesn’t seem like you “gave it a go” at all, not sure you even managed to reach level 85.


Again to reiterate, surprised WotLK was exactly what you wanted as your expectations of game design is super specific, and very unrealistic, as I don’t think you where playing the game more so just trying to play a single player RPG 10% the way through.

You’re melting my many reasons down to a single one due to either willful ignorance or bad reading comprehension.

You are not arguing in good faith

Hey guys I found another WoTLK Era supporter:

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“Cata Classic” - as someone who has been thru every xpac endgame style that makes me laugh every time I hear it LOL. Yet somehow makes sense with the bizarro backwards world we live in today. Nothing classic about that xpac, and as someone who was there, it was mostly disliked. You will always have the folks who will contrarian that and the ones who weren’t there, so they want to play it, Have at it…that said…LOLOLOLOL

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Classic is whatever Blizzard says it is, we can have our own definition on what it means but it’s ultimately Blizzard that decides what is and isn’t.

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Yeah, that threw me for a loop but its good to know that one of the biggest anti-Wrath era people is secretly a Wrath era supporter

Our conquest is converting hearts and minds to the cause!


Yeah, not preserving each expansion completely goes against the whole point of Classic.

“Servers for previous expansions as they were then.”

We think we do and we do


Originally it was to experience Azeroth before the Cataclysm (it was the tagline for Classic) and we got that with Classic Era. The point of Classic isn’t to pick and choose which expansion you want to live in, currently it’s progressing through the expansions as progression servers. Classic WoW is a time capsule, everything after either isn’t as meaningful to preserve or Blizzard just doesn’t want to put the money into servers that’ll most likely be low pop realms.

Maybe they’ll make TBC, WotLK, etc. era realms but as it stands Blizzard has no interest in having other expansions as Era realms.

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That was the exact wording of the question popped that gave us the infamous “You think you do, but you don’t” answer iirc


Aye. Losing Wrath again is basically losing the game all over again.

This would be like if old school runescape added EOC into the game.

But I guess this is how a good game dies. With a roaring applause.


See you in cata

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Glad for those who want Cataclysm. I too want the option of a Wrath-ever-era realm.

If I want to play Cataclysm I just log into modern retail WoW. So-called classic simply ends where Cata begins. Glad for those who want it. Yet, Wrath deserves its own realm as well.

Sadly, if they do not leave a Wrath era realm up for our existing characters, I will never trust Blizzard again should they roll a Wrath era realm in the future knowing they would likely destroy it once again. So, here’s to hoping for a single Wrath era realm.

Again, glad for those who want Cataclysm, but I will simply uninstall any supposed ‘era’ beyond Cata as I already have Retail WoW to ‘scratch that itch’. Eras Wrath and below? Yes please! I also wish they would add a Chromie Time classic OG vanilla game world option to modern Retail WoW even with ground mount requirements I would absolutely love it. All the old quests and old locations.

Regardless, please Blizzard, one Wrath ere forever realm like the Classic era forever realms. Then you can still do the Cataclysm and beyond for all the others who want it.

Keeping hope alive for those of us Wrath enjoyers.


You won’t. I cancelled my sub.

Weird that you’re fighting to have less options to play your game though.

“Please give us less” - Yehmi