Why I want Wrath Era

They did an interview during Blizzcon stating that they’re currently no plans for WotLK era servers.


Q: Will there be wrath era servers
A: No plans for right now.

It’s because they’re likely inactionable because of their location.

You can say that about any game, what’s important is how much enjoyment you get through playing said game.

It’s just different flavours of Vanilla, SoD is pretty much their attempt at Classic+, Hardcore probably stayed as an addon and Era is pretty dead afaik.

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You are confusing “Lore” with “Story”

You can have a game with lots of Lore but almost no Story
You can have a game with very little Lore but lots of Story

Lore is the backdrop of the world and history of areas
Story is the things that happen during the run of the game

Vanilla has plenty of Lore but not alot of Story.

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I dont think wow has either ngl. At least compared to other popular games or mmos (ff/eso)

I doubt that. There are a small number of players who fell in love with one expansion and wants to stay there forever. And a much larger group who wants to progress though many expansions. No matter what the game the vast majority of players finish the game, replay it on a few different characters, then stop playing it and want to move onto something else. The next expansion or a different game entirely.


I am not sure about the ip rights being something needing protection as they might just want to use the private servers to test for free what might work and sod might be the response to turtle. If that is the case might just want to take a break until legion or pandaland if that is the end. Best message might just not buying wow tokens until we can be sure we are in the final expansion as even if you want to spend money on wow gear through the token might be best to not do that until you know which expansion is the end.

I honestly dont know if i will even continue playing if there are no wrath servers.

I am kind of in that debating stage myself. We will see what the definitive answer is.


Y’all already know my stance on that. I canceled my sub and when the clock runs out, I’m never looking back unless I get to keep my character on a Wrath era server


I am just waiting for a definitive answer. I mean, we aren’t making permanent wrath classic servers currently. That isn’t a definitive no or yes.

When blizzard comes out and says, we are never making permanent wrath classic servers. Then maybe my stance will change.

Right now, we don’t even know whether blizzard will make them or not. It is a definitive maybe.

They also stated that they are listening to feedback to. Straight on the wowhead post.


They will NEVER say that. They never even said that about Vanilla servers.

So right off the bat you’re setting up a scenario you know will never take place. Which means you can continue to complain about it forever. Because Blizz will never say never.

But they have given a definitive answer, and the answer is NO.

Ok and zaalg. I don’t bloody agree with you. I think you are wrong lol.

Telling us that there are currently no plans for wrath classic. And telling us no, there are no permanent wrath classic servers ever. Them telling us that there are no plans for wrath classic as a permanent option is not a definitive no we are not giving them in my op. End of story.

And what about permanent vanilla era servers. They announced as soon as bc classic was coming out that we had the option to clone our toons. I just didn’t give a rats tail because, to heck with vanilla. I wanted permanent wrath since the beginning.
I just remember the pricing being insane at first. But that was the only drama I remember.

So because alot of us didn’t give a rats tail about vanilla classic. Oh man. Now we will never give a rats tail about any permanent era realms in the future. Which is very sound reasoning. But I will wait until we either get permanent wrath classic era realms. Or we don’t get them and we have a definitive answer stating that.


I’m not wrong. I didn’t state an opinion. I stated a fact. They will never say never about Wrath Era servers.

So, like I said, you’ve created a scenario you know won’t ever take place. Therefore you know you can whine about it forever.

Which is great for Blizzard. Why spend the resources to create Wrath Era realms to keep you 3 or 4 people subbed, when they can just not make them and keep you subbed so you can keep complaining about it?

Man I love how you think it is like 3 or 4 of us fighting for permanent wrath classic servers. Like what a joke. It’s way more than that. Just not enough compared to everyone else moving into cata. And I will just keep fighting until I get what I want, plain and simple.

Like stop saying only 4 people want permanent wrath classic era realms. You are delusional as all heck if you think only 4 people are going to be playing permanent wrath era realms.

Ok and with your fact. What will they say about permanent wrath classic servers then zaalg if they aren’t going to say we are never going to get them. If they aren’t going to say never. What will they say them. All they have said is that they have no plans currently. That is all that they have said. And it is a fact that it could easily change and become a different statement.

Like hey, we have looked at the feedback. And because of our analysis of the feedback. We are going to be creating permanent wrath classic servers after all. I mean, you can believe whatever you want to believe zaalg. And I will believe what I believe. And I believe you are wrong. I don’t believe what you are stating is fact. Like at all period.


They will say “No, we have no plans for them.”

And then the 3 or 4 of you guys can continue to make post after post begging for them. Which means you’re still subbed anyway, and Blizz has no reason to make them.

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Again, it isn’t only 4 of us. Like it just isn’t.

And yah I can keep making posts. And you can just keep posting your bullcorn about how you disagree with me and what you are saying is fact. And I can disagree and keep on going to. Although I am going to start blocking you and rehmi. You two are behaving pretty irrationally. And It is pretty difficult to have a discussion with anyone who behaves like that.

Like seriously. I don’t care if you are stating a fact. I will disagree with that If I feel like it lol. I mean, 2+ 2 equals 4. That is a fact. Saying blizzard will never make permanent wrath classic era servers is not a fact. Because we have no Idea if they will or or won’t make permanent wrath classic servers currently based on their recent statements.


They will say nothing. If they never change their mind they will say nothing more than they already said. If they change their mind they will say nothing until the day they announce them. I could give you a dozen examples of that, Blizzard never enters into the discussions.

No one thinks it’s only 3 or 4. People always engage in hyperbole in the midst of an argument.

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In terms of forum posters it’s 3 or 4 people.

That’s maybe a little bit low but not outrageously so.

Well, like 95% of the pro-Wrath Era posts are made by two people…Wafectus and Mktaar. And I’m starting to suspect it’s the same person. He kinda gave a hint earlier.

They’re not going to so no it’s so that they don’t create outrage if they don’t or get called out for lying if they do. Them saying no plans currently is pretty much them saying no WotLK Era servers are going to happen.

They promised to have permanent Classic Era servers as a way to show the world of Azeroth before the Cataclysm.

I think it’s a hyperbolic statement meant to say a point, that being that even though it might not be 3/4 it’s so little that it might as well be.

Personally I think that the chances of them making a WotLK Era server in like 5 years is quite high, only you’d have to start from scratch.

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