Why I think Race-Class combinations ARE important, and removing restrictions could be harmful

That’s also true for WoW. When you first log in, the only thing you know about the world is what you see on your screen.

The first time it clicked in my head just how huge the world was, I was flabbergasted.

This seems to me a bit too extreme. I think it would be better to just freeze any new creation of “bad” combinations. That way we don’t impact existing characters.

I really want another choice for alliance shaman
I dont like the current ones

Gnome Paladin, Tauren Rogue. Really the only two combos I would like to be one day. Even if it never happened I would be ok, just would like the option more than it not being one.

Honestly, this is something that’s been on my mind again. I definitely think it’s worth looking at the options again and whether there are other classes that makes sense. But there are definitely some that do not, and I think Tauren and Draenei Rogues, and Orc Priests, are examples that really just don’t work.

I really circle back to my earlier analogy, which is that if you’re someone who just DOESN’T care about the lore, then you would be better served finding a game that allows “anyone to be anything”. But WoW was created with races very much BEING “cultures”, and their class-selection is an extension of that. It’s not that there is anythin that PHYSICALLY or BIOLOGICALLY prevents an Orc from being a Priest. However, CULTURALLY the two simply are not compatible.

Because when you open up too many options, then they ultimately become meaningless. I mean, Blizzard has repeatedly made this same mistake with Death Knights, but if everyone can just be everything, and “characters can be whoever they want to be”, then you aren’t building a WORLD anymore, just a vapid, meaningless sandbox.

And really, why should players bother investing themselves in the game’s lore, if it ultimately isn’t going to matter? What’s the point of learning about Cenarius and how Druids came to exist, if you’re just going to presumably let Goblins or Gnomes become Druids?

This stuff MATTERS. And while I’m all for re-examining what restrictions do exist, I think the idea that “we’re just going to remove ALL limitations” is just a complete failure to maintain a Fantasy setting.

Again, just look at the clear success that Legion had with fans, at least on a narrative perspective. People LOVE having individualized class-fantasy. But that doesn’t – in fact, it really CANNOT exist in a world where “everyone can just be everything”. Because then those stories, those distinctions, those CULTURES are rendered irrelevant.

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Well, you’re wrong, taurens have had Rogues and Mages, orcs have had Priests and Mages since the beginning of this game.

Tauren Rogues and Mages:

Orc Priests and Mage:

They have always been there. Just because they weren’t a playable option in 2004 doesn’t mean they break lore. Blizzard is allowed to update or correct mistakes without it being a retconn. The lore isn’t going to be stagnant to appease a few purest. The character you’re posting on “BREAKS LORE!!!111!!” because DKs, especially human DKs, were a Horde only unit in WC2. However, Blizzard updated the lore in WC3 then updated it again in Wrath. How is that ok but it’s not ok to allow tauren Rogues?


I’m all for removing class and race restrictions as long as they make sure it remains lore accurate like if I make a Void Elf Paladin my character better like instantly explode and permanently die deleting the character

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Tauren paladins was the moment I realized that there really is no one left at Blizzard that cares and/or knows anything about Warcraft lore. I say accelerate this dumpster fire to it’s logical conclusion: Pandaren demon hunters. Why care about the lore when Blizzard obviously doesn’t anymore.

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Explain how tauren Paladins breaks lore, Blood Elf Monk.

You’re playing on a race that’s mostly Mages, Warlocks, Hunters, Rogues and Paladins. The class you picked started from an Easter Egg in WC3 that then turned into brand new lore pulled out of thin air.


Give me one reason why Tauren Paladins are lore breaking. Go ahead.

Creating new lore to justify a class/race combo is not a crime. It’s a sign of proper creative writing.

Now the moment they allow Draenei and Night Elf Warlocks, that’s when there’s a problem.

Yup Tauren rogues make sense. Especially if you rp a grimtotem or bloodtotem rogue. Those clans embrace many things a rogue would be.

The mages make sense due to there elemental and primalist magic. If vulpera can be mages I dont see why tauren can’t be either. And primalist mage tier looks pretty cool.


And ?, does that mean he/we cant voice our concerns ?

There are certainly some races/classes that make absolutely no sence…

Take for example. Druid or Paladin Void Elves… Void come from the freaking VOID the anthitesis of Holy and Nature.

Blood Elfs Druids also make no sence, as they are mana hunger, its even on the TBC video.

Then for example, Draenei Warlock … they have expirience first hand what Fel Energy does… do not make any sence having Draenei Locks.

Rogue Tauren, LMAO

Or the worst offender. Undead Druid … the anthitesis on wow cosmology


It’s funny to see a velf laugh at anyone’s back story. At least taurens have one. The Grimtotem, and their Rogues, have been with the Horde since Classic WoW.

Velf anything, especially a PRIEST is “LMAO.”

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I would suggest you play the game more and learn more of the lore. Orc priest make sense, shadow priests basically exists because they were trying to imitate orc shadow magic.

The game evolves. With Zereth Mortis we see machine life predates biological life. This means machine life is natural life.

We see titan creatures adapt druidism very easily. Vrykul, dwarves (wildhammer), humans. Gnomes wouldnt be so far capable.

A goblin druid could be any goblin that worships a loa in Zuldazar, maybe like Jani even. Or maybe stumbles upon a mechanical loa. Like the Zereth spider loa.

Any horde race could theoretically start worshipping a loa to increase its power and get access to the emerald dream really.

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There’s a difference between Racial culture and the choices of individuals belonging to those races… even IRL.

Once upon a time, player characters in WOW were humble adventurers, and if an adventurer decides to shrug off their cultural upbringing to seek out and learn the ways of Druidism (for example) then why can’t they?

A lone Blood Elf Druid (for example) doesn’t mean Silvermoon will now erect a temple of Elune.

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As my pal Garrosh once said “times change”

All that effort and all I saw was “YOU playing a race/ class combo effects MY experience”

My playing a Tauren Paladin has no effect on your ability to play the game. It doesnt take away from your game, it doesnt stop you from experiencing the World of Warcraft but you will pretend it does because “MAH EMURSHUNS”

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wait wait wait…

Priest have always been able to draw energies from Both the Holy and the Void… They are more like a messenger if you will, than a Paladin which is kind of a Crusader.

Im not all holy… and all of my powers i have “glyphed” then to have shadowy energies, like Penance for example.

A Paladin though, is only Holy., His powers are like Divine Retribution and stuff… Whereas Priest Holy powers are chants and prayers to holy powers, not the embodiment of such powers., Well maybe some like Apotheosis, but not all.

And then there are Shadow Priests, which make absolutely the most fit Void Elf Class… Specially as we have literally VOID form…

And Rogue Tauren, i wasnt laughing at their backstory… more about their size and sigility …, which i think are paramount for Rogues…, if you want to make Rogue Tauren, please make it so that when they are stealth, you can hear their steps… makes sence …

You cant be a Rogue, weigthing 1 TON

Alternatively, and just hear me out here:

Classes are collections of their mechanical abilities that manifest as a result of tackling challenges in the world.

Races are groups of people that hail from a particular culture.

The two are not linked intrinsically. You can have outliers from a particular culture and the culture OR class’s ‘lore’ doesn’t fall apart. So what if the Tauren are ‘Sun Druids’? That just proves the point of Paladins being linked by their abilities rather than any individual ethos.

I know you tried to head off the discussion, but D&D does this with Paladins of multiple stripes; a Paladin of Pelor and a Paladin of Helm both use the exact same abilities but come from different disciplines, different viewpoints on the world, and different oaths they’ve taken.

All a class serves as is a package to interact with the world mechanically, you can define your power however you like. Thus it would be here, the only person you have to justify your character concept to is yourself.

Open all classes to all races.


No, because ultimately, what you do with your class, impacts other people expirience.

It just doesnt make sence having a Rogue 2 TONS Tauren running like he was some athlete. It makes sence having a Tauren Warrior, it doesnt make sence having a Tauren Rogue… (By the same line, Gnome Warriors are moronic)

Your Rogue is somehow impacted by my Rogue? Because I’d like you ask you what the ‘Tauren Fantasy’ is of yours, why they’re suddenly incapable of stealth, subterfuge, and even outright playing dirty?

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