I suppose I’ll add the concession that, lastnight I just happened to go through a lot of the Class-Race options we currently have. And frankly, I think there are a ton of bad examples already implemented. Because like I said, at least at the LAUNCH of WoW, “Classes” were deeply meaningful. “Hunters” weren’t just “anyone capable of picking up a bow or a gun”, there was also an element of being one with nature, it gave them a sort of primitive connection. So Hunters and Gnomes, being perhaps a bit too “civilized”, couldn’t be Hunters, while Dwarves and Night Elves could.
At this point, it really does feel like they’ve just absolutely watered-down a lot of that meaningfulness. Hell, I’ve said it before, but I thought it was interesting when Blood Elves couldn’t be Warriors – because it painted Warriors as “rugged, barbarian-style fighters”, not just “anyone who can pick up a weapon”.
Lore has been so watered-down, the distinctions really do feel almost completely meaningless now.
In a perfect world, TO ME, Blizzard would have the guts to dole out some free Race or Faction changes, and just say “we made a mistake, some of these classes really don’t align with their races’ cultures”, and if nothing else, use Allied Races as a means to “fill in the gaps” (ie. I’ve suggested a group of Eredar that seek to make amends might make for a good Allied Race, who wouldn’t be able to be Paladins, Priests, or Shamans, but COULD be Rogues, Warlocks, or Demon Hunters).
But barring that… I dunno. I think Draenei Warlocks and Undead Paladins are still examples of combos that really CAN’T work, but otherwise, it really is a pretty weak state of things at this point.