Why I think Race-Class combinations ARE important, and removing restrictions could be harmful

To say a race would remain stagnant forever is stupid. They grow, change and learn. That’s the natural progression of things.

It is not lore breaking to make tauren paladins because 1.) they have a Light-based deity 2.) unlike Void Elves, there’s nothing preventing them from becoming paladins and 3.) nothing had to be retconned.

There was no dumb one-liner like “necromancy is necromancy!” to explain Sunwalkers.

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Blizzard just retconned their entire universe to force in Zovall! And in past instances where they didn’t want to bother justifying lore changes, they have responded and I quote “A Wizard did it”.

I get it, you love the lore. But the Reality is that Blizzard has no respect for it and don’t try to maintain continuity.

They’re not going to take away when WoW is already one of the most restricted MMO’s out there, and they’re desperate to get the sub numbers up before the Microsoft acquisition happens, because they know if the subs are still in the toilet when the acquisition happens, then MS will very likely come into Blizzard HQ and start handing out pink slips.

Heck, MS owns a ton of Studios; think about the scenario where MS thinks Blizzard is no longer capable of running WoW and MS then assigns the IP to another one of their in house studios.

I bet you’re screaming there’s no way in heck that could ever happen; a lot of people also said that Activision Blizzard would NEVER get purchased by Microsoft, and then it happened.

The combos are happening. You gotta make peace with it, or maybe decide if WoW is still your Game.


Yeah, I thought that was stupid on a Cosmic level, but that’s what we have come to expect from Steve Danhauser; retcons and story telling as bad as Disney Star Wars and current Star Trek.

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I like how everyone who tries to cite the lore argument can’t actually give you a lore reason that an Orc can’t be a paladin, or a panda/zandi warlock.

Just a bunch of dinosaurs trying to steer a ship they have no idea how to drive.


They don’t have a source.

Human & dwarves - faith
Draenei / LFD - naaru
Tauren - An’she
Belves - Sunwell
Zandalari - Loa of Kings

The orcs do no have a connection to the Light in any way. Most or all of orc priests are Shadow.


Mag’har Started off with priests aswell, done.

Mag’har have a connection via Lightbinding, Aka the Lightbound.

Yeah and they’re shadow.

Orcs that wanted to follow the Light are with Yrel atm.

Btw, I’m not against orc Paladins. I’m just answering that guy’s question.

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If an individual orc wanted to go out and form that connection though, there’s nothing stopping them.

Very few hard “no” combinations actually exist, like Forsaken paladin.

Because they would just burn to dust.

You asked for a source, I gave you one, That’s literally the answer to it, Wether or not they are on azeroth is a different story.

And besides we all know what timey wimey shennanigans happen whenever blizzard wants to justify something


We have had Forsaken Paladins in lore, They went insane, But they do exist.

There are undead Paladins though. The really powerful necromancers, Balnazzar and Kel’Thuzad, raised some.

The only race/class combo that can’t exist is velf Paladins. They would explode :stuck_out_tongue: My suggestion was to have a separate order of Shadow Knights with unique purple spell effects to explain that combo.

No we have Scourge and Risen (ex-Scarlet Crusade) Paladins. There are no Forsaken ones.


There’s a reason they turn insane.

I use “burn to dust” figuratively, but the burning is what drives them mad. Its a little worse than burning normally, they can feel their rotting flesh and all that juicy fun stuff.

Yes, but if they decided to lock it, I would find it at least somewhat more justifiable than what at this point is an arbitrary lock on the Zandi warlocks.

Yeah that doesn’t make sense. Zandalari have “Demonaics”, which are Demon Hunters, but Blizzard decided to ignore they exist. Plus, I believe there are Zandalari in Nazmir that use the fel and summon demons.

If friggin’ vulpera can figure it out, I think the trolls can, too.

Even disregarding they always had warlocks and that was retconned.

No race/class restrictions?!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Whats next no more Race/Faction restrictions?

:thinking: Alliance Undead Paladin??? OKAY! :smiley:

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Well, in this one case there is some lore to support it.

Keep in mind Orcs actually swept into Shattrath to add to the slaughter, so many would have been exposed to the Red Mist as well. If it was able to cut off Draenei from the light, its plausible that it would prevent those exposed Orcs from ever establishing a connection to it either.

That having been said, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Orc Paladins based on the old RPG class of Spirit Champions instead.

You could make the argument, but the lack of mutations or any noted adverse effects to the orcs leaves room to go either way there.

In hindsight, not the most clear-cut example I could have used.

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Indeed. Its difficult to say, but knowing the Orcs were exposed to something that was able to cut even the Draenei off from the Light would be a big reason why we haven’t seen Orc Priests or Paladins prior to the Mag’har (although I suspect they have priest for Shadow spec for the sake of the Shadowmoon Orcs).

But even if that were true, like I pointed out, Spirit Champions from the RPG can easily be used to explain Orc Paladins.

Mmos aren’t doing well, WoW isn’t doing well.

In terms of video games in general candy crush makes more then WoW. These stupid restrictions that keep player choice at bay for the sake of an ever changing and non consistent “lore” hurts the game.

Expand the lore and make ur character the outlier who can be anything and more people would play.


It’s also worth noting how unreliable WoW’s lore is.

They retconned some of the most important events in the history of Warcraft’s lore, just to hype up what is essentially one of the worst villains in fiction.

That’s really it. There was no reason to do that at all within the context of SL’s story…but they did it.


I suppose I’ll add the concession that, lastnight I just happened to go through a lot of the Class-Race options we currently have. And frankly, I think there are a ton of bad examples already implemented. Because like I said, at least at the LAUNCH of WoW, “Classes” were deeply meaningful. “Hunters” weren’t just “anyone capable of picking up a bow or a gun”, there was also an element of being one with nature, it gave them a sort of primitive connection. So Hunters and Gnomes, being perhaps a bit too “civilized”, couldn’t be Hunters, while Dwarves and Night Elves could.

At this point, it really does feel like they’ve just absolutely watered-down a lot of that meaningfulness. Hell, I’ve said it before, but I thought it was interesting when Blood Elves couldn’t be Warriors – because it painted Warriors as “rugged, barbarian-style fighters”, not just “anyone who can pick up a weapon”.

Lore has been so watered-down, the distinctions really do feel almost completely meaningless now.

In a perfect world, TO ME, Blizzard would have the guts to dole out some free Race or Faction changes, and just say “we made a mistake, some of these classes really don’t align with their races’ cultures”, and if nothing else, use Allied Races as a means to “fill in the gaps” (ie. I’ve suggested a group of Eredar that seek to make amends might make for a good Allied Race, who wouldn’t be able to be Paladins, Priests, or Shamans, but COULD be Rogues, Warlocks, or Demon Hunters).

But barring that… I dunno. I think Draenei Warlocks and Undead Paladins are still examples of combos that really CAN’T work, but otherwise, it really is a pretty weak state of things at this point.